Call Me a Sinner

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"Taehyung, we have a problem, the Irish think it was us that killed their men, they are planning retaliation, we need to either prepare for a fight or try to talk to them and convince them it wasn't us", I say. "Fuck, do we know who did it", he asks. I sigh, running my hand thru my hair, "yea I know who did it." "You don't want him involved do you", Tae asks. "Not really", I say. "Let me take care of it, what else is going on", he asks. "The Colombians are trying to push their drugs into our territory, but Ken and I are going to deal with that accordingly, we'll handle the Columbians, you deal with the Irish", I say. He laughs, "deal." 


"So, it's ready to go", I ask. "Yes sir, I even locked it with the passcode you asked for", the salesman says. "Thanks", I grab the bag and head back out to the car. "Let's go, we have a pit stop to make before seeing Jungkook", I tell Ken. "You're sure your guy will be there", Ken asks. "He'll be there, I have a very good informant, and guess what, he is Colombian also, he was approached by one of the family, I told him to take the offer and to have him meet at one of our warehouses", I say. "You are too fucking smart for your own good", Ken laughs. "Handsome and smart, I better watch out, I'm quite a catch", I wink. He shakes his head, "and oh so modest, we are here."

Guns drawn we walk toward the entrance, Ken goes in first and I follow close behind, I see Samuel leaning against the wall next to a man tied to a chair, "hey boss, here he is." Ken keeps his gun out, but I holster mine and shake Sam's hand, he points to the table, "he brought me some samples, they are in the briefcase." "Why am I fucking tied up, let me go or I swear you all will pay", the drug dealer says.

 "You brought your shit into Korean territory and tried to sell it, either you weren't told the rules, or you are a fucking idiot", I say. I open the briefcase and see bags of different powders, pills, and several bags of Marijuana, I look over at the scum in the chair, "why would you ever think that the Brooklyn family would ever sell this shit, the fact that you brought this here is disrespectful to Boss Kim."

"Here you go boss", Ken says, handing me the phone. "Juan, it's Seokjin, I have one of your guys here in my territory, a briefcase full of drugs trying to sell it, did you give him the order to do this", I ask. Juan Alvarez is the second in command of the Colombian family, his father Maximo let's Juan handle a lot of situations, so instead of going to Max with this, I go straight to Juan.

 "I didn't, I haven't given any of my guy's orders to go outside our territory, what's his name", he asks. I look at Sam, "what's his name." "He won't tell me", Sam says. "He's being difficult", I tell Juan. "Take the fuckers picture", he demands angrily. I turn the camera on and aim it at the guy, "say cheese asshole." "Fuck you", he says back, and I snap a pic.

"Seokjin, that guy is a major fuck up and does what he wants, he was removed months ago for insubordination, along with two of his friends, we should have put a bullet in his head back then", Juan says. "With your permission, we can do that for you right now", I say. "Permission granted, sorry you have to deal with this, we will police our people better in the future, give Boss Kim our apologies", he says and hangs up. 

"Well, it seems I have permission to take you out, the Colombians don't want you and neither do we", I say. I pull my gun out and stare at the guy tied to the chair, his eyes are wide, and he knows what's coming, I aim my weapon and pull the trigger, the guy screams, blood splattering on his face as Sam falls to the ground.

"WHAT THE FUCK", the guy yells. "He was one of your friends, I'm not stupid, do you think I was too blind not to see the looks between you two, nice try but your plan failed, and know I will find your other friend and end him too", I push the muzzle to his forehead and pull the trigger. I pick up the briefcase and hand it to Ken, "destroy it and call clean up."


I am sitting at the back of the church again, staring at the gorgeous boy at the front of the church, I catch him trying not to stare at me, and I can't help but to make him blush when he does. After the service, I find Ms. Darby again and slip her a hundred dollars, "same as last week." She smiles at me like she wants to eat me alive, but I only have eyes for my doe eyed beauty. I watch as she approaches Pastor Jeon and asks him to join her for brunch again, I see him agree and I know I will have some time with Jungkook.

After he leaves, I walk back into the church and Jungkook runs into my arms, "I missed you Seokjin, I can't go a whole week without seeing you." "I missed you too sweetheart, you are all I thought of this week", I say taking his hand and leading him to the back of the church. I pull him to me and kiss the breath out of him, grinding my hips against his so he knows what he does to me, "ahh Jin, that feels so good." I grab his ass and grind on him more, God he feels amazing, his ass is spectacular, "I have a birthday gift for you." "You remembered", he says hugging me. "Of course, I did", I hand him the gift.

"Seokjin, seriously", he says with tears in his eyes. "My number is saved, text or call me whenever you can, I know you will need to hide it from your dad so always keep it on silent", I say kissing him again. "I hate being away from you", he says. "I hate it too, Jungkook you are an adult, you know you can leave your house and your father can't say anything", I say. "I know, but I can't leave Yoongi, he just turned 17, I am his only protection from my father's abuse", he says looking down.

I lift his chin and kiss him hungrily, "why does he hurt you." "He says he doesn't want Yoongi and I to be spoiled, also he is angry at Yoongi and blames him for our mothers death", Jungkook says sadly. I hold him tightly, "don't worry sweetheart, I'll take care of you and Yoongi." "You will, but why, you seem to have a very important job, you won't have time for Yoongi and I", he says pouting. I kiss him deeply, "you are important to me, so I will always have time for you." He blushes, "what do you do anyway", he asks. 

The Mafia's Gentleman✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora