An alternate ending

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Castiel and Sam Winchester both sit quietly in the lobby of the hospital. Dean had undergone fairly major surgery earlier that morning, including a cornea transplant for both his eyes and a incision on the back of his skull for the occipital lobe to be checked.
He had just gotten out of surgery when a nurse comes out smiling. Cas couldn't help but feel nervous, being a nurse himself worrying for a patient wasn't new, but different when it is his husband in there.
"Y'all can go ahead and see him. The surgery seemed to have been a success and he responded well. We won't have any results for a few more weeks, but then we'll be able to check his eyes." The nurse sighs, but with a smile.
Cas and Sam smile too.
He was a bit foggy when they got him home, claiming every little thing he could smell was magic dust.
For the next three weeks Dean was insanely impatient. He kept trying move the bandages but Cas never let him.
Once they had gotten through agonizingly long 3 weeks and one day of waiting Cas drove Dean back up to the hospital.
Sam, Bobby, and Ellen were already there waiting for them to arrive. Adrenaline and fear both were running on high.
They needed to wait for a long time, and Dean would not stop fidgeting, which drove Cas crazy. Dean had that irrational hate for hospitals, even though they've saved his life a couple times.
"Dean Winchester? You have an appointment back with a eye specialist." A receptionist says, and hearts leap.
After what feels like a terribly long walk they arrive in a small hall were the doctor takes Dean into a dark room.
Cas follows behind, the rest of the family left to wait in the hall. They had already tried a surgery like this before, and that one failed miserably.
The doctor goes off with a few points, common procedure to prep a patient Cas knows.
"Alright well let's check how this went huh?" The doctor turns back to Cas, who's smiling while pressing his fist into his palm incredibly hard from anxiety.
The bandages come off, and the room is still dark. For a moment a lump forms in Deans throat. It didn't work.
But slowly a tiny bit of light presses through. He hadn't seen light in so many years it felt wrong. And as the light grows so does Deans smile.
Then it floods into place, all at once infiltrating his vision. He blinks from partially from shock and partially to further adjust himself.
When his eyes are open and the lights aren't so killing, he's looking at Cas.
His Cas.
More beautiful than he had ever thought. Damn, he really knew how to get a catch without even seeing him.
A tear forms in Deans eye as Cas warmly smiles at him.
"I love you." Cas says and Dean can look at his lips, his mouth moving, his teeth, and most of all just his face.
"You're more amazing than I could've ever thought." Dean laughs, wiping his face with his sleeve as tears fall out.
"Lived up to any of your expectations?" Cas says meekly and blushes, gently shrugging.
Dean nearly falls onto Cas as he hugs him.
"You passed the test with colors flying." Dean sobs into his husbands shoulder, and Cas cries too.

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