Chapter 12: The truth part 2

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Kara brought Y/n to the fortress of solitude. Or as she knew as the house of El

She walked in to see Superman, Damien and Black Adam talking.

They turned to her and Damien glared at Y/n but Kara ignored him.

Supergirl: Kal I need you to protect Y/n, Diana stabbed him in the chest and I need to bring the rest of the team here.

Superman: (to Nightwing and Black Adam) Give me a minute, both of you. 

Both leave as Superman lands in front of his cousin.)

Superman: Damina told me what happened. Is Diana all right?

Supergirl: She's fine...but she was gonna kill Y/n. I've never seen her so cold-blooded.

Superman: Yes, it's unfortunate...

Supergirl: (interrupting) I know. What was she thinking?!

Superman: (continuing) It's unfortunate Diana chose now to deal with Y/n. MORE unfortunate that you got in her way!

Supergirl: (shocked) What?!

Superman: An ally of batman, especially HIM is an danger to me and the rest of the world. We let him live countless more will continue to die.

Supergirl: Ally to batman ? Innocents were dying and he was the one to destroy more robots and protect the innocents than Diana or me! He helped more than destroy.

Superman: (stern) Don't be naive, Kara. Y/n's a criminal just like the joker. My only mistake was not dealing with him sooner.

Supergirl: Diana said the Joker was executed. Were YOU the one who...?

Superman: (getting angry) I took ONE life to save millions!

Supergirl: But it WASN'T just one, Kal, was it? How many? (turns Superman to face her) HOW MANY?! 

She touches the "S" on Superman's chest

Supergirl Everywhere I go, people are afraid of this. Now I know why!

Superman: It's NOT how I wanted things. But, humans,...they've been slaughtering each other for millennia. I stopped that violence.

 (Supergirl can't believe it) 

Superman: Humans need strong leadership. We have to save them from themselves!

Supergirl: Whose son are you? Jor-El's...or General Zod's?!

 She takes off out of the Fortress

Superman: KARA! (over an intercom heard throughout the Fortress) Don't let Kara leave the Fortress!

Nightwing jumped down and blocked Kara's way. He pulls out the same knife he used to kill Y/n before and makes an motion to Kara to give Y/n to him.

Damien: Give me to him Kara, I'll slit his throat like I did years ago.

Kara steps back horrified by the demand.

Unbeknownst to both of them, Y/n's muscle memory had went off when Damien spoke and his unconscious body knocked the brat into an wall, knocking the former protégé out.

Supergirl continues her way to the exit when she was struck by thousands of bolt of lighting curtesy of Black Adam and she screamed loud enough to cause some ice to crack.

Y/n's eyes jolted open when he heard his beloved- I mean "friend's" scream. 

He ran to the distracted Adam and stabbed his shoulder with one of his katana's. He pulled the Katana out and kicked Black Adam head through a screen.

He threw an kryptonite grenade at the man of steel, picked Kara up (Bridal style😏) and ran out of the house of El.

Y/n:(Gasp for breath) Now we're even.

Kara: (Smiles weakly) Are you even taking this seriously ?

Y/n smirked and started to run for the hills carrying his friend.

After hours of running Y/n fell to the ground exhausted and cold.

As he was about to pass out, he heard the jets of the plane.

The bat plane landed gracefully in front of the two teenagers as Batman stepped out.

Y/n: Holy Antarctic, lightning bolts, batman.

Batman inwardly smiled at the wacky catchphrase

The Crow used to quote an 60's show and made catchphrases inspired by the show.

Bruce used to think it was annoying. but after everything that's happened he felt that his son is slowly but surely coming back to him.

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