Chapter 4: Harley

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At Slaughter Swamp, a bunch of henchmen are packing crates from a shack. Harley, Black Canary and Green Arrow sneak to the shack unnoticed and look inside. They see one of the Society, Deadshot, talking to the man in charge

Deadshot: Can we move any faster? I don't need Gorilla Grodd taking my head off cuz you boys are too slow.

????: Fear not, Deadshot. We'll be ready for tomorrow's attack.

Black Canary: Tomorrow?

Harley: Cheeky monkey...

(Suddenly, a bunch of vines grab the three and string them upside down. Out of the shadows comes another Society member, Poison Ivy. She goes up to Harley and strokes her face.)

Poison Ivy: Fancy meeting you here.(Harley blows a gum bubble in Ivy's face.)

???????: (to Deadshot) Keep them moving. I'll see what that's about.

Harley: Red! I ain't seen you in forever! You here to take down these punks?

(Out of the cabin comes Scarecrow, small scythe in hand.)

Scarecrow: Quite a catch, Ivy.

Harley: (upset) Red? You're with them?!

Ivy: Your man, Bruce, was supposed to better care for the Green. All he's done is remodeled the concrete jungles of Gotham and Metropolis. Where I sit, there's not much difference between him and Superman.(While Ivy talks, Harley takes the knife she put behind her back and starts to cut the vines holding her.)

Green arrow: You're a few cones short of a pine if you think your new friends care about the Green.

Ivy: Grodd will keep his promises, or he'll be my next victim!

Harley: (a little sad) Oh, Red...why you makin' me do this?

(Harley cuts through her vines and, as she lands, passes the knife off to Black Canary, who severs HER vines as well as Green Arrow's. As the married couple goes after Scarecrow, Harley stares down Ivy.)

Harley: Let me get you outta here, girl. We can team up again. Drive all the boys crazy. Ya know? Like the old days...

Ivy: The old days were fun...but, these days, I'm all business!

The ex couple started to fight as Ivy shot giant vines at Ivy in an attempt to incapacitate her.

However, Harley was very athletic as she dodged each vine. 

As Harley made her way to poison ivy, she used the end of her gun to whack Ivy's face. 

Not one to back down, Ivy summoned plants from bellow to launch Harley into the air.

The clown pulled out her guns and started to shoot at the plant princess who uses her vines block the bullets.

As she lowered her defenses, Harley rushed at her ex and used an bat she had to hit Ivy's jaw knocking the plant themed villain out.

(I know I suck at fight scenes, but no way someone with an normal human biology could get back up after being hit in the head by an bat. I try to make the fights realistic as possible so to speak )

Harley: No more sleep-overs for you!

Harley runs over to see Green Arrow and Black Canary choking in fear gas. Then Scarecrow walks over and sprays more of the gas at Harley.

Scarecrow: Face your fears...

Harley: (inhaling the gas through her nose and then sneezing) Please! I used to huff this stuff for kicks!

Scarecrow: Then you'll appreciate my new formula. 

(sprays Harley more)

Harley: (groggy) Hey... (falls over)

Harley gags as she looks up to see an even scarier Scarecrow.

Scarecrow: You have a high tolerance...but everyone has SOMETHING to fear.

Despite being doped up on fear gas, Harley shows that Dr. Crane is no match for the former clown princess of crime.

Harley: (holding her head) Ugh...instant hangover...

Scarecrow: (sitting up) We're not...done yet...

(Scarecrow throws a gas bomb at Harley's feet. The smoke envelops her as she collapses. When she comes to, the swamp has turned into an amusement park. And in front of her is the gaping maw that's the entrance to a house of horrors. From inside the house, a very eerie, very familiar laugh is heard.

Harley: (dazed) Puh...Puddin'?

Out of the darkness of the maw and the fear gas smoke steps the Joker, dead these last several years...but still very much sadistic-looking. He slowly approaches Harley as she looks almost petrified.

Joker: Harley, darling! Look at you! Such a big girl! Cosplaying a superhero. LARPing in the Batcave. But you hear it, don't you?

Harley: (still dazed) Hear what?

Joker: The REAL you, buried under the floorboards, SCRATCH, SCRATCH, SCRATCHing to get out! (pulls a knife and mimes cutting his throat with it) The one who'd cut her friends' throats...and LAUGH about it.

Harley turns to see Batman, tied to a chair and struggling to get out. Harley is now smiling widely...and in her old Harley Quinn costume from her days with the Joker.

Harley: (now holding the knife) Yesssss...

Joker laughs in the background as Harley starts to approach Batman. Joker then walks behind her to watch.

Joker: Hehehehe! THAT's my girl! 

As Harley approaches Batman, though, her smile fades, as if she still remembers what she went through during the war. She lowers her knife and drops it. 

Joker: Oh, Harley! (points a gun at Harley's head) Always such a disappointment! Why do I bother?!

HARLEY: (swats gun aside, with conviction) Ain't no slick fella in a cheap suit and cheaper grin telling me who I am ever again! We had mad love, once upon a time. But now that's OVER, Mistah J!!

(I'm lazy so that's where it ends if you play the game you know she fights Swamp thing and Scarecrow and gets Swamp thing on their side.)

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