Chapter 82 : Daanveer Karn

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Draupadi knows this is the only chance to persuade her to not declare war. After her Agyatvas ends, a war that will be known in history will occur. She will be persuaded again and again to change her decision. And that's what is happening right now.

Bhanumati and Kauravs other wives have came and are standing in front of her with joined palms.

Draupadi sighs. Of course Mata Gandhari send them here. She knows Bhanumati and she used to be very good friends.

"Samragni," Bhanumati calls weakly.

"I welcome you in my small hut," Draupadi says in an emotionless voice.

Bhanumati and others came forward and fall on her feet sobbing.

"Hey Mahabharti, Samragniof Indraprastha, mother of Aryavarta, have mercy on us," they sob.

Six brothers sat in a distance and knew it would be unwise to interfere.

"Samragni, have mercy on my husband...he is your brother in can a mother raise her weapon against her son? I beg you...pardon my husband," Bhanumati clutches Draupadi's feet.

"Samragni, our husbands have sinned and Hastinapur will always be hated for it...please spare their lives... don't make us widow," one cries.

"Hastinapur is your are the eldest daughter in law...please Samragni have mercy..." another cries.

"Should we interfere?" Bheem asks worriedly.

"No Bheem, we shouldn't," Karn and Yudhisthir stops him.

Draupadi listens their pleads without saying a word back. Now they all are suddenly remembering she is the daughter in law of that house. Where was this sense that day? Her sons have conquered every kingdom of Aryavarta and it has successfully ignited the fear in them. Exactly the way she wanted.

Draupadi gently raises Bhanumati by her chin, "You want me to call off the war?"

Bhanumati nods desperately, "Yes... please Samragni...I beg children will lose their father..."

"I also have children Bhanumati. I was pregnant when your brother in law kicked me in the stomach and I was dragged in the court bloodied," Draupadi spoke.

Bhanumati didn't lose hope, "Jiji...please..."

"Bhanumati listen. You want me to call off the war and I will," Draupadi says.

Pandavas were alarmed. They looked at each other shocked.

"I think we should interfere now Jyest," Ajun says standing up.

"Believe in her, Arjun. She is stronger than this," Karn holds him back.

"But with only one condition," Draupadi adds.

"Any condition, Jiji. All the wealth of Hastinapur will be at your feet. Your Indraprastha will be given back to you. Your husbans will not be a slave anymore," Bhanumati says desperately.

"Bhanumati, you are promising me all these. Did you husband agree?" Draupadi asks.

"He will agree. I promise you, Jiji. I will make him," Bhanumati says determined.

"Return to your home and send your husbands here. The way you all are falling at my feet begging, pleading for mercy, they will do it too. Only after that, I shall forgive them but Dussasan won't be forgiven. He must die,"

Draupadi's words send shiver down their spine. They looked at her face shocked. The Draupadi they know is the most soft spoken person they have seen. Her eyes were always filled with affection for them. But the woman in front of them isn't her. Her face has hardened like a warrior in Warfield.

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