Chapter 31 : Draupadi's Thoughts

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"Abhi, what are you doing?" Draupadi rushes towards her youngest son removing his hand from the fire.

Abhimanyu laughs sheepishly.

"Rajkumar, you could have burned your hands. As an Archer you must take care of your hands," Arjun says worriedly.

"Answer me, Abhi. What was that?" Draupadi asks sternly.

"Maa, I was just... curious...." Abhimanyu gulped.

"About what?"

Draupadi had her heart almost stopped when she saw her youngest trying to touch the fire. What was he thinking? Doesn't he know he will get burned?

"Maa, Bhrata Shrutasena says you were born from fire. It must have hurted a lot maa. I wanted to feel your pain," Abhimanyu cries under Draupadi's extremely angry gaze at him. He isn't used to his mother getting angry at him at all.

Draupadi's anger vanished seeing Abhimanyu's tears. She sighs.

"Abhi, listen to me," Draupadi's voice softens.

Draupadi sits beside Abhimanyu and pulls him to her chest kissing his head. This silly child.

"Putra, Agnidev is my father. My father will not hurt me ever. But you could have burned your hands, dear," Draupadi says softly.

"But weren't hurt?" Abhimanyu asks again. This eyes shinning with curiosity.

Draupadi smiles. She moves her hand towards the fire of the candle. Abhimanyu gasps in shock and grabbed her hand from reaching out.

"No maa, you will be hurt," Abhimanyu cries again.

"Don't you trust your maa, Abhi?" Draupadi asks.

Abhimanyu nods but still the fear didn't leave his face.

Draupadi reached out to the fire. Her hand was in the fire but nothing happened to her. Abhimanyu watched in amusement. His mother's hands aren't hurt at all. Draupadi takes her hand back only for Abhimanyu to examine intensely.

"Maa, you aren't hurt at all," Abhimanyu almost screams.

"I told you already. I won't be hurt," Draupadi smiles.

"Then I am also your son. Why would I get hurt, maa?" Abhimanyu asks.

Draupadi and Arjun melted on that place. Abhimanyu has inherited Draupadi's innocence. His eyes are big and makes anyone melt with his adorableness.

"Do you want to touch the fire?" Draupadi asks.

Abhimanyu nods. His curly locks shaking making him look like a doll.

Draupadi hold his small hand in her palm and slowly forwarded in to the fire. Abhimanyu gasps but didn't remove his hand. He trusts his mother too much to doubt her decision.

Abhimanyu's eyes widen in shock as he didn't feel burned at all in the fire. He felt warm but a pleasant warmness. He looks at his mother shocked.

"Maa, my hands aren't burning at all!" Abhimanyu screams in joy.

"It won't as long as I am holding your hand," Draupadi smiles.

Abhimanyu looks at his hand with excitement. This is too amazing.

"Maa, I will go and tell this to Bharat Shrutakarma!" Abhimanyu jumps from her embrace.

Arjun and Draupadi smiles looking at their youngest son running away.

"He is just like his father. Can't sit silently for a second," Draupadi comments smiling.

Arjun turns towards his beloved.

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