Chapter 10: The Music Awards

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Today was a big day for the Moon Troupe and the music world. It was the day of the Music Awards. The Troupe all dressed in very formidable clothes and all hopped in a limo. "Well gang, this is it. The biggest night of our lives. All of our shows and musical performances lead up to here at the Music Awards!" said Buster as the group cheered. "This is gonna be so exciting!" said Porsha. "There's gonna be LOTS of singers there. Can't wait to meet them!" said Chris as they arrived at the award ceremony. The limo stops at the red carpet as the exit the limo and sees photographers and fans, cheering. They all took photos and signed autographs for some fans before heading inside, where they multiple singers communicating with one another. "Woah." said all. Then, they were approached by Clay Calloway and Nana Noodlemen. "Clay! Nana!" said Buster. "Hello, Mr. Moon!" said Nana. "Great to see ya, Moon." said Clay as everyone greeted each other. "How have you been, Clay?" asked Rosita. "Been well, thanks to you guys. It's nice getting back to the music world." said Clay with a warm smile. "Hey!" said a voice as they all turned and see Malcolm. "Dad!" said Chris as the two hug. "I received the invitation a few hours ago, so I thought I wear the suit that I wore at my wedding day with your mother." said Malcolm. "Well you look great, Pops." said Chris as Malcolm greeted everyone else. "Clay! Nice to finally meet you." said Malcolm as the two shook hands. "You too, Malcolm. Queen's told me a lot about you. I think were gonna get along just fine." Clay replied. "Attention everyone! It is time for the opening ceremony! Please take your seats!" said the announcer as everyone heads to their assigned tables. "Wow. This looks amazing." said Ember. "I've always dreamed about being here all the time. Now it came true." said Dante as Chris held his shoulder. "This is where success brings you. All the hard work paid off." said Chris as the two fist bumped. Then, triumphant music played as Linda Le Bon stood on the stage. "Good evening everyone and welcome to this years annual, Music Awards!" said Linda as everyone applauds. "Tonight is the night, where we celebrate the success of all singers around the world. what brought us here. Our passion, a hobby that so many people enjoy. It brings us all together. Now, without further ado, let's begin." said Linda as the crowd applauds once more. "This award is the Top Artist Award. This award goes out to the singer, who dedicates his life to music. He inspires those to do great around him and not only he has made amazing music but also embraces his mother's spirit. Give it up to the son of the late Queen, El Lobo!" said Linda as everyone cheered loudly. Chris smiled as the Troupe congratulates him. He and Porsha then made their way to the stage, where Chris received his award. "Wow. I...I don't even know what to say. Honestly, this is surreal. First off, I want to dedicate this award to my mom. When I came into the world and I laid eyes on my mom for the first time, I saw nothing but a beautiful and amazing wolf with a smile on her face. My dad told me a story how the two met, it was wonderful." said Chris as Malcolm smiled. When I was 5, I wanted to be a singer after my mom found me messing with her microphone." said Chris as everyone chuckled. "She wasn't happy about that, but when she saw me with it, she asked me if I wanted to sing. I said yes. Then when I turned 6, my mom would take me to a studio, where I would practice and practice." said Chris as behind them, the screen would show pictures of Queen. "As time went by, I was getting better and better by the years. Then one day...she promised that we'd sing a song together at one of her shows, that I'd be by her side on stage. But that didn't happened." said Chris as slowly he sheds tears. "And ever since she not only affected me and my dad. It affected the world." he said as the Moon Troupe and the audience began shedding tears. "She...not only inspired me. She also inspired so many others, who dream of singing. If there is something you ever want to be in life...a singer, a teacher, anything you want to be when you grow up...pursue that dream! Because I wanted to be a singer, my mom did everything in her power to make me the singer I am today. She was a good person, a great singer...and she's a great mom." said Chris as he looked up into the sky, looking at the stars. "Mom...I know your up there watching. We miss you and we, so much." said Chris as the audience stood and cheered loudly after his heartfelt and emotional speech. Chris bowed, smiling with tears as Porsha came from behind and held his shoulder as Chris smiled and the couple share a kiss. The couple returned to the table as Malcolm approached Chris and hugs him tightly. "I'm very proud of you." said Malcolm as Chris smiled. An hour later, Linda came with the Best Upcoming Artist award. "Now ladies and gentleman, this award is the Best Upcoming Artist Award. This award is given to the singer, who has made an impact in the music world. He started off making music and post them on the web until after making his stage debut in Redshore City and now has become a successful singer. Let's hear it for the Trickster, Dante!" said Linda. Dante smiled as the crowd applauds. Dante and Ember then make their way to the stage as he accepts his award. "Thank you. Thank you everyone so much. As a kid, I've dreamed of being at this award ceremony. At first, I thought I would be in my room still making this music. But after heading to Redshore City, I realized that it was the best decision I ever made. I started struggling with bullying and depression but when I met Chris and the Moon Troupe for the first time, that's when my life changed. I was able to get out my comfort zone. Then, I met Ember, the prettiest fox I've ever seen." said Dante as he looks at Ember, who was smiling. "I want to give a shout out to my parents. They are great people and raised me well. I love them both dearly and I hope they are watching this. Thank you." said Dante as the crowd cheered for Dante's speech. "Nice one, man." said Chris as the two fist bumped once more. "Next, we have the Best Duo award. This award, we actually have two winners. The first are Chris and Dante. The second are Rosita and Gunter!" said Linda as the 4 looked at each other with surprise as the 4 headed to the stage. "Wow. Wasn't expecting that!" said Rosita. "Yeah same. Me and Dante are partners but as far as we remember, we only did one song and that was back in Redshore City." said Chris. "Your right. But if it were me, I go with Rosita and Gunter. The two seem like good partners!" said Dante. "No, come on! You both make a great team!" said Gunter as everyone laughed at the comedy the 4 were giving. Eventually, they accepted the award. Then, the rest of the Troupe also got awards. Buster received Best Theater Award, Johnny received the Best Pianist Award, Meena received Best Female Singer Award and finally, Ash won Best Rockstar Award. As the ceremony came to a close, the Troupe took multiple, each with their own rewards. Finally, they took one more photo as a group. The camera flashed as later, Buster hangs up the picture next to the photo of him and the gang when they reopened the theater. He smiled at the photo as he leaves the office, turning the lights off and fall asleep.

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