Chapter 86 : The Love of a Mother

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So many chariots were seen coming. Draupadi looks over once and understood immediately. They are the sons of Pandavas. Yaudheya, Niramitra, Iravan, Babhruvahana, Savarga, Suhotra. She looked at small Vrishaketu in her arms and placed a kiss on his head making him throw his hands and legs up giggling.

She stays inside as the sons greeted their fathers. She has cooked every single dish that they like. They ignored her completely in both Suthanu, Prativindhya and Sutasoma's wedding. There's no way they will appear in front of her directly. Her thoughts broke with a sudden call.


Draupadi turns around in joy. Ghatotkach stood there grinning showing his dimples.

"Putra," Draupadi couldn't control her happiness and embraced him.

"Why did you take so long? Now after being a king you don't have time for your old mother at all, I see," she accuses sobbing.

"Mata, if you say I shall abolish my title this instance. Do not say that I have become arrogant after getting the throne. Everything in my life that I achieve is from your blessings only," Ghatotkach touched her feet.

Draupadi placed kisses on his forehead Lovingly hugging him tightly in her chest. Her sons are precious parts of her.

"Did you greet your father?" Draupadi asks.

"Of course not, Panchali. You know he rans towards you first," Bheem laughs from the yard.

"Haven't you gotten used to this already bhrata?" Arjun jokes.

"Pranipath bhrata," Shrutasena touches his feets.

Ghatotkach hugged him tightly raising him off his feets making everyone laugh.

Ghatotkach greeted the Pandavas one by one. In Draupadi's surprise, all sons of Pandavas came and touched her feets. Babhruvahana placed his crown at her feet.

"Pranipath, Jyest Mata," the greeted.

Draupadi frowns. The way they ignored her was disrespectful in every way. And now what's with this greetings? She doesn't require this fake greetings.

"Putra Ghatotkach, come inside," she takes him inside without answering them.

Pandavas looked at each other astonished. Draupadi ignoring her own sons? That's not something that she ever did.

Arjun clearly remembers even after he broke his vows, Draupadi cared and loved his sons as her own. She hugged Iravan and Babhruvahana to her chest and cried meeting them the first time. They were always around her and she showered them with love more than anyone.

Suhotra was very dear to Draupadi. She cherished him as much as she cherished his father. She spoiled him the most because he was the youngest that time.

Niramitra refused to drink every milk including Karenumati's like Vrishaketu. He was fed by Draupadi all his life. He was practically Draupadi's son more than anyone.

Holding him in her arms Draupadi declared he is her son. Yaudheya was taught by Draupadi more than his father. His first teacher was Draupadi. She took care of him more than Devika who was always too busy guarding her relationship with Yudhisthir.

Sarvaga couldn't sleep one night without his Jyest Mata. Draupadi despite being the busiest person in Indraprastha, had to lull him to sleep every night.

Pandavas knows how much Draupadi loves all their sons. Bheem used to say no matter who gives birth to them, Draupadi will always be their mother. And she loved them no less than her own sons.

She walked away from them without even giving them her blessings. That's an impossible scenario.

Everyone looked at Bheem. Draupadi always told him everything.

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