Chapter 68 : Back to Them

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Karn hold Draupadi before she could fall on the ground. He looked at the snake and at the spot where it bit her.

It was a deadly poisonous snake.

Nakula and Sahadev rushed towards her and examined it.

"We have to hurry. This can kill in a very short time," Nakul's voice shook.

"Madhav," Arjun rushed for Krishna.

"Even letting this poison stay in her body is harmful," Sahadev says.

"That snake was a magical one. The same one in Indraprastha. Jyest I think Takshak is taking his revenge," Nakul spoke venom.

Karn's eyes were bloodshot red in fury. Draupadi was in his arms her body almost blue as she wiggled in the pain.

He handed her to Bheem and summoned his Vijaya.

"DEVRAJ INDRA, I SUMMON YOU THIS INSTANCE!" Karn shouted in anger at the sky.

Pandavas mouth fell open. He did not just summoned DEVRAJ Indra did he? And with that tone. DEVRAJ will be furious at him and curse him immediately.


Indra had to come. He was furious at Karn.

"You insolent fool! I can kill you this instance with my vajra," Indra growled.

"I will not stand quietly I can assure you that," Karn grits his teeth.

"How dare you? You, a mere mortal want to fight with a God?"

"I know you won't die. But you will feel pain," Karn raises his Vijaya at him.

Indra also summons his Vajra. But Karn was the deciple of Vagwan Parshuram himself. His divine bow Vijaya sang the name of Lord Shiva. Indra stops seeing Shiva's bow.

"Stop Karn. I accept my defeat. I can't raise my weapon at such a divine bow," Indra says.

Karn also lowers his Vijaya.

"What do you want?" Indra asks.

"The snakes that are under your protection has dared to hurt your daughter in law. Whichever it is, ask it to suck the poison out from Yagnaseni's body," Karn says.

Indra did as he was asked.

Draupadi opens her eyes to find her husbands around her. She was in Bheem's arms.

"Arya," her voice was weak.

"Panchali," Bheem crushes her to his chest sobbing.

Others were shocked to see the most powerful man of Aryavarta crying like a child in fear of losing his beloved.

"I....what happened?" Draupadi asks.

"You ought to be a trouble all the time. Why did you run, sakhi?" Krishna asks angrily.

Then Draupadi's eye met with Karn and she looks away.

"Putri, Thank God. You are fine. If it wasn't for Karn, you wouldn't have survived," Kunti cries embracing Draupadi.

Draupadi looks at them confused.

"Sakhi, Karn challenged DEVRAJ Indra for you. The snake was magical. DEVRAJ Indra accepted his defeat and made the snake suck out the venom," Krishna says.

Draupadi looks at Karn surprised, "What were you thinking! You and Phalguni both have an habit of making the Gods your enemy, don't you?"

"Chee sakhi chee. Instead of thanking him, you are interrogating him!" Krishna shakes his head.

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