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Dean takes his legs over the rail one by one until he is back safely.
Cas wraps his arms around Dean and doesn't let go. Instead he slides to the ground with Dean still in his embrace.
"My brother hates me." Dean sobs, "I ruined his life."
He buries his face into Cas' shoulder. He smells like watermelons.
Lol fun fact: When i got my photo op with Misha he smelled like watermelon gum!
"Don't do that ever again." Cas says as he runs his hands through Deans short messy hair, "Screw your brother."
"I can't keep living in darkness Cas. It's driving me mad." Dean says, his hands trembling.
"Let's go home Dean." Cas kisses Dean on the forehead.
Dean just nods and Cas helps him up.
He walks home without the cane because he knows his route and Cas walks to his left. It was around 6:30 P.M. and Dean was ready to call it a night.
Cas wanted to stay with Dean so he wouldn't do anything to harm himself and so they went to Cas' apartment.
Dean prided himself on his independence but unlike daredevil comics he wasn't perfect at finding his way. His hearing was slightly above average but he could just focus on it more than other people. Driving was still risky, but when he could concentrate he was all good.
And now in a new apartment with smells and sounds he had never heard in this one area he was lost.
"Want some water?" Cas asks as he holds Deans arm and leads him to the couch.
"Yes, thanks." Dean accepts the offer as he sits down.
Cas brings him over a glass of water and then sits down next to him.
"You have a dart board." Dean observes, based on the small click of a dart backing fluttering to the floor.
"Yes. I do. Do you play darts? I can't. Its for a friend." Cas explains.
Dean responds by getting up and grabbing a dart then shakily walking over behind the couch. He aims, positioning his arm for a moment, before letting it fly.
A perfect bullseye.
"Got it?" Dean smiles.
"Yeah, good job."
Dean shrugs and jumps back onto the couch.
"So what was that all about today?" Cas asks shyly.
Dean just sorta reaches over and pats around for Cas' hand, which Cas reaches out to hold.
"Just, Sam's gone now. And the rest of my family passed away. I'm alone and I can't take it. No one would care if I jumped and I would finally be out of peoples way.
"Dean. I wouldn't be the same person if you had jumped. I wouldn't have been able to tell you that I really like you. A lot." Cas whispers, looking into Deans green eyes.
Dean responds only by laying his head to Cas' lap.
"Can I ask questions now?" Cas inquires as he strokes Deans arm.
"MhhHmm." Dean nods.
"What do you see? I mean I know you are blind but what is nothing?" Cas asks as he hopes he doesn't sound stupid.
"It's just dark. Black. That's how it's been for twelve years. You know, I'd like to say you bring light to my dark, buts that's cliche and not true. It's still dark." Dean snorts.
Cas just looks down to the pattern on his couch. He doesn't reply.
Pretty soon Dean is asleep, head still in Cas' lap.
Cas Novak knew he had no work the next day because it was Sunday, his day off. So he doesn't drift off, rather turns on the television and plays his old movies on mute. He didn't want to wake his friend. Was he his friend? Or more? Before Cas could decide on a name for the relationship his thoughts were intercepted by a knock at the door.
He gets up carefully, making sure Dean could sleep, and tiptoes to the door.
It was midnight now and odd for the apartment complex to be awake so late.
Cas slides over the lock before cracking open the door.
"How can I help you?" Cas asks as he squints at the bright lights.
"Hi, I'm sorry it's so late. Just I can't locate my brother, Dean. The blind guy from level five?"
Cas feels his heart skip a beat, it's Deans brother.
"Screw you." he mumbles and shuts the door.
Sam knocks again, now worried.
"If you don't open up I'm calling the cops! You know something." He calls.
The door creaks open again.
"Dean is here. He's my,-" there's that catch again, "Well it's complicated. Anyway, he's had a rough day. If I hadn't found him by the bridge he'd be with the fishes. He doesn't want to talk to you."
"With the fishes?!" Sam's face twists in concern, it's obvious he loves his brother, "No you don't mean he- again. No."
The tall Winchester brother yanks at his long hair before face palming himself.
"I can tell him you came by in the morning." Cas concludes and starts to close the door.
"Wait." Sam pushes the door open, "Tell him I'm sorry."

Anyway, this is just for character development really. It's gonna be fluffy I swear!

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