Chapter 19 : Draupadi's Nightmare

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The wedding preperation of Suthanu and Bhanu is on full go in Devapath. Rajmata Kunti came beforehand to help Draupadi with preperations.

"Putri, for whom are you preparing this royal chambers for? Is anyone coming beforehand?" Kunti asks Draupadi.

"Mata, Putra Ghatotkach and Jiji Hidimba are coming beforehand. These chambers are prepared for them," Draupadi smiled.

Kunti smiles. Ghatotkach has a really special place in Draupadi's heart and everyone is aware of it.

"Putri, what is in the box?" Kunti asks.

"Mata, this are the jeweleries I was gifted by your sons. I only took them with me," Draupadi opens the box after years.

Nakul was helping with choosing ornaments. He looked up hearing it.

Kunti's eyes watered looking at Draupadi who is staring at the ornaments with a small smile.

"Mata, these anklets were gifted by Sahadev, on 12th Shravana. It was heavily raining and he ran to me all drenched looking at them happily. These pair of earrings were chosen by Arya Bheem on 7th Kartika...." Draupadi went on with every detail about every single ornaments.

Kunti's tears knew no bounds. She wept silently as Draupadi excitedly said every details about them. Nakul felt a lump on his throat. Draupadi...loved them this much?

"Bhrata Bheem...." Sahadev bursted into their chamber panting heavily.

"What happened, Sahadev? Why are you running?" Arjun asks.

"Bhrata, Panchali invited Bhabishree Hidimba and Putra Ghatotkach. They are arriving in a few days," Sahadev said in one breath.

"It's a good news. Why are you panicking?" Yudhisthir asks.

"Jyest, it's a problem. Ghatotkach will recognize us in a second," Nakul paled.

Realization fall on five of them. Ghatotkach is immune to magic. He will recognize them immediately.

"Oh no," Arjun whispered.

Everyone became worried. They are so close to their family. They are learning about Draupadi everyday. If Ghatotkach recognises them now, they will face Draupadi's wrath the fullest.

"Bheem, you have to talk to Ghatotkach before anyone else," Yudhisthir suggested.

"That's impossible now, Jyest. Panchali is so excited about meeting him. And you know where Ghatotkach will ran first," Arjun says.

"Bheem, we have to tell Ghatotkach the truth. This way only he will stop. If we can't meet him before, we can't go to welcome them at the entrance. We will meet him later then tell him," Yudhisthir suggests.

Pandavas nodded their head fanatically. One wrong move and they will be caught.

"What are you doing, Soma? I have work," Draupadi says.

"No, Mata. Today you won't do any work. You have to stay with us the whole day," Sutasoma whines like a child.

Draupadi smiles seeing all her children there. They are waiting for her anxiously.

"Mata, lets play," Shrutakarma proposes.

Draupadi raised her brows amused.

"What do you want to play?" she asks hiding her smile.

"I have it ready," Suthanu appears with a piece of clothe.

Abhimanyu in his habit pulled Draupadi's achal and stayed beside her. Abhimanyu though was never apart from his mother like his brothers, he is attached to his mother the most. He still can't sleep without his Mata. His whole world revolves around his Mata.

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