Chapter 8

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Both Kevin and Edd felt the week drag on. Both ached for Friday to come, but time wouldn't allow it to come quickly. Making both boys learn patience.

Edd was in math when final period came. As Edd daydreamed about Kevin and tonight, Nazz jabbed his arm.

"It's from Eddy." She said, handing a note to him. Edd adjusted his beanie and grabbed the note from her. She smiled and turned back around, playing with her long blonde hair.

Edd gently opened the note, knowing it was against the rules, but also knowing Eddy would flip if he didn't read it and reply.

He opened it up and read the note in his head.

Wanna go watch a movie at the theater tonight?

Edd sighed and began writing back.

Sorry. Having a sleepover with Kevin tonight. Thank you though.

He passed it to Nazz. A few moments later, she jabbed him again.

What's with you and that douche lately? It's like you love him or something!!

Edd choked on his own breath. Should he tell Eddy? Or not? Would it ruin them forever or not? Edd took a deep breath. And began writing.

I am. And there's nothing you can do or say to change that.

He school as he handed it to Nazz. He looked at Eddy read it, go wide eyed and jolted around. He looked at Edd with shock written all over his face.

Edd shrugged and started taking notes.
The bell rang and Eddy ran up to Edd.

"Double D!! You're joking right??"

"No Eddy. I've denied my feelings to long. I am in love with Kevin. I hate myself for it. But I-I can't lie to you and Ed. I-," Edd started sobbing, "I DIDN'T W-WANNA TELL YOU C-CAUSE I DIDN'T WANNA LOSE YOU AND ED!!!" Edd put his hands in his face. "Please... I-if you h-hate me... Just go..."

Edd began walking away from Eddy when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Edd looked up and Eddy smiled gently.

"You know what, even though I hate Kevin, I love you, no homo, and you'll always be my Double D."

Edd dried his eyes and smiled at Eddy. "Thank you Eddy."

"What're buds for? Now lets get you ready!"

I'm In Love With a Dork.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin