Chapter 127 : Confession before War (01)

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Draupadi visibly grows tense as she feels Arjuna wrapping his arms around her shoulders. She needs to calm her heart before going to Krishna's call. Krishna gave them a week time and today is the day they will all confess.

"Priye, let's go. Everyone is waiting for you," Arjuna says.

Draupadi nods, "Where are my sons? Are they going to witness this?"

"Madhav asked them to be there. Not only our sons but also our daughter in laws, Mata Kunti, Subhadra is also there. Madhav says Mata Kunti must also need to confess her heart," Arjuna says.

"Why doesn't sakha invite the entire Aryavarta in this discussion as well? Why is he so hell bent on doing this in front everyone?" Draupadi asks angrily.

Arjuna doesn't answer. He leads them both to Draupadi's chamber. Their sons and daughter in laws stands up seeing them paying their respect. Draupadi sits beside Krishna. She doesn't dare to meet the eyes of her husbands. But she knew all of them are also looking down today.

"Bua, we must start from you. Today you can confess your heart also you can ask anyone any question. Think of this as a sabha of Chitragupta," Krishna jokes.

Karna looks at his brothers and Draupadi. Today six of them will meet eye to eye. He along with their sons and daughter in laws are mute spectator only.

"Go years back, Bua. Remember that day," Krishna says.

Kunti finishes up her prayer. She sighs exiting the hut. Her sons are doing work around here. Yudhisthira is frowning looking at his hands. He fails to understand why is his hands are all bruised and blistered when he only did some basic works. Bheema is spouting some weird stories to Nakula and Sahadeva. He is mainly distracting them because Sahadeva was seriously wounded this morning by some wild boar. Arjuna has gone out to collect some foods because they had no meal for last 2 days.

Kunti's tears flow silently. Why is fate so cruel to her? Why can't she ever get happiness? Why must her sons suffer so cruelly while those wretched Kauravs are enjoying the luxury which is rightfully theirs?

Why are her innocent sons suffering so much? None of these is their fault. Yudhisthira, who should be ruling his father's kingdom now has blisters all over his palms and feet from working. Bheema can't have a satisfied meal any time of a whole day. Nakula, Sahadeva who are brought up by extreme pampering from their mother and brothers, are suffering silently and putting in a brave face in front of their brothers. Arjuna? The renowned archer who is the pride of Guru Dronacharya, Mahamahim Bhism is collecting alms door to door.

Kunti notices a man approaching their hut. She immediately recognizes him.

"Pranipath Bhagwan," Kunti immediately greets him.

Her sons also raise to their feet and greets him.

"Kalyan ho, Kunti. Kalyan ho Pandavas," Bhagwan Ved Vyasa blesses them.

Arjuna comes with a defeated face that time. There's no people in other villages at all. Where are they?

Kunti notices Arjuna carrying some rare fruits. That poor child of hers must have gone through extreme measures to collect them. His feet are bleeding as well.

But all six of them gets busy serving Bhagwan Ved Vyasa. After he eats a very small portion of food Arjuna brought, he sits down on their porch.

Yudhisthira and his brothers begins to ask him questions about the civilized world.

"Bhagwan, it's a very rare case. It's been 2 weeks but there's no people in villages. Where are they all?" Arjuna asks.

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