Chapter 1: Arriving at Redshore City

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After the success of their new show, Buster thrives with his newly built Moon Theater and with his star cast. Meanwhile, Chris, now a singer like his mother, thrives with his life in his newfound fame with music. He now wears a black leather jacket with pins and his singer name on his back, a shirt with his mother on it, black pants, a chain wallet, and black sunglasses along with his mother's necklace. Buster Moon put on a show, where talent scout, Suki Lane, was in attendance. She's the scout for Crystal Entertainment of Redshore City. But she left during the second act. When Buster asked for her thoughts on the show, she tells him he wasn't impressed. She would then leave in a taxi but Buster then gave chase on his bike, trying to get more info of the show but gets ran off the road into a canal. Dejected, Buster returns to the Theater, thinking he would never reach his dreams but Nana Noodlemen encouraged him to go and show them anyway. No matter what Suki thinks. He would then drive down to Chris's penthouse. Chris was in his studio playing with his guitar while his father, Malcolm, was in the living room in front of the fireplace. "So Pops, what do you think of the new penthouse?" asked Chris. "It's amazing, son." said Malcolm. "You know...I have a room available. You can move in with me. I can take care of you." said Chris as Malcolm looks at him. "Chris...we talked about this. I'm not moving out of the house. Your mother and I made a lot of memories there. She bought the house and that's when we decided to have you." said Malcolm as Chris smiled. "Ok. I just worry about you, Pops. Ever since Mom died, you was always alone." he said. "Well I have you." said Malcolm as Chris smiled. Then there was a knock on the door. Chris runs to open it and sees Buster. "Buster! Hey!" said Chris as he gives him a big hug. "Chris! Great to see you again!" said Buster. "What brings you here? I saw your show today on T.V. It's amazing!" said Chris. "Well...about that. This show was suppose to be big. You see there was a talent scout, Suki Lane, from Redshore City in attendance." said Buster. "Redshore City? That place is huge! What did she think?" asked Chris in curiosity. "Well...she said it wasn't good enough." said Buster as Chris had a shocked expression. "What? How could she not like the show? Your shows have been a hit since we've reopened the theater." he said. "I know but the reason why I'm here is this. I've decided to get the gang back together and audition at the Crystal Tower Theater in Redshore City! I was wondering if you were willing to join us." said Buster as Chris's ears perked up. "Seriously? That's a big opportunity!" said Chris. "You should go, son. You can meet new people and maybe...find love." said Malcolm as Chris blushed. "Dad!" he said as Malcolm chuckled. "I'm kidding. But can meet more people, now that your a singer, you can get even more attention." he said. "Thanks Dad. Alright Buster, count me in." said Chris. The two would then meet the others at the bus station. "Okay everyone! I got the tickets, has anyone seen Ms. Crawly?" said Buster. "Mr. Moon? I'm sorry but...I'm really having second thoughts 'bout this." said Johnny.  "What? Wait hold on." said Buster. "Johnny's right. I mean...that Theater scout...she didn't think we were good enough." said Meena. "Guys...are you serious? Just because ONE scout said something bad about the show, doesn't mean you give up. Look at what we did together. Sure, the theater flooded and all but we managed to build our own theater and we put on the show. Everyone loved it! We've been having good shows since." said Chris as everyone looks at each other. "Chris's right." said Rosita as everyone looks at her. "I've dreamed of performing at Redshore City since I was a little kid. Besides, I just convinced my husband to babysit for the next 24 hours and I'm NOT gonna waste an opportunity like that! So come on! We got nothing to lose!" said Rosita as she jumps into the bus. Everyone smiled as they all hopped in the bus. Buster would then give out notes for their rehearsal. As they were driving on the road, they would sing songs along with the other passengers. Meanwhile, far from a different route, an arctic fox in a bus, driving at the bus station. The fox is named Dante. He makes his success of music through videos on the internet as the mysterious musician, The Trickster, but he wants to do something bigger than videos on the web. Dante does not interact with many people. This is due to his depression he had since he was young being bullied for most of life. He is not completely over it yet but with that experience he found ways to manage it mostly in the form of music. He may not be too fond of people but he can be one of the kindest people you'll ever meet. Dante likes to listen to mostly rock and metal songs but he also enjoys many different genres of music and he is proficient on the bass guitar. He looked on a newspaper, looking for gigs that are looking to put on a show, hoping to succeed his goal. The next morning, the Moon Troupe would arrive at Redshore City. "Guys! Were here." said Meena as everyone wakes up and sees the beautiful city. "Wow." said all in awe as they see the buildings, roller coasters, a ferris wheel and a far view of a beach. Soon, they would reach their stop as they hop off the bus and stares at the Crystal Tower Theater. "All right. Let's go spread a little Moon Theater magic!" said Buster as the crowd cheers and enters the building. *Meanwhile inside* "No!" said the receptionist. "No? What do you mean no?" said Buster. "For the last time appointment, no entry!" she said. Buster then tries to think of another talk. "Sir, do I need to call security?" said the receptionist as Rosita quickly pitched in. "I think we should go." she said as everyone groaned. Everyone was about to leave until Buster suddenly pushed everyone in a janitor's closet. "Buster? What are you trying to do?" asked Chris in confusion. "Trying to think. Aha! Look at this!" said Buster as he pulls out a janitor outfit. "Meena! Is this kind of your size?" asked Buster as Meena and Chris look at each other with slight confusion before facing Buster. Soon, they would sneak past the receptionist while making their way to the elevator. They managed to get to the top floor. They continue posing as janitors and snuck into a room. They remove their disguises and Buster hears music behind curtains and in the front row, is the ruthless wolf mogul, Jimmy Crystal. "Look! There he is! That is the...Jimmy Crystal." said Buster as Chris looks through the curtain and sees a tense look on his face while watching the auditions. "Woah. He seems a bit tense. Let's just hope our idea impresses him enough." said Chris. Meanwhile, the auditions continue as Crystal was not impressed. The Troupe watched in awe as Crystal continued to eliminate the competitors from auditions. Crystal stood as he almost tripped over his assistant, Jerry. "Jerry! For the love of!" said Crystal as he glared at him. "So sorry, sir!" stammered Jerry. "Where's the next group, Jerry? Why are we just standing around?" asked Crystal as he left to get a drink of tea. "Yes sir! Uh you! Little guy, you here for the audition?" asked Jerry. "Uh yes! Y-Yes we are!" said Buster as he quickly faced the group. "Guys! Were on! Right now." he said as everyone immediately ran on the stage. "Your name please?" asked Jerry. "Uh it's Buster Moon, from the New Moon Theater and we are excited to show you our idea, right guys?" said Buster as they all nodded in agreement. "Great. Now get to it." said Crystal as he sat back down. "Alright guys. Just like we rehearsed." said Buster as they got into position. Ms. Crawly then plays the music. "This is a story of an ordinary school girl who discovered..." But Buster was cut off by Crystal. "Stop. Stop." he said as the music stops. "Ordinary and school. Two words I'll never be associated with. Where'd you dig these guys up, Jerry?" asked Crystal. "I don't know, sir." said Jerry. "I need big shows, Jerry! Big ideas!" said Crystal. "Hey! I have a big one! How about...we do a sci-fi musical with Clay Calloway!" suggested Gunter as Crystal's ears perked up. "Woah, woah, woah, woah, Clay Calloway? I love Clay Calloway." he said. "Uh yeah! Doesn't everybody?" said Buster as everyone comes back out. Crystal then notices Chris. "And you...are you El Lobo? The son of Queen?" asked Crystal as Chris steps up. "Yes." he replied. "I've heard about you. I watched your debut and I gotta say...that was quite the performance. My daughter is a big fan and she would love to meet you." said Crystal. "Oh. Well, thank you." said Chris. "So Moon, what's the show called?" asked Crystal. "What's it called? Uh, Gunter...would you care to tell him?" asked Buster. "Yeah, yeah, it called 'Out of This World.'" said Gunter. "Out Of This World." said Crystal in amazement.  "Yes. Just imagine. Ash?" said Buster as she would play a song by Clay and the group would sing along.

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