Chapter 19: Family Moments

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(A/N: Apologies for the delay of posting chapters. As some of you may know, I am helping out NineTailedTrickster with his stories on his Wattpad page. Also I have a couple of story ideas I've taken into consideration but until then...enjoy!)

A year later in the beautiful Catalonia, Chris and Porsha woke up as the sun beams on their faces. "Buenos dias." said Chris. "Buenos dias to you too." said Porsha as she kissed. She then gets up from bed and enters Leo's room. "Rise and shine, my little pup!" said Porsha as Leo slowly wakes up. He sees his mother as he smiles happily. "How's my little baby? Did you had a good sleep? I bet you did." said Porsha as she carries Leo to the drawer, where she would change his diaper. "Did my little Leo make a stinky?" asked Porsha as Leo giggled. As Porsha removed his diaper, she suddenly smelled the scent and immediately covered her nose. "Woah! Okay, that stinks!" said Porsha as Leo roars in laughter, while watching his mother throw the diaper away. Chris then enters the room. "Everything good in here?" he asked. "Yup. All good." said Porsha with a thumbs up. "Well, I hope you two are hungry. Cause I made breakfast!" said Chris as they all headed to the kitchen and had breakfast. "Look Leo! Daddy's made french toast for us!" said Porsha as Leo happily smiles. After breakfast, Porsha was carrying Leo in the living room, feeding him his bottle of milk before eventually heading out to spend time with Ember, leaving Chris with Leo. "I'll be back soon, babe! You and Leo have fun!" said Porsha. "Bye babe!" said Chris as he focused his attention to Leo. "Come on, bud. Let's go out, I'm gonna show you things you'll love." said Chris as he picks up Leo.

*In Downtown Catalonia*

Chris would take Leo to Eclispe Studios. "This is where Daddy works. Eclispe Studios!" said Chris as they enter, where they see Ash in a music box. She takes notice and takes a break. "Chris, hey! Oh, is it take your child to work day or something?" asked Ash as she noticed Leo. "Well, Porsha's hanging out with her mom, so I'd thought I spend time with my boy." said Chris. "Hey there bud! Came to visit Auntie Ash?" asked Ash as Leo giggled. "Where's Dante?" asked Chris.

*Meanwhile, at a jewelry store*

Dante was in the store, looking through a series of rings. He plans to take the next step with Ember and propose to her. "Hello sir. Can I help you with anything?" asked the female panther employee. "I'm actually looking for something that could fit well when I propose to my girlfriend." said Dante. "Oh! A marriage proposal? Well I think I got just the right one for you." said the employee as she heads to the counter, where she pulls out a case with an ember jewel on it.

" said the employee as she heads to the counter, where she pulls out a case with an ember jewel on it

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(Quick A/N - Beautiful, ain't it?)

"Woah!" said Dante as he stares in awe. "This is one of the finest ring jewelry we have so far. If you wanna propose to your girlfriend, this is the one." said the employee. "I'll take it." said Dante as he purchased the ring.

*Back at the studio*

"I'm sure he's taking care of business." said Chris. Ash then hears her phone buzz as she pulls it out. "Oh! Coleman's here. Gotta go." said Ash as she heads to the exit. "Alright, later Ash!" said Chris. "Later Chris! Later Leo!" said Ash as Leo waved goodbye. "Well I think that's it for the tour. "How about I take you to somewhere more fun?" asked Chris as Leo quickly nodded.

*30 minutes later, in the Catalonia Plaza*

The father and son duo were then walking through the plaza. "And this is the plaza. This is where all shopping centers and restaurants are held. Your mother and I come here to shop for clothes and other supplies that we need." said Chris. They continued until Leo caught his eye on a T.V in a shop that is showing soccer footage. He reaches for the window as Chris takes notice. "Oh! You wanna check this shop out? Let's go." said Chris as they entered a soccer shop. Leo stares in awe as he sees all items including, jerseys, gear and of course soccer balls. "Oh, El Lobo! Welcome! How can I help you today?" said the store employee. "Well, I'm just taking my son on a tour around town and I guess he has an interest in soccer." said Chris. "Huh. Well you came to the right place. We just had some new toy sets that came in recently." said the employee as they head to the counter and pulled out a large box that came with a mini goal net and a soccer ball. "What do you think?" he asked. "Wow. This looks great." said Chris as Leo reached for it. "I think he wants it. We'll take it." said Chris.

*An hour later*

Chris and Leo returned home, where Chris began to build the kit for Leo. During that time, Porsha returned. "Hey I'm back!" she said as Leo turns to her and reaches for her. "Hi baby! You and Daddy had fun?" asked Porsha as Leo smiles happily. "What's this?" asked Porsha, looking at the kit. "Well, Leo and I were walking through the plaza until his eyes caught a soccer store. So we checked it out and I'd thought it would be nice for Leo to enjoy himself playing with this toy set!" said Chris as he stood, admiring his hard work to build it. "Wow!" said Porsha. "I think our son might know what he wants to do when he grows up. Soccer!" said Chris as Leo clapped. "" he said as both parents gasped. The two looked at each other. "Leo said his first word. He said his first word!" said Chris. Porsha sheds a tear. "He called me mama." she said as she silently sobbed. Chris then carries Leo. "You said mama. Can you say dada?" he asked. "Da...da. Dada!" said Leo as Chris smiled. "Our son spoke his first words!" he said as the parents hugs Leo tightly. Later on the evening, Leo was playing with his soccer set as Porsha watches on. Chris was making dinner. Then, Chris's phone was ringing. It was Dante. "Hello? Oh hey Dante, how's it going?" asked Chris. Porsha looks on. "Oh. Oh! Really? That's amazing! Congrats! Alright, talk to you later." said Chris as he hung up. "Babe! Guess what?" he said. "Let me guess...Ember's pregnant?" she said with a smirk. "How'd you know?" he asked in surprise. "Well...Ember told me when we were out. Apparently, she told me she found out after she and Dante visited her parents. She was nervous and didn't know how to tell Dante. So she called me and I gave her advice." explained Porsha. "Huh. Real clever. I guess I'm not the only one giving advice." said Chris as Porsha looks at him confused. "What do you mean?" she asked. "Well...Dante and I talked a while ago and he plans to propose to Ember. He wanted advice so we met up and I gave him the tips and everything." explained Chris. "We are such good friends to them." said Porsha as the two shared a kiss. Then, they see their son sleeping on the floor. The couple smiled as Porsha gently picks him up and carries him into his bedroom. She places him in his crib as Chris placed the blanket and the parents watch their son sleep peacefully. The couple would then head to their bedroom and fall asleep peacefully in each other's arms.

The most important thing in the world is family and love  John Wooden

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