Chapter 20: Meeting the Parents: Part II

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*A month ago*

It was a late night party in Catalonia and Dante and Ember were just leaving the party. They returned to their penthouse and went to the bedroom. "Some party huh, Dante?" said Ember as he chuckled. "For a party, that was fun." Dante replied. The two stared into each other's eyes and would share a passionate kiss. The two would fall into the moment and fall in bed in each other's arms with the moon shining bright.

*The next morning*

As the sun rises bright, Ember wakes up and sees the sunlight beamed towards her face. She slowly sat up as she sees clothes on the floor and sees her fur was a mess. She then turns to her side and sees Dante peacefully sleeping. She smiles as she gently leaned her head towards his, causing him to wake up. "Oh. Morning." said Dante. "Morning." said Ember. "So...what's next on the agenda?" asked Dante. "Well...I've been thinking about this for a while, ever since I've met your parents. Since I met your parents, how about you meet my parents?" suggested Ember. "That...doesn't sound like a bad idea. Let's do it." said Dante.

*The next month*

Dante and Ember were heading to Ember's parents house. "Alright. You ready?" she asked. Dante nods in response. Ember knocks on the door and they heard noises. "They're here! Get ready!" said a voice. The door would then open as they see Ember's father, Bernie. "Ember, welcome!" he said as the two exhanged a hug. "Hey Dad." Ember replied. "You must be Dante! A pleasure to meet you!" said Bernie as he held out his hand. "Nice to meet you too, sir!" said Dante as the two shook hands. "Well don't be strangers! Come in!" said Bernie as they entered, where Dante is amazed by the house. "Wow. This place is amazing!" he said in awe. "Thanks. We wanted to prepare for your arrival, so we had to tidy up the place." explained Bernie. They enter the kitchen, where they see Ember's mother, Annie. "Annie darling! Look who's here!" said Bernie. "Ember! Welcome!" said Annie as she hugs her tightly. "Hey Mom." Ember replied. "So good to see you again, dear." said Annie. "Mom, I want you to meet my boyfriend, Dante." said Ember as Annie observes him. "My, what a fine young fox. A pleasure meeting you, dear." said Annie. "Well the pleasure's all mine. It's really nice to meet you both. Ember thinks it's a great idea to I get to meet you guys since Ember met mine." said Dante. "Well, how about you make yourselves comfortable? Dinner will be ready shortly." said Annie. "Come on Dante. I'll show you my room." said Ember as the two head upstairs. "The Dante kid is one nice fellow." said Bernie. "He sure does look handsome and talented as they say." said Annie. Meanwhile, Ember leads Dante in her old room. "Woah. This room is awesome!" said Dante. "Thanks. A girl has her ways. Like Porsha said. At first it wasn't really much, but since meeting Porsha, she's been helping me decorate." said Ember as she sat on her bed and Dante sat next to her. "Your parents seem really sweet. I think it's safe to say this visit gone great." said Dante. Suddenly, they heard a growling noise as Dante turns and sees Ember blushing. "Sorry babe. I'm just a bit hungry. Sort of been like that for the past few weeks." said Ember. "You do got a point there. I can't remember the last time we had a date and ate afterwards." said Dante. "Dinner's ready!" shouted Annie. "Oh! Perfect timing." said Ember as the two went downstairs.

*An hour later*

Throughout the dinner, everyone was having a good time. "Wow. That was a funny story, ma'am." said Dante. "Thank you Dante and also, you don't have to call me ma'am. Please, call me Annie." she said. "And call me Bernie. You seem like a nice fellow, kid." said Bernie. During their conversation, Ember began feeling nauseous. "Uh. Excuse me for a moment. I'll be back." said Ember as she heads to the bathroom. She took a few deep breaths before suddenly feeling the contents of her stomach rising, forcing her to vomit into the toilet. She flushed the toilet as she proceeds to the sink and rinses her mouth. Ember took a few deep breaths as she looks in the mirror and slightly noticed a change. She pulls her shirt up and noticed her stomach gained a bit of weight as she turned sideways. Her eyes widened as she quickly looks in the cabinet and would take a pregnancy test. Few minutes later, her eyes widened as she finds out the test is positive. "Oh no. No, no, no, no, no!" said Ember in a panic. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "Babe? Is everything okay in there?" asked Dante. "Oh, I'm fine, Dante. J-Just give me a few minutes. I'll be out in a sec." said Ember. "Okay, take your time, sweetie." said Dante. Ember sighed. "It's gonna be okay, Ember. Just get through this night and you'll figure out what to do next." said Ember as she returns to the kitchen. "Hey, I'm back!" said Ember. "There you are, sweetie. Is everything alright? You've been in there quite some time." said Annie. "Oh! I'm fine, Mom. Just...all that food kinda got to me. Anyways, it's getting late. We should probably start heading home." said Ember. "Oh well I suppose so. We might as well get our sleep. It was nice to meet you, Dante." said Annie. "Same here." Dante replied. "Just know your always welcome to come by." said Bernie. Ember would then hug them both as she and Dante leave. "Well, I think it was a nice visit." said Dante. "Yeah. Sure was." said Ember. Although she sound excited the visit went well, she didn't know how to tell Dante that she was pregnant. They soon returned home. "Alright babe. I'm turning in for the night." said Dante. "Alright, I'm gonna have a drink and I'll be up with you soon." said Ember. Dante nods as he heads upstairs. Ember would wait for Dante to enter the room and then pick up her phone. She would then dial a number. Meanwhile, Porsha was giving Leo his bottled milk and would then receive the call from Ember. "Hello?" she said. "Hey Porsha." said Ember. "Ember! How'd it go with Dante meeting your parents?" asked Porsha. "Pretty good. They got along well. Anyways, I need to talk to you about something. Can we meet tommorow morning?" asked Ember. "Alright. I'll pick you up." said Porsha.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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