Chapter 10

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Ed, Edd and Eddy were in a circle on Edd's floor. Silence blanketing them. Edd stood up and grabbed his over night bag and began putting clothes, books, and anything else he might need tonight. Edd was about to grab his first aid kit, when Eddy grabbed it or him.

"How long have you liked Kevin, Double D?" Eddy asked, handing the kit to Edd. Edd looked out the window, seeing Kevin's house right across the street. He sighed.

"Honestly... a while. But I just realized my feelings now. I don't know why they were hidden from myself for so long." Edd looked down and Eddy patted his back. "Double D, you'll always be my bro. Even though I HATE Kevin more than broken bones, make-up, and skinny jeans, I'm happy for you. Really. It's just shocking. Plus it's KEVIN! And he sucks- Oh my god I get it!!!" Ed and Eddy started laughing hard. Edd rolled his eyes but chuckled. Tears began rolling down his friends faces.

The boys calmed themselves as best as they could. Eddy wiped all the tears from his red face. But then Ed called out, "Might wanna bring a condom tonight if he sucks!" And the attack of laughter echoed through the room. Edd stared at his friend, horrified.

"ED!! HOW COULD YOU SAY SUCH A THING??" He began blushing. Ed rolled over on his side, "Sorry! The joke thingy was already there! So I took it!" Eddy slapped his friend on the back. "Great job Lumpy!"

Edd looked down at the floor and a sad look took his face. Ed stopped laughing. "Double D sad?" Eddy picked himself up and looked at Edd. "Whats wrong Double D?" A tear rolled from Edd's eye.

"Whoa! Hey! We were just joking-"

"IT'S NOT THAT!! KEVIN DOESN'T LIKE ME! HE NEVER WILL! YOU KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT LIKE HE DOES BUT HE DOESN'T!!!" Edd sat on the floor, frustrated and began sobbing for the second time that day.

Eddy rolled his eyes. "How do you know? Lots of people hid that fact they're gay. You did." Edd peeked out from his beenie.

"W-what d you mean?"

"Jimmy didn't come out until, like, this year. Plus Kevin hasn't had a girlfriend since we were 10. We're 16 now Edd. So get the fuck up and get your ass moving to his house!"

Edd stared at Eddy. Could he... like me...? What if Eddy's right? Would we date? How long would we last? How... Edd took a deep breath. He was just excited. Kevin was probably straight. It didn't matter. Right?

"Eddy... It doesn't matter. I'm okay. Really. I should get going to his house though."

Ed jumped up and hugged his friend, crushing his lungs in the process. Edd gasped for air. Ed put him down. "Sorry!" Edd smiled. "Quite alright, Ed."

Edd grabbed his over night bag and smiled at his friends. "If I can't have him as a boyfriend or such, at least we can be friends." Ed giggled, "Double D's in the FRIENZONE!!" Edd rolled his eyes and laughed.

Edd and his friends walked out of the house. As Eddy and Ed walked towards Eddy's house, Eddy gave Edd a thumbs up "Good luck Double D!" Edd smiled and waved. He made his way across the street. He walked up to Kevin's door.

"This is it," he whispered, "I better not screw this up."

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