Chapter 14: Recovery

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Minutes after the chaos, police and paramedics were in the theater. The Moon Troupe were outside, sitting on the stairs. Porsha sat on the back of the ambulance with a blanket wrapped around her, covering the blood on her hands. She looks and sees Ember in the other ambulance as a paramedic wrapped a bandage around her forearm. Porsha sighed and approached her. "Ember...I'm...I'm so sorry for what I did to you. I-I never meant to hurt you. I don't know what came over me." said Porsha as she slowly shed tears. "'s okay." said Ember as she pulls her into a comfort hug. They then heard noises as they see other paramedics moving a stretcher with Chris on it. "Chris!" said Porsha as she dashed towards the stretcher, where she sees Chris with a oxygen mask on and his eyes closed. "Is he okay?" she asked in worry. "He's alive for now but we need to get him to the hospital to prevent further blood loss." said a deer paramedic as they loaded Chris into the ambulance and drove off to the hospital. As they left, officers came out with the 3 bears. The Troupe watches in silent as the bears were taken away. But when the bear Porsha attacked came out, he stared at her with fear. "Ahh! Get that phsyco away from me!!" said the bear. "Knock if off, you big baby." said the officer as he shoved the bear into the car and drove away. The Troupe looks at Porsha as they see her ears down. Johnny then approaches her. "Hey. Don't listen to him. Your no physco. Your a good friend." he said as everyone came to her side. "Johnny's right. No matter'll always be our friend." said Buster as Porsha weakly smiled. "Thank you, everyone." she said. Then, a car approach as they see Claudia. "Porsha!" she said. "Mom." Porsha replied as Claudia hugs her tightly. "What happened? I heard what happened on the news! Are you okay?" asked Claudia in worry. She then noticed the blood on her hands. "Why is there blood on your hands?" asked Claudia. "Can we talk? In private?" asked Porsha as Claudia slowly nodded. An hour later, the group was at the hospital, where Porsha explained to her mother what happened in the theater, including when she attacked the bear. Claudia was speechless. "Who would do such a thing to Chris?" she asked. "We don't know. The police are already investigating the situation." said Porsha as the two were silent. Claudia washed the blood off of Porsha's hands until she asked her a question. "Mom? Do you think I'm crazy like Dad?" asked Porsha as Claudia immediately looks at her. "Now why on earth would you think of something like that??" she asked in surprise. Porsha slowly shed tears. "It's just...the way I snapped. I not only attacked the bear...I also hurt Ember, my best friend. Just like Dad. He didn't care who he hurt!" said Porsha as she broke down. Claudia immediately embraced her daughter. As minutes went by, it was nothing but silent. "I just wished I went with you instead." whispered Porsha. "I know...I know." Claudia replied. An hour later, the doctor came out. The Troupe then approached him. "Is Chris okay?" asked Buster. "He's well. We managed to get the bullet out and prevent further blood loss." said the doctor as everyone sighed in relief, especially Porsha. "When is he expected to make a full recovery?" asked Dante. "By the end of this week. He's awake now if you want to see him." said the doctor as they all nodded. They were led to his room as they entered and see Chris lying in bed. "Oh! Hey guys." he said as they all hugged him tightly. "Thank goodness your alright!" said Rosita in relief. "How ya feeling, dude?" asked Nooshy. "Feel pretty good, Nooshy. It was a bit nerve wracking at first but the surgery was successful." said Chris as everyone smiled. They then hear the door open as Malcolm enters. "Chris!" he said. "Dad!" Chris replied as they shared a hug. "Thank goodness your alright! I already lost your mother and I'm not ready to lose you too." said Malcolm as Chris smiled. They then hear another knock on the door and in came a dog and gorilla officers. "Good evening, everyone." said the dog officer. "Same to you, officers. What's the situation?" asked Buster. "We did some interrogation with the 3 bears and they broke." said the gorilla. "Apparently a cat, by the name of Jerry, hired the 3 bears and were instructed to kill Chris." said the dog as Porsha's ears perked up. "Jerry? You mean by my dad's former assistant?" she said. "Well, do any of you happen to know more about him?" asked the gorilla. "We do! He was Jimmy Crystal's loyal assistant during their time in Redshore City!" pointed Johnny. "He also helped Crystal escape the small cell we set up for him and he almost killed Chris because of it!" said Buster. "But that means...if Jerry was behind it." said Meena. "Then Crystal must be the mastermind of it all." said Chris. "Alright. We'll run further investigation and we'll interrogate Crystal." said the gorilla as they left. "Do you really think Crystal's behind the whole thing?" asked Dante. "It would make sense. It's been a year since Crystal was arrested. It is a possibility." said Ember. "Well, it's getting late. We'll let you get some rest, Chris." said Buster. "Alright guys. Y'all have a goodnight." said Chris as the Moon Troupe said their goodbyes and leave. "Well Chris, I should be going as well. You rest well, sweetie." said Claudia as she leaves along with Malcolm. "Rest well, son!" he said. Finally, it was Dante and Ember. "Alright man. We'll let you rest. Nice to see you still here." said Dante as Chris smiled and the two do their secret handshake. "Thanks, Dante." he said as Dante and Ember leave. Leaving it only Porsha. She tearfully hugs him tightly as Chris kissed her cheek. "You okay?" he asked. Porsha weakly nodded. "I'm fine." she said. But Chris knew something was bothering her. "Babe...your ears are down. What's wrong?" he asked in a calm, assuring tone. Porsha sighed deeply as she looked at her hand. " you think I'm crazy?" she asked as Chris's ears perked up. "What?! No! Porsha, your not crazy. Why?" he asked. Porsha sighed deeply. "After you got shot...I...I snapped. I attacked the bear who shot you and just kept clawing his face. And worse...I even hurt Ember. That was when I stopped." explained Porsha as Chris was speechless. He looks at his girlfriend as she was silently crying with her head down. Chris gently wrapped his arms around Porsha's waist and gently pulls her towards him. "Porsha." he said as she looks at him. "Nothing in this world will NEVER make me ever stop loving you. Your nothing like your dad. You are only Porsha, my girlfriend and a friend to others." said Chris. Porsha looks at him with a smile as the two share a passionate kiss before falling asleep in each other's arms. Meanwhile, news reports of the incident spreads in Catalonia. "Breaking news as El Lobo, singer and member of the Moon Troupe, was hospitalized as he was shot by a gang of bears at the New Moon Theater. Thankfully, not only the bears were arrested but also El Lobo had a successful surgery and is expected to be released by the end of this week. Additional reports confirm, that the 3 bears were hired by a cat named Jerry, former assistant of former CEO of Crystal Entertainment, Jimmy Crystal. Many believe that Crystal was the mastermind of the attack. The police already launched an investigation and begin looking for Jerry."  said the deer reporter.

*A week later*

Chris was in his hospital bed, listening to music on his phone. His doctor then enters. "Good morning, Chris." she said. "Morning, Doc!" Chris replied. "I came in to inform you that you are going to be released from the hospital. We ran a few scans and your wounds have successfully healed." said the doctor. "Alright sounds good!" said Chris. An hour later, after a couple of stretches and final check ups, Chris walked through the hospital doors. He closed his eyes as he inhales before deeply exhaling. He opens his eyes where he sees Porsha in front of him him. Chris sees a bright smile on her face as the two hugged and shared a kiss. "Hi." said Chris. "Hi." Porsha replied. They both got in their car and drove back to their penthouse, where the two would remain for the majority of the day. Meanwhile, the cat hunt begins for the police as they look for Jerry and bring him in for questioning.

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