Chapter 161 : A Furious Krishna

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Shrutakarma snuggles to his mother's lap. Arjuna smiles adoringly at both of them. Shrutakarma lays on his mother's lap for hours now. Draupadi caresses his hair lovingly the entire time. It's been three weeks. She must really return now. All her sons, her husbands from Panchala are getting impatient.

"Yes?" Draupadi asks.

"Jyest doesn't believe this, right?" Shrutakarma asks nervously.

"Of course not. None of them do. They wanted to come here. But I didn't allow them. Your Bhrata Satanika wanted to wipe Kakeya off the map," Draupadi answers.

Shrutakarma grins. It feels good to have people who believe in you. Arjuna is sitting beside him. And holding Shrutakarma's hand tightly in his hold.

"Putra, don't think ever that we won't believe you. We all do. Without any doubt," Arjuna says.

Shrutakarma flashes his father a smile of trust and assurance.

"Maa, where's Pitashree Bheema and Bhrata Sena?" Shrutakarma asks.

"Bheema is busy with evidence and Sena is assisting him,"

"How's....the princess?" Shrutakarma asks hesitating.

Arjuna sighs, "Putra, she accused you so brutally. You don't have to worry about her. Focus on regaining your health."

Arjuna avoids the topics. Shrutakarma for now doesn't need to be worried. He should focus on gaining back his strength.

Shrutakarma also understands that from his father's tone and mother's silence. He doesn't ask anymore instead cuddles on his mother's lap.

"Maa, tell me a story!" Shrutakarma whines.

"Story? Of what?" Draupadi laughs.

"How about of his childhood? Satanika's are really colorful. What did this son of mine do?" Arjuna smiles getting cozy on the pillows.

"Satanika was expressive with his deeds. We knew that and always kept an eye on him. But Shrutakarma was the silent mischievous type. He took off to Dwarka alone when he was only 2," Draupadi grins.


Draupadi sighs. Where is that child? After his Mamashree returned to Dwarka yesterday, Shrutakarma is too down. He didn't even had dinner last night.

"Priyamvada, Malini you look there. I will look that way," Draupadi says.

They have already searched the east wing, the west wing and the north wing. They are currently searching the south wing. Yudhisthira, Bheema, Nakula, Sahadeva all are getting anxious. They even suspect this to be a kidnapping which Draupadi refuses to believe.

That child raised Gandhiva only a week old. Plays with his Mamashree's Sudarshana as a plaything. Noone is foolish enough to kidnap him. Also being the splitting image of his father does help.

South wing is where the animals reside. Draupadi looks in the stable. Did he fall asleep with his pony? His Mamashree gifted him a pony for his 2nd birthday. He named it Veer. Shrutakarma is often here playing with the pony.

"The pony isn't here as well," Draupadi looks around.

"Avaya, was Shrutakarma here?" Draupadi asks the groomer.

"Samragni...I am ordered not to say..." Avaya gulps.

"Ordered? By who? My husbands?" Draupadi asks.

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