Chapter 15: Meeting the Parents

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Months later, after Chris was released from the hospital, the police were continuing to search for Jerry as the 3 bears were sent to prison. Things were more peaceful for the Troupe. Dante and Ember were driving home, returning from another date. "That food was really good! We should totally should go back there to eat sometime! Maybe invite Chris and Porsha for a double date." said Ember. "Sounds good!" said Dante as the two were vibing with Dante's music tape. "There's a LOT of good songs on this tape, Dante. How long have you been working on this?" asked Ember. "Fun fact: I made this tape back in high school. After writing and singing a few songs, I put the coolest songs in this one tape. I was the best at making tapes." said Dante. "Wow. You must've been really cool, Dante." said Ember with a grin. "Thanks, babe. I play them for you but they're at my Mom and Dad's place." said Dante. "Hey, we should listen to them!" suggested Ember. "Ok. I could pick them up tomorrow maybe." said Dante. "I'd love to tag along. It would be nice to meet your parents. I bet they're really sweet." said Ember. "Uh...yeah! It wouldn't be so bad. Why not just call it a night?" suggested Dante as the two headed to their penthouse. As Ember went to bed, Dante was in the living room, picking up his phone. Chris was in his penthouse, making food in the kitchen as Dante called him. "Dante! What's up?" asked Chris. "Chris...I'm in trouble." said Dante. "What? What is it?" asked Chris in concern. " and Ember had dinner earlier and had a little conversation about a mix tape I made back in high school." explained Dante. "Ok? So what exactly is the problem?" asked Chris. "I told her the tape was at my parent's house and she wants to come along to meet them." said Dante. "Dude, what's the big deal? I thought you said your parents were cool?" said Chris. "Well...I'm not really on good terms with them right now. You see, throughout my time with them, there were days where my parents would argue and one night the argument they had was bad...I thought I would try to pitch in but...they didn't listen and brushed me off. So I ran away from home that day." confessed Dante as Chris's eyes widened. "So you meaning to tell me you ran from your parents house and that was how you got to Redshore City in the first place?" he asked. "Yes." Dante replied. "That's not good." said Chris. "What do I do??" asked Dante in a panic. "First off, calm down. Second, I'm sure your parents would've realized their mistake and would be glad to see you. Just take your time and go smooth, plus Ember will be with you." said Chris as Dante sighed. "A-Alright." he said. "Ok. You have a goodnight, man." said Chris as the two hung up. Dante puts his phone away as he sighed deeply. "Tomorrow is another day." he said to himself as he went to bed with Ember.

*The next day*

Dante and Ember were driving to the house, outside of the city. "Stay calm, Dante. Ember's with you so let's hope it goes smooth." said Dante in his thoughts. "This is so exciting! I can't wait to meet your parents!" said Ember in excitement. Soon, they arrived. Dante nervously approaches the door as he knocks on it. The door opens as Dante's father, Jake, was on the other end. He had a surprise look on his face. "Dante." he said. "Hey Dad." he replied. Jake slowly smiled and hugs Dante as he returned it. "How have you been?" asked Jake. "I've been okay. Um, Dad, I want you to meet my girlfriend, Ember. Ember, this is my dad." said Dante as Ember and Jake shook hands. "Nice to meet you, sir." said Ember. "Please, call me Jake. I don't mind." Jake replied as he smiled. " long have you two been in a relationship?" asked Jake. "About a year." said Ember. "Is Mom here?" asked Dante. "She's in the kitchen. Come on in." said Jake as they entered the house. "Julia? We have visitors!" said Jake as Dante sees his mother enter the living room. Julia gasped before showing a smile. "Dante." she said as the two shared a hug. "Hey Mom." Dante replied. Julia then sees Ember. "Oh. Who's this?" she asked. "Mom, this is my girlfriend, Ember. Ember, this is my mom." said Dante. "So nice to meet you, ma'am." said Ember. "You too, sweetie and me Julia." she said with a smile as everyone sat on the couches. "So what brings the two of you here?" asked Jake. "Well, last night, me and Ember had dinner, where we discussed about my time making music tapes back in high school and told her that they were here in my old room. So she thought while we're here, she could take the opportunity to meet you both." said Dante. "Well, welcome. I hope you two wouldn't mind sticking around for dinner, would you?" asked Julia. "I think it's a great idea." said Dante. "Excuse me, is there a bathroom?" asked Ember. "Yes. Just down the hall and to the right." said Julia. "Thank you. I'll be back." said Ember as she left, leaving only Dante and his parents. "Seems like your doing well, Dante." said Jake. "Yeah. It's cool. So how about you two?" Dante asked. "We...we've been doing fine. Although, your mother and I were worried when you ran off that day." said Jake. "About that I'm..." But Julia pitches in. "Dante, sweetie, don't worry about it. It was a long time ago and we were in a rough spot. It's fine." she said as Dante nodded. "Other than that, Ember seems like a sweet young woman. How'd the two of you meet?" asked Jake. "We met in Redshore City." said Dante. "Redshore City? Is that where you went when you ran off?" asked Julia as Dante nodded. "I had a luggage of clothes and my music notes. I then took a bus to Redshore City, where I auditioned for a couple of joints but unfortunately they didn't accept me because of I didn't have much experience with theater. That is, until I met Buster Moon." said Dante. "Buster Moon from the New Moon Theater?" asked Jake in surprise as Dante nodded. "Wow." said Julia in amazement. "We talked, I let him hear my music and he asked if I wanted to join the show and be in a duet with El Lobo." said Dante. "El Lobo? The son of Queen?" asked Julia. Dante chuckled as he nodded. "Yeah." he replied. "Wow, that's incredible! So how did things go with you two?" asked Jake. "Pretty good. We're actually good friends now." said Dante. "And Ember?" asked Julia. "She was an intern for a theater scout, Suki Lane, who formerly worked for Crystal Entertainment. She's also Porsha Crystal's best friend." said Dante. "Heard that place got shut down because of what the lunatic Crystal did to Lobo and his own daughter." said Jake. "And you heard right. Eventually after drama, Suki resigned from the company and Ember decided to quit. We both confessed our feelings for each other we're dating." explained Dante. Ember returns. "Hey, I'm back." she said. "Oh and just in time! Dinner's ready." said Julia.

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