Chapter 169 : Through Her Eyes (Part 4)

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Draupadi is wrapped in a warm embrace by Bheemasena by his arm. Both stand proud and content seeing their children.

"Name her," Draupadi says softly.

"Chandrakantha," Sutasoma kisses his daughter's head.

Rajkumari Chandrakantha!"

"Rajkumari Chandrakantha!"

"Rajkumari Chandrakantha!"

The moment Chandrakantha took birth, she has every male in her family wrapped in her fingers. Her uncles will go and bring the moon and star for her. Her grandfathers especially Arjuna who has great weakness for his daughter and now his granddaughter can't live a day without seeing her. Let's not mention her father who can leave anything and everything for her one drop of tear.

"Beautiful name, putra," Draupadi praises.

Maya has moved to their chamber but still completely bed ridden. Her labor was difficult but she is recovering. Siyaanshi and Devasena are taking care of her.

Draupadi and Bheems comes out. As much as they wish to stay longer, they have guests to attend. Bheema goes at the front gate where Draupadi goes in the kitchen.

Before going she takes a quick look at the front gate. Bheema, Nakula, Sahadeva are there. Yudhisthira and Karna are in the Sabha. Where's her Phalguni?

A month ago after Bheema and Nakula confessed, Arjuna has kept himself away from everything and anything. He talks less and less. Aside from his sons, he has stopped talking almost. Even he is avoiding her.

Draupadi sighs looking around. If she goes to him now, she knows what he can ask or will ask. She definitely doesn't have a clear answer to him now.

But...she will leave ....Arjuna alone now? As she takes a step forward to his chamber, someone in her head whispers to her.

"He wasn't there any time you faced trials of life. He abandoned you mercilessly. Why must you give him a shoulder?"

Draupadi freezes. Why? She knows why.

Arjuna is indeed in his chamber. Laying on the bed as the cold air covers his chamber.

Draupadi is humming softly at Shrutasena and Satanika. Her children are around her. All her very small.

Arjuna tries to calculate what year it is. His mind freezes as he realizes it's his time of Vanvas. And Shrutasena is a newborn now.

Arjuna hears a commotion outside her chamber. He peeks outside to see his brothers very troubled.

"I can't...I can't tell her this Jyest..." Nakula protests.

"I can't too..." Sahadeva washes his hands away troubled.

Yudhisthira looks at Bheema, "Bheema, Draupadi is very free around you. Maybe you..."

"I cannot see her breaking down, Jyest. Her tears don't sit well with me," Bheema's face falls.

Arjuna tries to understand what they are talking about. But fails. What happened that his brothers are this tense to approach her?

Finally it was decided Yudhisthira alone will confront her.

"Kalyani," Yudhisthira enters her chamber.

"Arya! Your Sabha ended early today," Draupadi's eyes sparkles seeing him.

Prativindhya and Sutasoma runs to Yudhisthira. Satanika makes happy sounds. Yudhisthira is very good at taking care of kids. So they all are very fond of him. Yudhisthira picks them both up kissing their chubby cheeks. He tickles Satanika's belly and kisses Shrutasena's head.

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