Chapter 11:Truth part 1

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As the Amazon princess fought the Captain cold and Reverse flash that recently arrived, Kara was tending to Y/n.

Supergirl: Can you stand up.

Y/n: Yeah I... ARGHHH!

The Judge stood up to reveal he landed on some rebar when he got shot by Cheetah and it imbedded itself into his back.

He got on one knee and grunts in pain.

Supergirl then got an idea she moved to brushed away Y/n's cape and blew cold air from her mouth.

Instantly the wound was sealed shut by the ice and Y/n could stand again but with a lot of struggle.

The teenagers glare at Cheetah who now turned her attention to them.

Cheetah: Hm, the girl of steel and, do my eyes deceive me. Word on the street was one of Batman's late brats walks the earth again and I rarely believed it. And Your him

Y/n glared at the cat lady for interpreting him as Batman's son

Cheetah: My, my. You two are the rarest find. Even rarer than the princess over there.

She gestures to Diana who is still fighting Captain cold and Reverse Flash.

Y/n and Supergirl raised their fist as Cheetah moved closer.

Cheetah: No wonder Brainiac wants both of you dead or alive.

Kara rushed in blindly, trying to fight off Cheetah but was scratched in the cheek.

The last daughter of Krypton fell to the ground as if she was exposed to Kryptonite.

Cheetah: (Chuckles) Kryptonian skin... so vulnerable to magic and my claws cut just like magic.

She stabs her claws into Kara's side and was about to finish the job when she was kicked in the face by Y/n.

Y/n: Stay away from her you living rug.

Cheetah: Hm, strong and fast. I like hunts like that.

Cheetah was about to rush to Y/n when Wonder Woman bashed her aside with her shield.

Wonder Woman: (To Y/n) Help, Kara.

Y/n did as he was told and started to wrap Kara's waist with bandages.

He helps Kara up and both notices they were holding each others hand. Both blush heavily from the contact.

Suddenly, Y/n noticed that Diana had defeated Cheetah but was about to stab her with her sword.

Supergirl: Diana no!

She uses her heat vision to make Wonder woman drop her weapon.

Y/n: Have you forgotten what Bruce told us to do ? DO. NOT. KILL.

Diana: Batman's rues are weak and so are you. I seen you kill before, you wield weapons of mass destruction and yet you lecture me about sparing our enemies.

Y/n: At least I only kill does that are actually guilty and don't show regret about killing. Everyone we ever fought has an chance to redeem themselves and only those who run out of chances deserve death.

Diana: Villains like Cheetah don't deserve redemption. (Gestures to defeated Captain cold and Reverse flash) None of them do. And you most certainly don't.

She makes her way to Y/n with her sword out.

Y/n tries to kick at the psychotic superheroine but fails and instead kicked in the helmet by Wonder woman.

He pulls out his pistol and she starts deflecting the bullets with her sword.

I roll out of the way from her sword stab and use the butt of my gun to hit here in the face.

However this only distracts her for abit and she goes in for an sideward slash

1:09 to 1:15

Y/n unsheathes his sword and uses it to block the attack but was skidded to the direction of the attack.

Diana: Enough!

Wonder woman grabs the boy by his helmet as he struggles in her grasp.

Wonder Woman: This time you die correctly!

She stabs his stomach causing him to scream bloody murder.

Y/n's scream made Kara, who was frozen in fear , to save him.

She released him from Wonder woman's grasp and set him down.

Y/n: (Joking weakly) I never knew I was an magnet for stabby things.

Kara's eyes started to glow red as she uses her heat vision to start sealing the wound. 

Y/n grunts in pain. 

He wasn't knew to the pain of using heat to seal an wound. He used an blowtorch to seal an stab wound he once got from Ra's al ghul.

Kara turned to Wonder woman. Both females glaring at each other with rage.

Wonder Woman: What do you think you're DOING, Kara?!

Supergirl: (standing) Stopping you before you make a mistake.

Wonder Woman: That criminal DESERVES to die!

Supergirl: He's not an criminal. He hasn't done anything wrong.

Wonder Woman: He tried to kill Kal and you say he hasn't tried to do anything wrong ?! He still poses an threat for anything that the Regime stand for.

Feeling Supergirl has disobeyed her teachings, Wonder Woman draws her sword. 

She has the advantage of millenia of experience, but she made the mistake of teaching Supergirl everything she knows...and Supergirl's an excellent student. Add in her Kryptonian powers and Wonder Woman is no match for the Woman of Steel.

Supergirl: (upset) I trusted you, Diana! (flies to Y/n, picks him up) You're gonna be okay. (takes off with Y/n) I'll get you to a doctor. Kal can protect you.

Y/n: (Weakly) Please.... No..... Anyone but him.

Kara becomes confused as Y/n begs her not to bring him to Superman but he passes out.

Ignoring her friend's begging she flies to the fortress of solitude. Unaware of the reason why Y/n begged her not to bring him there.

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