Chapter 16: Search for Kara

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Y/n: Hey Bruce. How's it going ?

The Judge was suddenly hugged by the caped crusader. He was obviously taken aback.

Batman: I thought I lost you, son.

Y/n: I know......... Dad.

Batman faced Superman now with an more serious face.

SUPERMAN: Where's Kara?

BATMAN: Captured. Somewhere onboard.

 Superman turns away angry, as if wanting to tear the ship apart to find his cousin We'll find her, but we only have 20 minutes before Brainiac's Betas scorch the Earth.

Y/n  Why aren't the OTHERS here?

Batman: They're attacking the Betas...just in case we don't pull through.

Superman: (full of resolve) We will! 

Y/n: Fuck Yeah.

They race off to find Brainiac and hopefully stop him.

The three superheroes climb and fly through the ship until they get deeper into Brainiac's "collection"...and they run into...

Batman: Firestorm! What happened to you?!

Firestorm: Brainiac unified our dueling minds. No longer divided, we think as one.

Superman: (to Batman) He's YOUR walking bomb. How do we get past him?

Firestorm blasts plasma bolts at the three. As Batman and Y/n leaps out of the way, Superman flies to face him. But Firestorm dodges and grabs his ankle. 

Meanwhile, Batman and Y/n is subdued by Swamp Thing. 

 The two Brainiac slave toss the two heroes against each other and they crumple to the floor.)

Superman: Swamp Thing, too?!

Firestorm: (landing beside Swamp Thing) Brainiac has unlocked the Green's power. He has mastered the Firestorm Matrix. All knowledge will be subsumed under his collection.

Suddenly, Y/n pulled out his sword and cut through Swamp thing's arms making the three fall.

Y/n: Go humble Green giant over there. I'll deal with Firestorm.

Y/n jumped his way to Firestorm and pulled out three kunai knives and threw it at him.

However, Firestorm merely used his heat to melt the kunai into an puddle.

Firestorm: Three knives ? against an quantum vortex ? Boron, Indium, Cadmium.

Mid speech, Firestorm was kicked in the face, knocking him out.

Y/n: You forgot another element. The element of surprise.

Meanwhile, Superman socks Swamp Thing right past Batman and to the floor. He then re-joins Batman.

Swamp Thing gets up and swats debris out of his way. Numerous Betas appear behind him and the walk towards the two.

Superman: You have a plan?

Batman: It's a work in progress. I might be able to restore them.

Superman hovers up and fires his heat vision at the Betas, but they raise their hands and block the blasts. 

 Batman runs around the Betas and bum- rushes Swamp Thing as Superman shuts the heat vision down.

Superman: THAT's new.

Batman leaps over a pod thrown by Swamp Thing and kicks the Green's master in the mush. Swamp Thing swings back but Batman dodges as Superman joins him again.

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