Chapter 15: Brainiac Ship

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Supergirl is sitting there, a defeated look on her face. Batman and Catwoman exit the ship and enter the crater, seeing no sign of Superman. 

 In the background, Flash shows up to assess the damage.

 Batman falls to his knees and start to cry over the fact he couldn't protect his son again.

Supergirl:  I couldn't find their bodies...can't hear their heartbeat. I was supposed to protect him...from this...(to Batman)...from YOU! And now he's gone! I'm sure that's the best news you've heard all day.

Batman: I'll miss them, too.

Supergirl: (turns in confusion) You mean that?

Batman: He was a good friend once. I trusted him with my life. But the Joker got to him...and I wasn't there to stop it. I lost my friend, Clark. And...I've missed him ever since. 

He looked to the sky.

Batman: (Close to tears) and Y/n, was an good son. He's with Jason and Richard now/

A Boom Tube opens to reveal Cyborg, Green Lantern and Aquaman. Batman seems to know what happened.

Batman: Atlantis?

Aquaman: Gone. I didn't listen. Now, we all die together.

Batman: No one's giving up yet. Anyone hear from Beetle or Firestorm?

Wonder Woman: (from above) This is your fault, Bruce!  Kal and I would've BEATEN Brainiac! You should've followed our lead!

Supergirl: (stepping between them) STOP it, Diana! Millions of people are trapped on that ship! We have to save them!

Wonder woman: Not with him!

Suddenly, a hologram of Brainiac appears.

Brainiac: Such discord. No wonder humans have yet to expand their civilization beyond the confines of this tiny planet.

Green Lantern: Did you call in just to gloat?!

Brainiac: My Betas are taking position all across your planet. In one hour, they will explode in unison, burning the Earth's athmosphere, rendering this world a barren moon. Unless...YOU surrender, Kara Zor-El. She is Krypton's sole survivor...and my last opportunity to study the effect of a yellow sun on Kryptonian cells. Surrender her...and I will spare this world.

Batman: Even if I thought you'd honor that deal, we wouldn't take it.

Brainiac: You have one hour to reconsider.

He disappears

Supergirl: Thanks for giving the "new girl" a chance, but...maybe I should go.

Batman: No! We'll find a way to take down Brainiac's shields. We HAVE to.

Cyborg: We could try shorting them out. But we'd need to generate an insane amount of power.

Black Adam: (floating in) Perhaps science is not the answer.

Batman: (approaches Black Adam as he lands) So he might be vulnerable to a magic-based attack.

Black Adam: I can drive the immense magical power from the Rock of Eternity through the gateway in Kahndaq. But I need an artifact, a medium to channel it...something that can withstand the power.

Aquaman: (holding up trident) How about the Trident of Atlantis?

Black Adam: Yes...that could work.

Catwoman: We get the shields down...THEN what? Cyborg says Brainiac controls that ship with his thoughts.

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