Chapter 5: Tensions Rise

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Chris opens his eyes and sees the sun rise beaming on his face, he then looks to see Porsha peacefully sleeping. He smiles as he gently brushed her fur. She then wakes up. "Morning." said Porsha. "Morning." Chris replied. "I really had fun last night." said Porsha. "Me too and...I really enjoy being with you, Porsha. Normally, I don't have the best of luck with girls. But you came and changed that." said Chris as Porsha smiled. She gently crawls on him and was about to kiss until they heard a knock. "Hide!" said Porsha as she hid Chris behind the bed and eventually covers herself with a blanket. The door opens and it was Suki. "Porsha, are you up? You don't want to be late for rehearsals again." said Suki. "Uh yeah, I'll be out in a sec!" said Porsha as Suki noticed Porsha covering herself. "Also, you really need to wear clothes in bed." she said. Porsha groaned. "Why does it matter, Suki? It feels comfortable for me." she said. "I'm just saying. What if a guy happened to be in bed with you? Anything could happen." said Suki as Chris stayed silent. "Just get ready." said Suki as she leaves the room. Chris emerged from behind. "That was close. I should probably go." he said as he puts his clothes on. He then heads to the door. "Wait, wait! Don't go through there!" said Porsha. "Why?" asked Chris. "Because...I don't want anyone knowing you slept with me. Especially my dad. Just go through the window and act like your here to pick me up." said Porsha. "Alright." said Chris as he heads to her window and jumps down. Porsha then gets dressed and makes her way to the front door. "Woah! Porsha, your in a rush. You don't want breakfast?" asked Suki. "No, it's fine. I'll eat at the studio! Plus Chris is driving me!" said Porsha as she exits the mansion and makes her way to the front gate as she hops on the motorcycle with Chris and make their way to the studio. Meanwhile, Dante awakens and sees himself in a bed. He then turns to his left and sees Ember sleeping. Dante smiles as he brushes her fur. He hears his phone buzz as he sees a text from Chris. "Hey Dante, Buster made his way back to the studio. There's no luck but he believes Ash will be the person to convince him to join us. Come to the studio as soon as you can." Dante then slowly sat up as Ember slowly wakes up. "Hey." she said as Dante smiled. "Hi." he replied. "I really had fun last night. Never had this much fun in a while." said Ember. "Well...we really came out of our shells, didn't we?" said Dante as Ember giggled. "I gotta get back to the studio, you coming?" asked Dante. "Might as well." Ember replied as the two got up and got dressed before heading to the studio. *An hour later* Dante arrived at the studio. "There you are, Dante! We've been waiting for you." said Buster. "Sorry bout that, Mr. Moon. I'm ready now." said Dante as Buster nodded. Soon, everyone was getting straight to work. The stage crew prepared the stages for the 5 planets and the cast have successful rehearsals but when it was Porsha's wouldn't go well. "And...cue Porsha!" said Buster as Porsha steps out of her ship. "Captain's log! I must take care, for I have landed on...the planet of war!" said Porsha in a very flat tone. Everyone froze. "Uhh, okay, everyone! Take five." said Buster. "What the heck is a captain's log anyway?" said Porsha in confusion. "Uh Porsha, can I have a word?" asked Buster nervously. They would then speak in the office. "Porsha. You know I truly believe that this show is close to be perfect, even fantastic!" said Buster. "Thank you." said Porsha as she puts her smoothie on the desk. "But in order for it to be the best can be...uh...I gotta make some changes." said Buster. "Uh huh." said Porsha. "Like..uh...I have to give the lead role back to Rosita." said Buster as Porsha's eyes widened. "What?!" she exclaimed. "I'm offering you...a chance to-" "Your firing me?!" exclaimed Porsha. "N-No! I'm not firing you!" assured Buster. "Ugh! Wait till my dad hears that you fired me!" said Porsha as she leaves the office. "But I'm not firing you!" said Buster. Chris, Dante and Ember heard the commotion. "Buster! What's going on? Why's Porsha upset?" asked Chris. "I tried to offer her to switch roles but she thinks I'm firing her!" said Buster in a panic. "What?! Porsha wait!" said Chris as he held her arm. "Chris, let me go." said Porsha. "Porsha please. Listen to Buster! You have to understand what he's telling you!" said Chris. Porsha silently growled. "I said...LET ME GO!!" she yelled as suddenly she scratched Chris's face. Everyone was silent. Porsha gasped as she looks on her hand and sees blood. She then sees Chris leaning on a few boxes, holding his left eye. Porsha sheds tears as she sees everyone around the studio looking at her. "I'm so sorry." she said as she ran out the studio in tears. "Porsha!" said Ember as she followed her. Dante tends to Chris. "Hey man, you okay?" he asked in worry. Chris moves his hand as he shows the scratch mark on his eye. "Oh I'm a dead koala. You okay, Chris?" asked Buster. "I'm fine. Just gotta patch this up." Chris replied. "Come on. Let's get him to the infirmary." said Dante as they took him there. The rest of the gang came. "Oh my gosh! What happened to Chris?!" exclaimed Rosita. "Porsha scratched his eye." said Dante. "Did she mean to do it, mate?" asked Johnny. "No! It was an accident! She never meant to do it. I just hope she's okay." said Chris. *Meanwhile in Crystal's office* "And today's hot news, Porsha Crystal was not only reportedly fired her father's show, but also scratched the singer, El Lobo, in the face!" said Linda le Bon as suddenly Crystal slammed the remote into the T.V. "He fired my daughter? MY DAUGHTER?!" he exclaimed. He then hears Porsha crying, who is still upset for what happened, especially with Chris. "Would you be quiet! You've embarrassed me enough!" said Crystal. "But Daddy?" said Porsha. "Now the whole WORLD thinks I got a crazy, talentless loser for a daughter!!" roared Crystal. "Sir, you-" Ember wanted to step in, but Suki held her back, shaking her head. "Take her home, now!" ordered Crystal as his bodyguards take Porsha, Ember follows her. "Get Moon in here. NOW!!" roared Crystal. *In the studio infirmary* Chris was on a chair with a rag with an ice bag over his eye. Rosita enters the room. "You okay, sweetie?" she asked as she sat next to him and gently rubs his back. "I'm fine. I'm just worried about Porsha. She seemed so devastated after she did and now she probably thinks I'm not gonna talk to her now." said Chris as he looks down and shed a tear. "Chris, don't put too much guilt on your shoulders. It wasn't neither you or Porsha's fault. It was an accident and besides, you and Porsha seem like good friends." said Rosita. "Actually Rosita...I think I like her...more than a friend." said Chris as Rosita's ears perked up. "Oh? What makes you say that?" she asked. "Promise not to tell anyone this?" asked Chris as she nodded. "Last night after our second and Porsha slept together in her mansion." said Chris as Rosita's eyes widened. "You guys didn't-" "No! No, we didn't do anything. We just slept together, that's all." assured Chris. "Well aside from that, ask yourself this, sweetie. Do you really love Porsha?" asked Rosita. "Yes, I do love her!" said Chris. "Then open your heart to her, tell her how much you love her." said Rosita as Chris smiled and hugs Rosita. "Thanks Rosita talk just like my mom." he said as Rosita chuckled. "Well...I have 25 piglets after all." she said as Chris smiled. Meanwhile at the Crystal Mansion, Ember was outside Porsha's room. "Porsha? Are you okay?" asked Ember. "Leave me alone, Ember!" yelled Porsha. Ember still hears her quietly sobbing inside. "Porsha please...your my best friend. I'm here for you. Let me help you." she said. Porsha then opens her door as her eyes were red from the tears. "I'm sorry." whispered Porsha as Ember held her arm. "It's okay." she said as she directs her to the bed. Porsha then grabs her stuffed plushie of Chris and hugged it tightly. "It's over, Ember. He's not gonna want to talk to me again." she said. " was an accident. You didn't mean to hurt him." said Ember. "But I did hurt him!! All because I overreacted and didn't listen to him!" said Porsha as Ember immediately pulls her in a comforting hug as Porsha embraced it. Ember then hears her phone buzz. She takes it out and sees Dante calling her. "I'll be back, Porsha. Just relax." said Ember as she leaves the room. She then answers the call. "Dante!" said Ember. "Ember! Is Porsha okay?" asked Dante. "Not really. She feels guilty about what happened and now her dad literally scolded her for what happened. What about Chris? Is he okay?" asked Ember. "He's okay." said Dante. "Look, Mr. Crystal is crazy mad right now. Where is Buster?" asked Ember. "He got called to Crystal's office." said Dante as Ember's eyes widened. "Oh no. I'm heading there now!" she said as she leaves the house. Meanwhile, Porsha lied in her bed as she looked at the photos of her and Chris. "I'm sorry, Chris." said Porsha in her thoughts as she closed her eyes. She sheds more tears and silently cries in her pillow. Back at the studio, Buster arrives at the top floor, where the front door to his office stand. He nervously gulps as he slowly approached the door. As he was about to knock, his phone went off as he immediately picks it up. "Ash! Now is not the time." whispered Buster. "Moon! I got him!" said Ash. "What?" said Buster. "I got Calloway! Here, he wants to talk to you!" said Ash. "Your friend is even more than you are!" said Clay. "Don't listen to him! Were coming to Redshore right now!" said Ash. "Yes! This is the best news ever. You might've saved my life here." said Buster as he hung up. He then entered Crystal's office. "Mr. Crystal! Good news, Clay Calloway is on his way here right now!" said Buster. "Everybody out." said Crystal as his staff leave. "Okay...I think I know what this is about." said Buster. "You fired Porsha." said Crystal. "What? I never fired her." said Buster. "You calling her a liar?" said Crystal as he looks at him. "No, no. She just got the wrong idea. I was just trying to help her. Just doing the right thing." said Buster. "The right thing to do...IS WHAT I TELL YOU TO DO!!" yelled Crystal as he suddenly grabbed Buster his shirt. "Wait! Sir, I'm telling you, he's coming!" said Buster as Crystal suddenly held Buster over the edge. "No! No! Please!" begged Buster. "You really think I let a amateur loser like you, humiliate me?!" exclaimed Crystal. "No! Please!" said Buster. "I'm gonna have to let you go." said Crystal as he was about to drop him to his death until Jerry came. "Uh sir. Pardon me for interrupting but you have a live television appearance in a few minutes." said Jerry nervously. Crystal then takes Buster and throws him in the closet. " were gonna kill me." said Buster. "And I'll finish the job later." said Crystal as he closed the door, locking him in. Crystal and Jerry leave the room as Buster pounds the door. "Help!! Somebody!! Please!!" he yelled as suddenly the door opens and sees Ember. "Are you okay, Mr. Moon?" she asked. "Ember! Thank you!" said Buster. "Listen to me, you need to get everyone out of the city now." said Ember. "Crystal...h-he tried to kill me." said Buster. "Yeah and the second he finds out your gone, he'll send his thugs after you! Now go!" said Ember as Buster ran out of the office and eventually calls the others. At the interview, Crystal was prepared to go on stage until Jerry came. "What is it?" asked Crystal. Jerry whispers into his ears. "What?!" snarled Crystal. He snaps his fingers as his two bodyguards came. "Moon got out. Find him." ordered Crystal as they make their way to the hotel. At the hotel, Buster was in the hotel room, packing everything. He then hears someone knocking on the door. Panicking and fearing for his life, Buster hides in a suitcase and shakes in fear as the door opened. But he hears Ash's voice. "Buster?" she called out. "Ash?" said Buster. "Buster, why are you hiding in a suitcase?" asked Ash in confusion. "The show is off! Crystal's gone mad, he tried to kill me!" said Buster. "What?!" exclaimed Ash. "I thought you were his thugs trying to get me!" said Buster as suddenly the doorbell rang. "Oh no. They're here for me. Don't open it." said Buster as he hides back in the suitcase. "First time I leave home in 15 years and what do I find? The show is off and this guy's hiding in a suitcase." said Clay as he approaches the door. As he opens it, he sees the whole Moon Troupe as they all stared in awe. "Clay Calloway." said all. Clay then looks at Ms. Crawly. "I remember you." he said as she fainted.

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