Chapter 1 : The Beginning

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Prativindhya hurreidly closed the door of his chamber and locked it. Finally he let his tears flow. Again, it happened again.

His father Maharaj Yudhisthir alwaya preferred his youngest son Yaudheya over him he knows it. After years he is used to it. He just wanted to make his father proud. He may not love him but as a son father is his first role model. Today at court, he questioned his father's decision and it made him super mad. He bashed him in front of all the ministers and told them Yaudheya is better than him in every way. He of course isn't jealous of his brother, but his father's harsh words took a toll on him. Why does his father hates him so much? What did he do wrong? He just wanted a bit of love from him that's all.

While coming in his chamber, he met Mata Devika. What hurted him most is the fact that she taunted him comparing to his brother.

"Don't be jealous, Prativindhya. Your brother will guide you on the right path when he becomes the king. Until then try not to anger your father," she smirked.

Prativindhya wiped his tears. He just wanted to be hold and his mother is the person for it.

"Putra, what happened?" Draupadi asked her first born worriedly.

"I just missed you, maa," Prativindhya buried his face in his mother's lap. All his sorrows, insecurities washed away.

Draupadi slowly began to stroke his hair. He is so sensitive and soft hearted. He doesn't want to talk about his feelings and what is hurting him.

"What happened, today?" she asked kissing his head.

"Maa, is it right for a king to favor his relatives? Is it right to not punish them if they do something wrong?" he asked.

"No, putra. A king must never do nepotism. It's a sin on it's own," Draupadi answered.

"Then Pitashree...."

Draupadi sighed. Now she understands what happened, "Putra, you can't expect a child to run before it learns how to crawl. Changes are the hardest to make. But gradually you can change people's perspective and make them realise their wrongdoing."

Prativindhya smiled finally. His maa knows what to say to make him feel better. Suddenly the door bursted open.

Arjun walked in totally furious. Behind him Shrutkarma walked his face red.

"Panchali, how many times do I have to tell you this? I told you to not let your sons touch my Gandhiv," Arjun yelled.

Prativindhya looked at Shrutkarma who was dying in humiliation. He doesn't know what happened. Gandhiv called him. His whole body ached to touch the bow. To feel it's power. Iravan saw it and told Arjun. For some reasons Shrutkarma has noticed his father hates him. He trains all his sons by himself but when it comes to him, he is always ignorant. Shrutkarma tried his best to win his father's favor, to make him love him. But it seems like he just despises him.

"Arya, he is just a child. He didn't broke your Gandhiv, did he?" Draupadi retorted pulling Shrutkarma in her arms. The poor boy looks so afraid.

"That's your problem, Panchali. You always take their side no matter what. Why can't you be just like Subhadra? She doesn't interfere how I descipline my sons," Arjun said frustatedly.

"Because Shrutkarma is my son. And anyone who tries to discipline my son without any reason will cross me first," fire was coming out of her eyes.

"The way you disrespect your husband is marvellous, Panchali. Your sons turned out to be just like you. Disrespectful and unruly," Arjun kicked the vase and stormed off the chamber.

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