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By the way. I've had a hard time finding motivation to write. Obviously I suck pretty bad at writing. I just wish my future didn't look so bleak.
Anyway, here's an update.
When Dean wakes up he's still on Cas' chest in bed. His boyfriends chest is slowing moving up and down, and he's snoring lightly.
Dean just relaxes into him. He has no idea what time it is until he can use something with sound but he doesn't want Cas to awaken.
He gently kisses Cas on the chest.
"Sight is for the weak." he mutters as he turns so he can snuggle into the crook of Cas' body.
Cas wakes up as Dean shifts.
"Hey baby." Cas mutters in his husky morning voice.
He looks down at his boyfriend who's warmly pressed against his bare chest. Cas trails his fingers through Deans soft hair.
"I wish we were millionaires." Dean sighs, still half asleep.
"Why?" Cas laughs, tilting his head a little bit.
"Cause' then I could fix my stupid head and see you. Find out how freaking hot you are without just touch. Seeing Sammy again. Hell, even trees and cats and shit. I miss the world." Dean shrugs, still pressed to Cas.
His boyfriend just twists the tips of his hair in his fingers, unsure of what to say.
"I've been saving up." he finally says, letting the cat out of the bag.
Dean smiles and laughs a little.
"So have I," he starts, "but if we breakup then you would've wasted your money."
"Well I don't plan on breaking up." Cas kisses the top of Deans head.
He gets up, rolling out of the bed. He grabs a small blue velvet box off the dresser.
"I know we have only dated some odd months, but I love you. Dean Winchester you were meant for me. I can't imagine a future with any other person. So I think twenty three is a great age to do this, Dean, will you do me the honor of marrying me?" Cas asks, his hands shaking with nerves.
Dean grins as tears well up in his eyes. He thought he would never get married, but here he was.
Dean tries to give a cocky response of, 'I'm so great for picking on random people.' but all he gets out is a small,
Cas breaks into a huge grin, before taking Dean by surprise and pulling him in for a kiss.
If the others didn't feel wonderful enough this kiss could've ended wars.
It was passionate and made their lips tingle.
"I love you, forever." Cas stutters.
"I love you too." Dean smiles.
Short chapter but Cas proposed so....

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