Chapter 138 : Chaos

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The king was in front. His face red in anger. Raksaash were running to catch Satanika anyhow.

"Bring me his head!" he commands his soldiers.

"Whose head?" Nakula asks very calmly.

"Bhrata Satanika's of..."

Shrutakarma couldn't finish his sentence when Nakula dashed towards the king.

"Nakula!" Arjuna yells frustrated.

What was he thinking? Two menace in one frame. How will he handled two?

"Don't step one toe out of line," Arjuna strictly orders Satanika who was grinning seeing his father in action.

Arjuna timely catches Nakula, "Nakula, first offer peace and hear them out. Don't jump into fights."

"Why? He wants a head. I will give him a head," Nakula growls looking ahead.

"Don't be hasty, Nakula. Let's hear them out. Ghatotkach should be arriving soon," Sahadeva says.

"Why!" Shrutakarma groans.

Arjuna approaches the king, "I am Pandavaputra Arjuna. They are my brothers Nakula and Sahadev. And our sons Satanika, Shrutasena, Shrutakarma. Why are you after Satanika?"


Satanika glares back not showing a bit of remorse.

Arjuna fall in dilemma. He cannot scold Satanika for protecting a woman's honor. He also can't agree on any punishment the king wishes.

"Whatever happened has happened. Seems like your son was the one starting it. I can only apologize if my son got overboard. Ask something as a compensation," Arjuna tries to settle peace.

"A life for a life. That's my vow. Hand him over and walk away if you don't wish to embrace the same fate as your son," the king growls.

"You said it before as well. You don't learn, do you?" Satanika rolls his eyes.

Arjuna gulps in between. How on earth Panchali handled him? When Karna complained so many times about him during Vanvas, Arjuna took pleasure in his misery. Now seems like it came back to him.

"Satanika, keep quiet!" Arjuna scolds.

"Take my head if you dare!" Satanika challenges the king bodly.

This time Shrutakarma places a hand over this shoulder, "Bhrata, a warrior doesn't ever use his strength to provoke war wrongly. Maa would be very disappointed the way you are provoking for war right now."

That seems to work because Satanika quiets down.

Arjuna prays in his heart for Ghatotkach to arrive soon. He doesn't fear war. He is Gandhivdhari Arjuna, his one arrow is enough. But unnecessary bloodshed should never become a warrior's pride. Satanika will be scolded by Draupadi furiously for the stunt he pulled already.

"Maharaj, we shouldn't spread such venom. Our brother Ghatotkach, is the king of Raksaash on earth. We have deep respect for you and your people. We deeply apologize for the lose of your son. But killing my brother won't bring him back. Instead of killing each other's princes will establish generation of vengeance," Shrutasena steps in.

Draupadi always says he is gifted with speech. Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva stand there amused and impressed with his humble but serious way of speaking. Even the king becomes silent so the other Raksaash. They all were gawking at Shrutasena completely taken aback by his speech.

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