Chapter 17: Brainiac

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The three heroes were being beaten near death by Brainiac.

The alien had both Y/n and Batman in his grasp and choking them to death, while Superman was being pinned to the wall.

Batman's about to choke to death, but Brainiac then throws him aside as Superman flies towards him. 

 Brainiac swats the Kryptonian away like a fly. Superman and Brainiac float towards each other...and Superman double axe-handles the robot to the ground.

Brainac: (standing and smiling) Earth's time is up.

Superman: Where's Kara?!

Brainiac: Being vivisected. She has already taught me much about the nature of your powers.

Superman: Allow me to give you a proper demonstration!

Brainaic: I match your strength! YOU cannot match my intellect! You are only a Kryptonian of which I have killed BILLIONS!

And it's time for the MAIN EVENT! And, yes, Brainiac IS the superior intellect. Not to mention he has home-field advantage as his SHIP can attack, too. 

 But, when faced with the destruction of his second home, Superman's strength CANNOT be denied. It's as close as close can be but, by sheer will and power, Superman puts Brainiac into sleep mode!

Superman: (staggering a bit) That was for Krypton! The attacks on the fleet are weakening him. I could feel him losing steam as we fought.

Batman: Good. Should make it easier to cut him off from the Betas.

Batman draws the disruptor and fires it at Brainiac, who lies there as if not believing he lost.

Unbeknownst to them, Y/n has already left to find Kara.

Using his superhuman hearing he could here the sounds of her heartbeat. And the sound of an Buzzsaw.

Panicking, he uses his hearing to make his way to Supergirl.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the ship, Supergirl awakens to find herself shackled with Kryptonite cuffs to a table. A Beta marches towards her, ready to slice her head in two.

 Suddenly, Y/n appeared out of no where and decapitated the robot. He made his way to the alien girl just in time for the kryptonite cuffs to let her fall into his arms

Supergirl: Y/n, I thought you were....

Y/n: It's gonna take alot more to kill me than an damn laser. Come on.

Supergirl and Y/n run to where Superman and Batman were when they see Brainiac about to charge at Superman who was piloting the ship. Supergirl uses her heat vision to stop Brainiac in his tracks making him collapse.

She then collapses herself, still weak from the Kryptonite exposed to her earlier. 

 Brainiac is not out yet; he stands and grunts as he looks to Supergirl.

Brainiac: You will regret that!!

Brainiac extends his tendrils to tear Supergirl limb-from-limb. Suddenly, a smoke bomb explodes around them. Batman stands before him again.

Brainiac: You are persistent...but primitive theatrics cannot save you!

Batman: Maybe not, but what about our weapons making.

Y/n jumps onto Batman's back and throws seven kunai at Brainiac's direction.

Each find their way into different limbs.

(Timeskip cause Laziness)

Aquaman: I thought it was too late, but...I can feel the heartbeat of Atlantis! Brainiac's work is undone!

Superman: (shaking his head) Not all of it. I couldn't save everyone.

Batman: Some cities are still trapped in the collection. Others were lost... wiped from the ship's memory. Metropolis...Coast City...

Green Lantern: But...we CAN still save them, right? Carol? My family?!

Superman: I'm sorry, Hal.

Wonder Woman: First Krypton, now Earth?! No other world should suffer this!

With sudden resolve, Superman looks over at the still-rebooting body of Brainiac. He walks over, preparing to finish the job. But Batman intercepts him.

Batmn: Clark, no! 

Superman looks at Batman with a "WHAT did you say?!" look in his eyes

Y/n: Even if I agreed that he should die, you can't. We need him alive to save the rest of our cities.

Superman: No, we don't! With more time and Cyborg's help, the Ship will obey me!

Batman: OR we could lose more cities.

Flash: Bruce is right. We can't be sure.

Aquaman: What we CAN be sure of is that Brainiac puts everyone else at risk!

Wonder Woman: This is no different than Joker. If you'd killed him, we might have...

Batman: It was never that simple, Diana!

Superman: Yes, it is, Bruce! Metropolis and Coast City are gone! 

Batman draws a golden dagger from his belt secretly

Superman: How many more innocent people die before you accept that some lives need to be taken?!?

Batman slices the dagger across Superman's chest...and he BLEEDS! He groans and hits the floor in pain. He sees his bloody glove...his own blood...

Superman: My powers?! How did you...?!?

Batman: Gold Kryptonite...courtesy of Firestorm.

Wonder Woman: Get up, Kal!

Batman: Stay down! Enough exposure and you'll be de-powered permanently!

Superman: This madness has to end, Bruce! 

Batman stands and faces his attacker... his former his bitter enemy...

The man of steel fires his heat vision at Bruce faster than he could react.

Seeing his father about to die, Y/n made an heavy choice.....

and stood in front of the heat vision.

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