Chapter 193 : The Beginning of the War

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Abhimanyu and Satanika rides beside Nakula's chariot where their mother stays.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Draupadi asks noticing Abhimanyu lost in his thoughts so much.

"Maa, Mamashree gave the undefeated Narayani soldier to Tatshree Duryodhana. We have normal soldiers in comparison," Abhimanyu expresses his worries.

Draupadi can't help but smile, "You need not to be afraid of a group of lion. Rather be afraid of the herd that is led by a lion."

Abhimanyu looks surprised at his mother's confident voice. Why is she so relaxed about this?

"But Maa...our soldiers will be defeated faster and easily..."

"Soldiers will face soldiers. Your brothers will face Maharathi like themselves. Even though I believe your brothers will bring out the best in the soldiers that follow them. They...."

"Aren't you tired of praising your sons?" Nakula teases, "Give me some attention at least. Your husbands are old but not that much. We still have the power to make our enemies fall to their knees."

Draupadi let's out a low chuckle, "I will say the valor of Pandavas five sons has enriched their fathers as well."

Abhimanyu says desperately then, "I will also come out victorious like my brothers Maa."

He says proudly, "I will show Bhrata Shrutakarma that he has taught me well."

Draupadi frowns and looks at Abhimanyu, "You have years ahead in your life to prove that to your brothers."

Draupadi might be wrong but why did it feel like Abhimanyu is talking about taking part in this war? A barely 16 years old child. He has no business in war. It's still his time to play around. What will he do fighting Maharathi like Duryodhana, Karna?

Maharaja Virat and Maharani Sudeshna welcomes them in Upapalvya cordially. Yudhisthira and him has formed a sort of friendship. And Draupadi has decided to forgive him given Yudhisthira's pleading.

"Samragni! It feels like my sense has came back after three years. You are as serene as always," Sudeshna beams seeing her.

"Indeed! I couldn't be more happier. Matsya extending their direct support to us, how fortunate!" Draupadi smiles.

Maharani Sudeshna welcomes Upapandavas next. Her eyes showed how mesmerized she is seeing them. They are each very handsome, strong and appear as lions. When they were walking behind their mother, it felt like Samragni is leading a pride.

Rajkumar Uttar gets acquainted with them. He and his sister are 18 this year. Uttara welcomes them as well. Fearfully looking at Draupadi who is busy in  chatting with Sudeshna.

Abhimanyu is trailing behind his brothers all the time. Listening carefully to their discussions and strategies.

Shrutakarma ruffles Abhimanyu's hair affectionately.

Duryodhana, Shakuni, Karna, Dushsasana, Bhisma and Dronachaya comes to their tent the next day. Krishna, Maharaja Virat, Pandavas and their sons, Dhristadhyumna are ready to let the final discussion and rules to be applied.

The chief of each side comes forward. Despite Bhisma being the chief, Duryodhana doesn't let him talk. Fearing him giving Pandavas advantage.

"An Archer for an Archer, A mace for a mace, a sword for a sword, a spear for a spear," Duryodhana says.

"Agreed," Dhristadhyumna says.

"No disarmed warrior will be harmed," Duryodhana says.

"Agreed," Dhristadhyumna says.

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