Chapter 17

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Episode 6: Take my Hand (part 2)
"Cut the music!"

All the trainees froze as they faced Solji master nim who placed her clipboard down onto her lap.

Today was the mid-evaluation day for the second mission in Boys Planet. Both Arin and Solji were in charge of evaluating the vocal and dance group.

Currently, they were examining the 'So Special' team.

"What's wrong with you Zhang Shau Bo?"

He sighed while avoiding Solji's gaze. "Sorry"

Arin gripped her clipboard as her blood started to boil.

As soon as the team started dancing to their song, Arin's eyes couldn't get off of Zhang Shaui Bo.

And not for a good reason.

His gestures were small and timid. He would just murmur the melody. Not even hitting the notes properly.

He would cast his eyes down onto the ground as the other trainees tried their best.

She internally let out a long breath, trying to calm herself down. Maybe there's a good reason behind his performance right now...

"Is something wrong Zhang Shaui Bo?"

Zhang Shaui Bo placed his hand over his mouth, looking hesitant to say his feelings.

Arin nodded towards him, signalling him that it's okay to tell her.

"When I chose to become the main vocalist I didn't choose willingly. The other team members didn't want to take on the role so I decided to attempt the part.

But when I listened to the song again and I wasn't feeling confident with reaching the notes"

"So, is that why you're not trying?"

Zhang Shaui Bo nodded and Arin ran her fingers through her hair.

Although she understood why he might've felt that way, his attitude behind his current position got on her nerves.

She didn't care if he couldn't reach those notes. He can practice with her help.

What bothered her was him being unwilling to step out of his comfort zone and try his best to improve his vocal skills.

Arin moved her eyes up towards him, practically glaring at him.

"You do realise that's not a good excuse. Right?"

Everyone in the room froze.

The sudden change in Arin's aura got them alerted. They have never seen Arin mad at a trainee before.

Whenever she evaluated the trainees she would always be understanding and try to give them advice in the nicest way possible, without making them feel ashamed of themselves.

But now... 

"You're claiming that you can't reach those notes but you didn't even try to reach them.

You don't even take responsibility of taking one of the most important roles for your team by claiming that you chose unwillingly because no one else would.

Do you think you can make it in the kpop scene by doing the bare minimum?"

The room was silent as the atmosphere got tense. 

Arin raised an eyebrow towards Zhang Shaui Bo who didn't even make eye contact with her.

She scoffed as she leaned back on her chair.

"I don't even want to teach someone who doesn't take this seriously. Don't you agree Solji masternim?"

Solji nodded, "You took the words right out of my mouth"

Although she was mad in the moment, she regretted the harsh things she said towards the trainee.

She never wants to single out a trainee and embarrass him in front of everyone.

But she couldn't help her emotions get the better of her.

His attitude was just unacceptable.

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