Chapter 44 : Draupadi's Aid

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"Arya Yudhisthir, Arya Bheem,"

Pandavas were shocked to see their Panchali in a hermits attire standing in front of them.

"Panchali, why are you wearing that? Where's your royal attire?" Nakul asks.

"I have given them up. I will follow you in your vanvas after my sons marriage," Draupadi says.

"Panchali, you have never lived in a jungle before. That life is very difficult. You can't come with us," Arjun says.

"I promised to follow you in poverty or wealth during our marriage. I am just following my dharma. Please don't take it otherwise,"

Though her words were true, it hurted her husbands. She didn't do this for love rather she did this for her dharma.

"Did you come to say anything to us?" Bheem asks softly.

"Yes, the groom's are prepared by their fathers before their marriage in this custom. Do you wish to follow that or I will ask my bhrata Dhrishtadyumna?" Draupadi asks.

"If you permit us, we will be more than happy to oblige," Yudhisthir spoke softly.

Draupadi joined her hands and left getting her answer not even looking back once.

The next morning was the marriage ...

Draupadi chose the Angavastra and Avusans and send them to her husbands. Krishna came to receive them. With them they moved to their sons chamber.

Satanika was saying something making Shrutakarma roll on the bed while Prativindhya and Sutasoma were red. They stopped seeing their fathers. Their Maa had spoken with them last night. Reminding them of what Mahadev said. Mahadev and Ganesha's relationship was strongest after the fight.

"Pranipath Pitashree," all five of them touched their fathers feets.

Pandavas were shocked at first then their heart was filled with love, "Kalyan ho, Putro. Yasasshi vaba."

"Pitashree, we ask for forgiveness for all our behavior. Please forgive them considering it as child's mistake," Prativindhya says. After learning their behavior from Tatshree, their maa was furious with them. She ordered them to apologize the first chance they get.

"Putro, you didn't do anything wrong," Arjun softly touched his head.

"Bhrata Satanika stop being jealous of Jyest," Shrutakarma snickers.

Satanika was chewing on some grasses while looking at his elder brothers who are prepared by their fathers. Prativindhya and Sutasoma looked more handsome then ever today.

"I am not jealous," Satanika says offended.

"Yes..yes..I can't smell you burning," Shrutasena rolls his eyes.

Pandavas hid their smile seeing them bicker like children.

Yudhisthir placed the crown on Prativindhya's head and Bheem on Sutasoma's. Prativindhya was in dilemma. In the corner of his heart he wished the new beginning of his life will start with both of his parents. It is finally done and he can't believe it now. Still he is a boy who never received his father's love.

Yudhisthir embraced his son tightly. Few tears rolled from his eyes. He kissed Prativindhya's face.

"Pitashree, I am not a child," Prativindhya was immediately red in embarrassment.

"A child you are and a child you will be, my son. My beloved Prativindhya," Yudhisthir today stood as a proud father.

"You my son, have the radiance of moon. My handsome Sutasoma," Bheem lifted Sutasoma off his feet making his brothers snicker.

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