The Mobsters Story

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Seokjin (22)

"I will take an Italian sub with french fries and a coke please", I tell the guy behind the counter in the school cafeteria. I feel a warm body press against my back and lips graze my ear, "I am going to see you tonight, right." I can't help but smile when his stubble tickles my ear, "of course you are going to see me, how can I resist that fine ass." He growls, nipping at my neck, "I'm so hard already thinking of you naked in my bed." "You sure it isn't because you are rubbing your dick against my ass", I tease. "Might be part of it", he whispers. I laugh and push him away, "I have a late class, but I will be by after." 

I kiss his nose and tell him I will see him later, grabbing my food I sit at a table with my economics book, I really need to study so that I can graduate in the spring. I smile to myself when I think of Nico Gallo, he was my roommate in first year and we became really close, best friends with benefits to be exact. When his grandfather got sick, he had to leave school and go back to Italy, by the time he returned, I was in the middle of my second year and my childhood best friend became my new roommate, to say Nicky was jealous was an understatement. 

Nothing changed though, he came back, and we fell right back into each other, even though he hated my new roommate, I made him and Taehyung get along when we are all together, I love Taehyung like a brother, we practically grew up together, he truly is my best friend. My parents died when I was little, so I was sent to live with my only living relative, my uncle in New York City, that is where I met Taehyung, my uncle works for Tae's father. Growing up, I didn't understand what Tae's family did for a living, but as I got older, it was clear, and it was clear that I would be part of that world too.

After graduation, Taehyung and I went back home to New York, I was heartbroken because Nicky ghosted me, he didn't even show up to graduation, he didn't leave me a note, a text, or anything. I know we weren't a real couple, but I thought he was my friend, and I thought I meant more to him. I was so wrong, I guess I was just his piece of ass. Nico Gallo broke my heart and I will never forgive him. Tae and I spend the day packing up our dorm room and after dinner we start the drive back to Brooklyn.

5 years later

Taehyung (27)

"I'm sorry Mr. Kim, I am so sorry, please I have a family", the man begs on his knees. "Seokjin, could you please", my father asks my best friend. Jin walks over and grabs the man by the hair and pulls him to stand, slamming him against the wall he puts the gun under the man's chin and clicks off the safety, making the man piss his pants.

My best friend has been trained to be a killer, my father likes to test his resolve every chance he gets, but Jin has passed every test thrown at him, this man with a loaded gun to his chin and begging for his life has turned out to be a traitor against my family, and Jin will handle him exactly how my father wants him too, no evidence he ever existed. 

I stand by my father's side as we watch Jin spar with a few of our body guards, the smile on my face can't get any bigger, Jin is a force of nature, he is so fast that others cant even predict his next move. "I am going to make him your second in command when you take my place, not only is he smart, but he is deadly and that is a combination no one will fuck with and as long as he stays true to you, you will always be safe", my father says. "Jin would never betray me, I would bet my life on that, as long as he is by my side, I can accomplish anything, I say confidently. 

2 years later

Seokjin (29)

"Welcome gentleman", Mr. Kim says to the 4 men around the table. Luca Moretti, head of the Italian family from the Bronx. Dmitri Petrov, head of the Russian family from Manhattan. Ronan Kelly, head of the Irish family from Staten Island. Maximo Alvarez, head of the Columbian family of Queens, and last be definitely not least, Kim Han-Jae, head of the Korean family from Brooklyn. The most dangerous men in the five Boroughs, sworn enemies to each other, all in the same room, "the reason I call this meeting is because we have two changing of the guards."

Mr. Kim stands and gestures to Luca Moretti, who stands and pats Mr. Kim on the shoulder, "Luca and I both have announcements to make." Luca chuckles, "Han and I are both retiring, letting our sons take over as heads of family, boys, come in." When the door opens, I see Taehyung walk in, dressed in a suit, his hair combed off his face, fuck he looks good and all grown up, but it's the person who walks in after him that makes me falter a bit, Nico. 

He looks at me, his eyes never leaving mine, even after his father announces him as his predecessor, I look away from him, my heart beating out of my chest, Luca Moretti is his father, how did I not know that. I look everywhere, but at the people in the room, they talk about business and what Luca and Mr. Kim are going to do once they retire. I do listen when my name is mentioned, I look over to see Mr. Kim smiling at me, "I am naming Seokjin second in command to Taehyung, but knowing Tae he will always go to Seokjin for an opinion, so you all will have two asses to kiss up to if you want anything from the Kim's of Brooklyn." 

The minute Mr. Kim adjourned the meeting, I walk out quickly, trying to get far away but it didn't matter, he was faster, he grabs my arm and spins me around, "I never imagined that Taehyung was that Kim, and I never imagined that my sweet Seokjin would be wrapped up in this business." I glare at him, anger rising to the surface, him leaving me, him calling me sweet, I grab his arm and twist him around pushing him against the wall, "don't ever call me sweet, and don't ever call me yours."

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