Taking out the Trash

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In the van on the way to the docks, the brothers check their weapons and gear. When we arrive, it's quiet, a little too quiet, we climb out of the van and survey the surroundings, weapons at the ready. We follow Dmitri to the far end of the pier where we notice a boat  approaching, Dmitri signals for us to stand down.

We hide in the shadows, waiting to see who approaches the boat, that's when we hear men talking, it's Juan. He has 5 of his men with him, and they start unloading crates and boxes. Dmitri signals for us to move forward, "Juan, what is all of this." Tae approaches him his weapon aimed at at his head, he throws off the lid on a wooden crate, exposing weapons and ammo.

Juan doesn't look at all surprised we are here, fucking Maximo sold us out. "Alvarez, this stops now, this is Korean territory", Taehyung says keeping his weapon trained on Juan's head. When we hear multiple gun cocks behind us, we know we have been surrounded. "Are you sure about that Kim, I suggest you drop your weapons, or you will be become fish food sooner than later", Juan says.

My first thought was of Jungkook, knowing I had it great for a short time, and how sorry I am to do this to him. I feel a hit to the back of my head with the butt of a gun, "all of you on your knees." I try not to pass out, the hit was hard, making me see stars. "You truly are a piece of shit Alvarez", Nico says. That's when the beating began, I wanted so badly to help Nicky, but I had a rifle to the back of my head.

He wasn't moving, oh god Nico, tears want to fall but I hold them back,  "your boy toy has a big mouth Jin, but now look at him, I can see his jaw is broken, he won't be talking for a long time." I glare at Juan, knowing I will be putting a bullet thru his skull, until I hear the safety on the rifle to my head click off. I close my eyes and picture Jungkook, I want that to be the last image I see before I die. His smile, his beautiful big eyes they are what dreams are made of and he was definitely my dream come true.

"Juan", I hear a voice say and my eyes snap open. "Papa, what are you doing here", Juan asks confused. Maybe Max didn't sell us out, hopefully I won't have to kill Max after all. "What are you thinking, bringing your drugs and guns into another families territory", Max asks his son. I look back to see Max brought his army of men with him, all guns trained on Juan and his cronies.

"Back off, all of you, let them up", Max commands. "FATHER, mind your business or you will regret this", Juan says. The men holding guns on us back off, allowing us to stand, I immediately run to Nico, "Nicky, Nicky, dont move, you are hurt really bad."  Max rushes forward, putting his face into his only sons, and not one of his men move to help him, "Juan Miguel Alvarez, you disrespectful little shit, how dare you." Juan actually looks terrified, Max gives off a very intimidating aura, he is a true boss in every sense of the word. 

"I have given you everything, and I was so proud to be able to hand the family over to you, but knowing that you have stooped so low and are nothing but a glorified drug dealer, you can forget it", Max says. "If any of you are loyal to my son, come stand behind him now", Max orders. 4 men stand proudly behind Juan, and he looks indignant at the men who didn't, "traitors, all of you." "They are only traitors to you, not me, their true boss, I am saddened to see this seperation my son, sad that it has come to our men having to choose sides", Max says.

In a matter of seconds he shoots the 4 men standing behind his son, Juan panics and drops to his knees, "Padre please, Papa show mercy to your only son." "You stopped being my son when you chose drugs over your family, Taehyung, I cannot as a father and grandfather kill my own child, once I walk away, you will do what you have too", Max says. Taehyung shakes his hand and then Max orders his men to leave the area and that he will deal with anyone who has betrayed him. 

Juan is still on his knees, "just make it quick, without my family I am nothing and that is torture enough." "Taehyung, call an ambulance", I say still holding Nico. "I will be right back babe, dont move too much the ambulance will be here soon", I whisper to Nico. I stand, pulling my gun from my holster, "Taehyung please tell me I can do this." "It's all yours babe, have at it", he says. I walk over to Juan and squat down so that I am eye level, "we practically grew up in this business together, you, me, Nico and Tae and you chose drugs over all of us, you put a gun to our heads, you beat up Nico like he was nothing to you." 

"Seokjin, I am so sorry, you are right, I am a lost cause", he whispers. I lean closer to him so only he can hear, "I finally have someone in my life that makes me want to walk away, start a family and live a peaceful life, and that you almost took that away from me is the reason I am going to kill you tonight." He starts to sob, "get out while you can Jin, if anyone deserves it, its you, get out and be happy, not always looking over your shoulder." I hear the sirens in the distance, "get up, let's go for a walk." "Taehyung if Nicky wakes up, tell him I will be at the hospital as soon as I can", I say leading Juan away. 

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