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The next day was the opposite of the day from only two days ago.
It was pouring rain, Dean had work at his dads old mechanic shop, and as he walked home he tripped. That didn't happen a lot anymore. Asphalt dug into his hand as he caught himself and his other arm in the sling hit hard. He bit his lip to stay silent and jumped up quickly but peoples words were already drifting towards him. A heavy pity weighed the air suffocating him as he started walking again, ignoring the help.
To top off the shit day he somehow managed to go to the wrong block so he didn't get much needed groceries. Instead of dinner he bought a can of beer at a convenience store and sat on the steps outside like a kicked puppy.
Someone gave him a dollar thinking he was a blind homeless guy in the rain and he didn't try to give it back.
He just stuffed it into his pocket and kept drinking. Not thinking about the rain soaking into the small holes on his palms.
"Dean?" A voice comes from above him, an unfamiliar voice.
"Who are you?" He spits before he realizes, it's his brother.
"Oh god, this is awkward." Sam Winchester sighs.
"Sam? What are you doing back." Dean states more than asks.
"Dean, are you still angry after a whole year? I mean, leaving you without telling you was messed up but I came back as soon as I heard you got in an accident." Sam sits down next to his brother.
"I was shot Sammy. Don't act like this wasn't some fucking accident because I'm blind. Cause' I fought two guys with only a knife and got me and my friend away safely. It wasn't a goddamn accident. You know sometimes you seem to forget I'm only blind because I was trying to keep your childhood together. Didn't you ever notice if it wasn't for you being a back talking jackass to dad I would see? I would have a normal life!" Dean uses pure will power to fight back from screaming.
"I'm going to the Roadhouse." Sam stands up.
"Why? Can't face what you caused? What your rebellion to dad caused for big brother? More of a coward than I thought." Dean says with his eyes hidden behind shades.
Sam can't see the tears balancing on Deans eye lids.
"Don't you think that I thought of that? That ever sense it happened I blamed myself for all this bullshit? I guess I am a coward Dean. I guess that's why I did leave for college without being able to tell you face to face. Cause' I was the one responsible for all your pain and I wasn't about to go tell you I was leaving. Then I would just be being a worse little brother. So I left and didn't answer your calls. I tried to drive so fucking far away that you never crossed my mind Dean! So I'd never cross yours. Yeah I'm a selfish bastard. Bye. I'm not coming back." Sam's tears were hidden by the rain but his cracking voice betrayed him.
Dean sat there quietly, only letting run tear race down his cheek.
He takes another swig of beer and walks over to the underbelly of a bridge with his cane swinging in front of him.
Dean had no intention of ever going home again.
He didn't want to travel alone and blind either though.
He just wanted to die. So many people he loved were dead. Or he was dead to them. Ellen and Bobby were the only ones left and they were more focused on their own daughter Jo anyway.
No one would care if he was gone and the only reaction would be relief.
Unable to write he used the recorder on his phone.
"To anyone that does in fact care. I'm sorry." he says as he holds down the button and then releases it.
He pulls one leg above the railing then the other. His knuckles turn white as he holds on tightly. What was the point? Of staying. Sure there were happy moments but they didn't make up for the lonely lows.
"Dean! Dean please no. Don't jump Dean! I care." A deep voice yells and running footsteps come his way.
The voice belongs to Cas Novak.

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