Chapter 10: Fight for metropolis

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Cyborg, Harley Quinn and Catwoman successfully got the communications back on, meaning everyone could do their jobs.

The Judge, Diana and Supergirl flew over metropolis. Y/n used his wing-like cape to glide over the city.

When they got to the city, it was overrun with robots grabbing people with their ropes.

Y/n notice Kara have an clear sign of PTSD. Not that Y/n could blame her. Her planet did die exactly like this.

Diana lead the charge as the three heroes started to destroy robots.

Y/n would use his brass knuckles to either punch an hole through an Skull robot or knock their heads clean off.

Supergirl would punch the robots or help people from rubble.

She started to notice that people were getting more scared of her than the robots making her confused. 

A brick wall was about to fall on Supergirl but Y/n saw it.

He throws some explosive batarangs (That he stole of course) making the wall explode.

Y/n and Kara was shocked he did that.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Why did I do that ? She could have survived the wall falling on her. Besides, I hate her, I would've just let it crush her. But why did I save her ?

Y/n was too distracted in his thoughts to see the skull robot stepping behind him with it's arms outstretched.

But Kara noticed it.

She tackled the robot away scaring Y/n a bit.

Supergirl turned around with an smile making The Judge frown a bit.

Supergirl: There, we're even.

Y/n: Do you see this as a game ?

Supergirl : Huh ?

Y/n shot an skull robot that was making it's way to some kids without looking at it.

Y/n: I don't know what you think is going on right now, but innocent men, woman and children are dying and your not taking this as seriously as I hoped you did.

The former crow threw an throwing knife at an robot as Kara used her heat vision to start demolishing robots.

Supergirl: Hey, I am taking this seriously.

Y/n: Oh really now ?

He kicks an robots head clean off and threw an knife at it to make it stick to another robot's head.

Y/n: If you did why haven't you used your super speed to destroy literally robot in metropolis. If you had even an portion of Superman's power, you would have done so by now. You know what forget it, if you were anything like Superman you probably would have destroyed half the planet by now.

Kara flew down to meet his eye level.

Supergirl: Why do you hate Kal so much. He did nothing wrong. And besides I thought you wanted to join the Regime.

Y/n: Join the- what ?! what in god's name makes you think I want to be anywhere associated with the regime ?

Supergirl: But....Dianah ....she.

Y/n: Look, I don't know what Wonder woman's been saying about what I want or was, but I can assure you I want the Regime gone more than Batman.

Supergirl: But, Kal, he didn't do anything wrong.

Y/n was getting sick of this argument.

Y/n: Oh yeah ? Let's compare notes. Superman had it all. He had an city that adored him and colleagues that respected him. But what he cared about the most was his wife, Lois lane. And she got pregnant.

The Judge smiled at the memory of the old Superman but frowned.

Y/n: Then an villain took it all away, and responded by killing the guy. Something Superman never did before. He changed for the worst, he wanted to stop all wars. It didn't sound bad on paper but it was the way he did it that made him irredeemable.

He clenched his fist as he shot at another robot.

Y/n: He wanted to stop crime before it happened. Meaning he wanted to kill every supervillain on earth. I remind you, we are not executioners we are judges. We deem who is guilty of crimes and we bring them to justice.

Diana flew between Y/n and Kara, lightly pushing the Judge away from the blonde alien

Wonder woman: Batman's strategy is all wrong. Delaying our offense is pointless! It's one less hour before Brainiac sends us all to Hades. Saving these people could doom BILLIONS more!

Y/n: And taking action without an plan could doom even more Diana.

Supergirl:Y/n's right, I can hear the people down there...ALL of them. They're afraid, like I was on Krypton when I didn't have these powers. And I look at us and just think...we can give them hope!

Wonder Woman lightly shakes her head, thinking this is hopeless. 

 Down on the streets, more people are being gathered by Betas. As one of the Betas pushes a police officer to go faster, Wonder Woman swoops down and grabs it. Everyone - humans and Betas - are confused.)

Wonder Woman: (from above) Up here!

Everyone looks up to see Wonder Woman and Supergirl holding the Beta up. Wonder Woman crushes the Beta's head and drops it. The other Betas fire lasers at the two super-powered women but they dodge them easily. Wonder Woman lands and slices through the other Betas, even using her shield to damage them before the kill. 

 Supergirl and Y/n joins the fight when Wonder Woman starts to get overwhelmed. When all the Betas are down, the girls look over at the humans...who run away at the sight of them.

Supergirl: Why are they so afraid of us?

Before Y/n could answer, he was shot by an powerful laser knocking him back and knocking him out.

The girls look back to see Cheetah holding said gun.

Wonder Woman: Minerva!

Cheetah aims her laser at Wonder woman

Cheetah: Welcome back, Diana.

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