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Dark. Dean had woken up to complete darkness for over half his life now. Yet the pitch black never seemed to not let him down. In trauma therapy they told him to be grateful for what he still has and not think about what he misses. But the truth was Dean would give all he has to see the sky on a summer day one more time.
This was one of those rough mornings, where all he could do was break down some.
"Dean?" A soft familiar voice asks.
"Cas?" He suddenly remembers the night before. Except now he's in his bed. And he's sharing it.
"Yeah. You okay?" Cas asks as he reaches over and places his hand on Deans good arm.
The touch is comforting and warm.
"I just don't like waking up." Dean sums it up.
He curls over closer to Cas Novak.
"How did you get me to bed?" Dean says abruptly.
"I carried you after your nightmare." Cas replies and he snuggles closer too.
"Thank you Cas." Dean mutters sweetly as he touches Cas' shoulder.
"Dean, how do you dream?" Cas asks wishing silently he's not overstepping his boundaries.
"It's memories of when I could see for good dreams, and nightmares are all black. Sometimes just black with red highlights. Good dreams are really nice. But when I wake up it makes reality more of a nightmare." Deans eyes are casted down and Cas can sense his pain.
"Am I at level 4 yet?" He asks referring to the night before.
"Yes. Level 4, how I went blind," Dean starts and for some reason the word blind makes Cas cringe, "My dad and I weren't very close. He turned to alcohol when my mother died. I didn't care much really. Just watched out for my brother Sammy. But when my dad started taking out that anger and alcohol on Sam a switch flipped. That day I was not my fathers perfect little solider. He punched my 7 year old brother and I ran after him. I tackled him. I didn't think about the stairs behind him. Or that the way I tackled him he could grab the handrail and move to the side. I tried to save my brother and ended up jumping head first down a flight of cement stairs. The last thing I ever saw was hard cracked steps spiraling toward me. The worst part was it didn't knock me out. I was lying in a stairwell bleeding from my head unable to move or see. I was temporarily paralyzed from the neck down, but that went away in two months and being blind stayed. My brother was devastated and my old man blamed himself. So as soon as I was discharged from the hospital he made me grow up the same as everyone else. And didn't let anything stop me. Even when I wanted to give up. We were family again up until the day he died. Sam's at Stanford now. We don't talk." Dean concludes, unaware of his own tears.
Suddenly Cas pulls him into a bear hug and squeezes him.
It burns in his arm but he doesn't care, it felt really, really good to be hugged.
Cas took the day off to spend it letting Dean rest. And that night instead of going back to his apartment Dean had him stay.
Cas liked that.

Blind.                                BoyxBoy Destielحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن