Chapter 103 : Marriage Proposal

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Draupadi smiles in satisfaction as he dresses up Vrishaketu. Her heart is at peace. She finally is able to see him the way he is supposed to. Like a prince of Kuru Bloodline.

"Aren't you a handsome man!" Draupadi coos at him.

"Maa.... It's sparkling...." Vrishaketu points her to his gold bangles.

"Yes, it is," Draupadi smiles.

"Maa," Shrutakarma enters the room.

"Putra, isn't he looking adorable?" Draupadi asks.

Vrishaketu jumps in her arms seeing Shrutakarma. He is very cautious about people who comes near his mother. Draupadi sighs. Unfortunately Vrishaketu once witnessed Keeckak molesting her. From then on he doesn't like people coming close to her.

Shrutakarma chuckles seeing him and ruffles his head lovingly, "Come here."

Vrishaketu looks at his mother for permission. Draupadi nods her head softly.

Shrutakarma sweeps Vrishaketu of this feet and takes him in his arms. Vrishaketu's eyes widens. He is suddenly on a higher level.

"So...tall..." Vrishaketu says.

"You will be tall one day too," Shrutakarma smiles.

"Sit, both of you," Draupadi says.

Shrutakarma sits close to his mother and brushing against her body. Vrishaketu was sat on his lap.

"Maa, Bhrata Shrutasena and Abhimanyu will arrive by night. Bhrata Sutasoma, Bhabishree Maya will arrive tomorrow," Shrutakarma says.

"Prativindhya? Satanika? Siyaanshi? And Jiji? They won't come?" Draupadi fails to hide the sadness in her tone.

Shrutakarma smiles, "Maa, Mamashree hid this news from you because you would be anxious. It's time you know."

"What news? Is everything alright?" Draupadi was looking at him worried.

Shrutakarma smiles and holds his mother's hands, "I know Jyest would have preferred to tell you this himself first but I just can't stop now."

"Kirti, don't joke. Tell me," Draupadi's worry grows.

"Maa, Bhabishree Siyaanshi is about to give birth to the heir of Pitashree Yudhisthir. Only a month left. That's why Jyest Prativindhya and Satanika decided to stay back in Devapath," Shrutakarma says.

Draupadi was stunned would be an underestimate. She was baffled. Months back, she was filled with happiness suddenly. A happiness people feel for loved ones.

"Does.... Yudhisthir...knows?" she manages to say.

"No, Maa. I told you first," Shrutakarma smiles.

"Dasi, where's Samrat Yudhisthir?"

"Samrat is in his chamber with his brothers, Samragni," the maids bowed.

Draupadi stands up her eyes brimming with tears. Such immense happiness! Her heart is overjoyed. She kisses Shrutakarma's head lovingly.

"Let me tell this to him," Draupadi says grinning. 

Shrutakarma picks Vrishaketu up and follows his mother grinning.

"Yudhisthir," Draupadi jumps in his open arms.

Yudhisthir was discussing about what they encountered during past years with Krishna and his brothers. Draupadi bursts in and immediately jumps in his embrace hugging him tightly.

Yudhisthir's heart swelled with happiness. Years after he got to witness this childlike side of hers.

Krishna burst into laughter seeing Draupadi acting childish for once.

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