Chapter 2: The Studio

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The next morning, everyone wakes up and heads to the theater to give the production team a debrief of the show. "Good morning, everyone! Okay, it's a pleasure, first of all, to work with you all here and together I think we can make a show that will take this audience, out of this world!" said Buster as he reveals a book. He then opens it. "Here she is folks. The star of our show...Rosita!" said Buster as Rosita gasped. "The lead role?" she said in awe. "Trust me. You are perfect." said Buster as the group congratulated her. "Wait till my kids hear about this!" said Rosita in excitement. "Now Rosita will play an astronaut, who's searching for a missing explorer. Together, with her trusty robot, Gunter, they travel across 5 planets. There's a planet of war, a planet of joy, a planet of love, a planet of resolution and a planet of despair. And each planet will be played by every member of the cast." said Buster as the crew were impressed. "And how does it end? Do I find the explorer?" asked Rosita. "Oh we don't know what were going to do yet." said Gunter. "Now Gunter, we do have some ideas. We just haven't decided yet. But let's work and get to it, folks!" said Buster as everyone heads to the studio. Johnny's planet was war and he was assigned to practice his choreography with Klaus Kickenklober. Meena was assigned to the planet of love and she awaits to have a partner assigned. Eventually, Dante arrived. "Hey there he is!" said Buster as he approached him. "Hey Mr. Moon!" said Dante. "Glad you can make it. Come on. I'll introduce you to the cast. Gang! Come on over! I got someone I want you all to meet!" said Buster as they approached them. "Everyone, this is Dante aka the Trickster. He made music on the web. Dante, meet, Rosita, Gunter, Ash, Johnny and Meena." said Buster as they waved. "But where is..?" Buster was cut off as they heard the sound of a motorcycle engine. They see Chris driving in the studio with a motorcycle. "Hey guys! Sorry I was late. I was on my way here until I couldn't help but see this awesome ride. Had to get away from a bunch of fans. They were too much." said Chris as he got off the bike and took his helmet off. "Well welcome to the life of a famous singer." said Ash as Chris chuckled. He then sees Dante. "Oh! Is this him, Buster?" he asked. "Yup. Dante, this is Chris aka El Lobo, son of the late great singer, Queen." said Buster as the two shook hands. "Nice to meet you, man." said Chris. "Same here." said Dante. "I've been listening to your music. It's really awesome. I look forward getting to work with you." said Chris as Dante smiled. "Likewise." he replied. "Alright. So while production is still in the works, let's get to work. Later in the afternoon, everyone meet back at the hotel. That includes you, Dante." said Buster. "Really?" he asked. "Yeah. Now that your part of the show, you and I can come up with ideas for our number come showtime." said Chris. Everyone breaks off and eventually got to work. "So...what made you wanna post your music on the web?" asked Chris. Dante sighed. "Well...when I was a kid, I was bullied a lot and it lead me to depression. I don't really interact with much people. I'm kind of not over it yet but with my newfound experience with music, I slowly overcome it. I am a kind and respectful person with others." said Dante. "Hmm. Well you aren't the only one going through depression. When my mom died, I fell in depression and my dad was also depression and also is suffering from PTSD. She was the reason I wanted to sing. When I watched her sing for the first time...I was amazed. I asked her if she could teach me. She said she would and slowly, year by year, I would get better at singing. She even taught me Spanish. We were suppose to sing a song together...but she never got the chance to. Her last words to me was...nunca pierdas la fe. Cree en ti mismo y serás mejor cantante que yo. te amo hijo mio." said Chris as he pulls out his necklace and shows Dante the photo of him and Queen. "Sorry you had to go through that." said Dante as Chris smiled. "Thanks, man." he replied. Later in the night, the group would return to the hotel, where they were relaxing for the night. Meena, Rosita and Johnny were watching T.V, Buster and Gunter were coming with more ideas, Ash plays he guitar on the couch beside them and Chris was listening to Dante's music. "Mr. Moon! I found him!" said Ms. Crawly. "Clay Calloway?" Buster asked. "Yes! I found his home address!" she replied. "Perfect. Ms. Crawly, I'll need you to go to his home first thing in the morning to convine him to join us. Maybe the fruit basket will do!" said Buster. "Yes, sir!" Ms. Crawly replied. Everyone was amazed by the news. "Wow! I can't believe you guys are actually getting Clay Calloway to join the show!" said Dante. "Well, if we convince him enough. He hadn't left his home in 15 years. Let's just hope he's willing to join us." said Chris as the group continues to work until eventually getting some rest. The next morning, Ms. Crawly left early in the morning to convince Calloway to join us, while the gang head to rehearsal. Rehearsals are kind of off to a rocky start. Johnny struggled to learn his choreography due to Kickenklober's criticism of his inability to dance, while Meena struggled to get her love across the scene with her assigned partner, Darius, an egocentric yak actor. Meanwhile, Ms. Crawly arrived at Calloway's home but upon entering his land, a series of booby traps were set off, scaring her away. Back at the studio, the crew was still doing production while the cast was taking a break. Buster tried to call Ms. Crawly, but no answer. Eventually, Crystal arrived. "Moon!" he yelled. "Mr. Crystal." Buster replied. "Your set designs are a disgrace!" said Crystal angrily. "What?!" exclaimed Buster. But Crystal laughs. "I'm just messin with ya! Where's ya sense of humor, huh?" said Crystal as he ruffled his head. Buster nervously chuckled. "Anyway, this is my daughter, Porsha." said Crystal as she steps up. "Hey!" said Porsha. She wears a dark blue multi-colored jacket, yellow trousers, a black top with a face imprint of Chris and purple sunglasses. Her fur is almost similar to Chris's fur but she has bluish grey fur. Following her, was Jerry, Suki, Jimmy's security guards and a red fox, wearing a black denim jacket, blue jeans and black sneakers. "Nice to meet you, Porsha." said Buster as he waved. "She wants to meet Chris. Big fan aren't you, baby?" said Crystal. "Oh my gosh! I am so into vintage right now! I've been dreaming about meeting him since I watched his debut. I LOVE him! Where is he?" asked Porsha. Then they hear the doors open as Chris and Dante entered the studio. "Hey Buster! Sorry were late, we left our notes at the hotel." said Chris. "It's alright, fellas. Just glad you can make it. Anywho, Chris, this is Porsha, Mr. Crystal's daughter." said Buster as Chris approaches Porsha. "Hi Porsha!" he said as he tilts his sunglasses up. Porsha gasped before suddenly letting out a squeal of excitement. She then gave him a big hug. "Woah! Nice to meet you too, Porsha." said Chris as he chuckled. "Hey, who's this guy?" asked Crystal, pointing to Dante. "Oh, this is Dante also known as the Trickster. Buster and Gunter met him yesterday and after we listened to his music, they've decided to have him join the cast." said Chris. "The Trickster? Oh my gosh, I've heard your songs on the web, they're amazing!" said Porsha as Dante smiled. "Thanks. I do my best at it." he replied. "His music is fabulous and we think it's a great addition to the show." said Buster. "And what about Calloway? Is he here yet?" asked Crystal. "Well...I'm not expecting Clay on set just yet. I..." Buster tried to explain but Porsha pitches in. "Wait. Is this like a sci-fi show?" asked Porsha. "Why yes! Yes it is." said Buster. "Mr. Moon! Were ready for the set!" said a stage crew member. "Thank you! Chris, your up." said Buster as he nodded. He heads to the stage. Dante couldn't help but take his eyes of the red fox standing beside Suki. "Hey Porsha? Who's that over here?" asked Dante as he points to the red fox listening to Suki's instructions. "Oh! That's my friend, Ember. We've known each other for a long time. She was looking for a job, so I talked to Suki and she was kind enough to give Ember an internship as a theater scout." said Porsha. "Wow. She looks pretty." said Dante in his thoughts. Meanwhile, Chris was on stage with his guitar as he prepares for his rehearsal. He plays the song, "Animal"

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