Chapter 158 : Accusation

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Draupadi is massaging Lava and Kusha's body with oil. Both are too energetic and playful. She is having a hard time keeping them in place.

"My God! They are just like their father," Draupadi complains jokingly.

Arjuna smiles, "Prativindhya doesn't seem to be the one being so difficult."

"You don't know," Draupadi dismisses his idea, "He was the first child. He had everyone's attention all the king. He was too spoiled and was very hard to calm down. Aryaputra Yudhisthira is at fault. He spoiled him so much." 

Arjuna smiles recalling the past. Prativindhya was so adorable. If he was there at that time, his Jyest wouldn't have even seen his son. He would always be with Arjuna.

"Priye, can I ask you something?" Arjuna says.


"Priye...did any of my brothers broke the rule of not entering your chamber without permission?"

Draupadi's hand stops for a tiny moment then she begins to massage them again.

"No, they never did,"

Arjuna raises his eyebrows at her blunt lie. Yes, it happened. But she went that far to protect them. Something she didn't bother to do for him.

After the marriage of Satanika, Shrutakarma, Shivaya and Agnivarma went back to Kakeya. The competition was going smoothly.

Shrutakarma is deep asleep in his sleep. When the door of his chamber bursts open. He jumps up his warriors instincts kicking in.

"How dare you enter my chamber without my permission?" Shrutakarma asks infuriated at the soldiers.

"You have to come with us. Maharaj has ordered to arrest you!" the soldiers answer.

"For what? I am a guest here. Who is he to order me?" Shrutakarma asks.

"You are accused of assaulting Rajkumari Shivaya. Come with us,"

"I dare you to come forward and arrest me for a crime I haven't committed," Shrutakarma warns.

The soldiers look at each other. They backed away from him. Two of the soldiers exit the chamber definitely to bring their King.

A few moments later, Maharaj Rajan and Yuvraj Prithviraj enters his chamber.

"Look at your audacity! You are forcing us to come to take you in court!" Prithviraj glares at him.

"You haven't seen my audacity yet. I can and very much capable of slaughtering you all here in a blink of your eyes. How dare you accuse me without any evidence? That too of such lowly crime!" Shrutakarma yells angrily.

"My sister testified against you. Isn't this your ornament?" Prithviraj throws a bracelet at Shrutakarma.

Shrutakarma catches it. Indeed it's his. How did it even went to the woman's wing? How does Shivaya has it?

"It's mine. But that doesn't mean I went there. I don't even know where her chamber is. Your maids must have misplaced it," Shrutakarma argues.

"Such a lame excuse you came up with!" Prithviraj shouts.

"What's the meaning of this, Kakeyanaresh? Who do you think you are accusing of such heinous crime? Did you forget my brothers? If your false accusation goes to their ear, Kakeya will be removed from the map of earth!" Shrutakarma turns to the king.

"Justice is for everyone. I don't care who your brothers are and what they are capable of. You have committed a crime that I ought to kill you for," Maharaj Rajan glares.

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