Chapter 9: Alliances

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The tension of the room was so thick not even Wonder woman's sword could cut through it.

Speaking of which, the Regime members started to back away from the person who they believed they had killed.

While the newer generation looked at Y/n with an form of interest, more specifically Kara. 

Bruce looked at his son sadly, knowing his former son would not accept his apology. At least not yet.

Bruce made his way to Superman's cell and punched in an few buttons letting superman out.

Y/n could care less what the adults spoke of all he cared about was glaring at Damien.

The fucking brat killed his oldest brother and now he wears his clothes like an trophy ?

Y/n wanted nothing more than to uppercut this kid into oblivion.


Catwoman Thanks to Flash's recon, we have locations for every ship in Brainiac's fleet. They're targeting major cities on every continent. Betas are being offloaded on the outskirts...

As Catwoman continues, Batman gets up and walks to the side, Firestorm following him.

Batman: Give us some privacy.

Y/n glared at Bruce while Catwoman kept talking about Brainiac.

Kara watched Y/n and blushed. Wonder woman was right. Y/n was very handsome.

But something didn't sit right with Kara.

Wonder woman said Y/n wanted to fight along side Superman.

If y/n wanted to do that, why did he imply Superman as a criminal.

Why did he try to kill Black Adam if he was on their side.

Why did he stop her from hitting Batman if that same Batman killed him.

Was Y/n even on their side ?

Catwoman: We have to evacuate the cities before attacking the fleet, but we need communications restored first. So, before we get started, Cyborg is going to fix Brother Eye.

Cyborg: (as Batman rejoins the meeting) I am NOT Bat-tech support!(Into the light comes Supergirl...and Clark Kent once again decked out as Superman.)

Superman: That's not the issue, Victor. (walks to the table, all eyes on him) Kara saw firsthand how Brainiac destroyed Krypton. She says we have less than 48 hours before he does the same to Earth.

Batman: Without tight coordination, we'll lose valuable time.

Superman: And that means we fix Brother Eye.

Cyborg winces a bit at the thought of working for Batman making Y/n roll his eyes.

Batman: Catwoman and Harley will join you. You'll need their help getting into the Batcave.

Cyborg: (exasperated) Just give me the coordinates. I'll open a portal and "boom-tube" in.

Batman: You can't. I reversed-engineered your armor's Mother Box technology.

Harley: Try teleporting into the Batcave. 'Stead of "boom", you'll go "splat"!

Cyborg: do we get in?!

Catwoman: The old Underground. There's a tunnel entrance under Arkham

.Cyborg: I'm taking YOU two to Arkham Asylum?!

Harley: (popping a bubble) Promise it won't be awkward or nothin'.

Superman: I need a few hours in the solarium at the Fortress of Solitude... assuming you haven't torn it down.

Batman: Not yet.

Superman: Damian, Adam, you're with me.

Wonder Woman: And the rest of us? We can't just sit here

Batman: We plan our attack. Once Brother Eye's online, we mobilize. (stands) Remember: out there, there's no Regime. Not anymore. So we DO! NOT! KILL! (awkward silence) Let's go. 

(everyone stands and leaves to prepare)

Wonder Woman: (taking Supergirl's wrist) You're with me.

Supergirl: Can Y/n come too ?

Y/n and Wonder woman looked at  Kara like she gone mad.

Then the two glared at each other.

Y/n put an hand on his gun basically saying "If you try to do anything to me, I will kill your ass".

Wonder woman did the same with her sword.

Wonder woman: Tsk, fine.

Kara floats over to Y/n and grabs his hand softly and the two starts following Wonder woman.

 As they did this, Y/n blushed lightly under his mask.

 Only Superman and Batman are at the table now. Superman looks at the table...then looks up at Batman.

Superman: Why'd you keep it?

Batman: Keep what?

Superman pulls the sheet off the table...revealing the old Justice League table, used before the Watchtower was built. It has a large gash across it.

Batman: Hm...forgot that was there. 

Superman looks down at the table, remembering the meetings he and Batman lead with the rest of the League...and smiles at the thought of the League reuniting to stop Brainiac.

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