Chapter 13: The Revenge of Jimmy Crystal

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Far away from the city of Catalonia, lies the Redshore Federal Prison. Inside are many inmates chattering, among them is Jimmy Crystal. He was in his cell, looking through the cell window. A guard then approaches. "Hey Crystal! You got someone on the phone who wants to talk to you." said the guard as he escorts Crystal to a room with a payphone, where on the other end of the line, was his former assistant, Jerry, who was left without a job when Crystal Entertainment was shut down after Crystal was arrested. "Mr. Crystal!" he said in excitement. "What do you want, Jerry?" asked Crystal. "I thought I'd come down to see you." Jerry replied. "There's no use, Jerry. Your just wasting your time." said Crystal as he was about to hang up. "Wait! Wait! I found them!" said Jerry. "Found who?" asked Crystal. "Chris, Porsha and Moon and his friends." said Jerry as Crystal's eyes widened before slowly chuckling. "Where are they?" asked Crystal. "In Catalonia. Apparently, Porsha's been with Chris ever since leaving Redshore City." explained Jerry. " listen to me and listen good." said Crystal as Jerry nodded. "I need you to go to Catalonia...and look for animals, who are willing to take the job to kill Chris." said Crystal. "Ok. Yes sir." Jerry replied. "And listen...make sure they do the job." said Crystal. "Alright sir. It shall be done." said Jerry as he hung up the phone. Jerry then leaves and heads to Catalonia. Meanwhile, in the beautiful Catalonia, life was going well for the Moon Troupe. After multiple successful performances, they Troupe has been living their best lives. In the city's nightclub, inside is Mike, who hasn't been seen since his last appearance at the Moon Troupe's first show. He was with his wife, Nancy. "Ah. Nothing like a good night with you, Nancy." said Mike. "Oh Mike, your such a gentlemen." Nancy replied. "Alright baby, I'll get us more drinks then we can call it a night." said Mike as he heads to the bar stand. "Hey pal! Fill these one more time for me and my lady." said Mike as the bartender heads to the back and grab a fresh restock. As Mike waits for his drinks, Jerry enters the nightclub. He looks at all tables, hoping to find someone who can do the job. He was about to leave until he noticed 3 large bears, having their drinks at their table. He gasped and quickly approached them. "Excuse me, gentlemen! Can I have a moment of your time?" asked Jerry. "What's a pint size cat like you doing here?" said the lead bear as Mike's ears perked up, recognizing the voice. He immediately hid around the wall as he was breathing in a panic. "Fine. But you better make it worth our time." warned the bear as Jerry sat on the table. "Listen. I have a request under my former boss, Jimmy Crystal." said Jerry. "What about that bloke?" asked the bear leader. Jerry then pulls out an envelope full of cash. "I'll give you the cash if you just do one simple thing for him." said Jerry. "And what is that?" asked Goon Bear #2. "You know the singer, El Lobo?" asked Jerry as the 3 bears nodded. "I need you to take him out. Do it and you'll get paid." said Jerry. Mike's eyes widened and returned to Nancy. "Nancy, we got to go now." said Mike. "Why? What is it?" asked Nancy. "Trouble." said Mike as they hopped into their car and drove off. At the Moon Theater, the Troupe were inside, finishing cleaning after performing another show. "Another successful show in the books. Great job, everyone!" said Buster as everyone cheered. "These shows? They're just getting better and better!" said Gunter. "How about we go out and get some food?" suggested Rosita. "Not a bad idea." said Chris. The group were about to leave until suddenly Mike approaches them. "Hey! Over here!" he shouted as the group looks down. "Mike? What are you doing here?" asked Ash. "I know this is unexpected but you need to hear me out." said Mike. "Why should we hear you out? You not only left us after we did our show but you also got the Theater destroyed because of the bears you brought upon us." pointed out Rosita. "Look...I know we got on the wrong foot but it's serious." said Mike as the gang shrugged at each other. "Alright fine. What is it?" asked Buster. "The 3 bears. Apparently, someone hired them and were told to kill Chris." explained Mike as everyone eyes widened. "WHAT?!" exclaimed all. "Why would someone want me dead?" asked Chris. "I don't know. But your in trouble." said Mike. "W-What do we do? We can't just sit here and do nothing!" said Porsha, fearing for her boyfriend. "We need to get help!" said Buster. "I'll call the cops!" said Ms. Crawley as she heads to the office. "In the meantime, I'll call my dad!" said Johnny as he pulls out his phone. Everyone was filled with worry, especially Porsha. She was sitting in one of the boxrooms as she was slowly whimpering in fear. Chris then enters the room and tends to her. "Babe?" he asked as Porsha looks at him. "Take a deep breath. Everything's gonna be okay." said Chris. " could get hurt. I don't want to lose you." said Porsha as Chris hugs her tightly. "'s okay. Your overreacting again. Just take a deep breath and calm down. Johnny's dad and his two friends are on the way and they're gonna keep us safe." said Chris as Porsha weakly smiled. An hour later, Big D and his friends arrived. "What's the trouble, lads?" asked Big D. "Okay. So someone hired 3 bears to go after Chris for some apparent reason. We don't know who, but we're gonna get to the bottom of this. Right guys?" said Johnny as everyone nodded. "Don't worry. We'll ambush them the second they walk into this room." said Big D. Few minutes go by as those minutes turned into almost 3 hours. Meanwhile, during those times, the 3 bears made their way to the theater. "Split up and go through every entrance. We find him, take care of him, then we get out of here." said the leader as they split up. In the upstairs region, Chris and Porsha were hiding in Buster's office behind his desk as the others were hidden in different parts of the theater. One of the bears approached the office until Big D and his friends jumped the bears and eventually turned into an all out brawl until eventually Big D knocks out the hench bears and held down the leader. The Troupe then emerged from their hiding spots and confronts them. "Let go of me!" demanded the bear. "Alright bear, start talking! Who hired you and why are they trying to kill me?" asked Chris. "I'd answer the question if I were you, mate." said Big D. "I'm not telling you anything." said the bear. "Well that's fine. Cause the cops are already on the way. Maybe they'll get info out of you bears. Not to mention this isn't the first time you were at my theater." said Buster, pointing out to the bear that he and his goons had been here before and caused ruckus because of Mike. Little did the group knew, that one of bears behind them regained conscious and pulled out a gun. Chris turned and saw the bear aiming at Porsha. "Porsha! Look out!!" he shouted as he moved Porsha right as the trigger was pulled. Everyone ducked at it was silent. Porsha looks up and sees Chris lying on the ground, holding his midsection while wincing in pain. He had been shot. "Chris!" said Rosita as she and Troupe tended to him. Porsha watches in horror as she slowly turned to the bear holding the gun. She then lets out a loud scream as she goes into a blind feral rage. She pounced and scratched the bear viciously with her claws. Every turned and watched in shock as Porsha assaulted the bear. Ember then tries to stop her. "Porsha stop!!" she said until suddenly Porsha scratched her forearm as Ember winced in pain. "Ember!" said Dante as he tends to her. Porsha froze as she slowly realized what she has done. She looks back at the bear, who was severely wounded. Porsha got off the bear as she looks on her hands. "What did I do?" she said in her thoughts as she slowly cried. Meena comes to her side as she comforts her. Eventually, the police and paramedics arrived.

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