Tough Decisions

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Dominic came into the living room, "Jungkook, get ready, Jin needs you." I hop off the couch in a panic, "is he okay." "Yea, Tae just called and told me to bring you to the hospital", he says. "WHAT", I scream and run to my room to get dressed. All the way there I try to text Jin but he isn't answering me, "Dom what is going on, why is Jin in the hospital." "I dont know any details man, I was just told to bring you, that Jin needs you", Dominic says. For 3 hours I force myself to stay calm, but it isn't easy, since Jin hasn't answered me.

When we finally arrive, I follow Dominic to the elevator and it takes us to the 6th floor. In the waiting room I see Tae and Ken, "where is he." They both turn to look at me, "oh good, you are here, he is in with Nico." "Is Jin hurt", I ask getting annoyed knowing Nico is with my boyfriend. "No, it's Nico who was hurt, but I thought Jin would feel better if you were here", Tae says. After he tells me what room they are in, I head to Nico's room. Looking thru the window, I see Nico cupping Jin's cheek, and I see the stars in Jin's eyes, my heart clinches, closing my eyes tightly, I walk back to the waiting room.

"Why did you bring me here, so I could see my boyfriend cheat on me with his ex", I ask angrily. "What are you talking about Kook", Jin asks standing behind me.

2 hours before Jungkook arrives at the hospital.


Leo stays with me while I take care of Juan, a bullet to the back of the head, afterward, his body is delivered to his father for a proper burial.  We then head to the hospital to see Nico. When we arrive, everyone is in the waiting room, "they have him in surgery, his jaw was badly dislocated." Tae stands and hugs me, I hold him to me tightly, needing his support to get through this without falling, "I got you Jinnie, I always got you, I asked Dom to bring Jungkook here, I thought you needed to see him." 

"Thank you, I do need him", I say. An hour later, "Family for Nico Moretti." Tae and I step forward, "that's us, he is our brother." She looks at us skeptically, "adopted." She nods and leads us to his room. He looks so small laying in the bed, I stand by the door, not able to move. 

"What's wrong, you look lost", Nico asks. I run my hands thru my hair, "should you be talking." "I can as long as I dont open my mouth", he says. I laugh, "so now it's like I am talking to the real Godfather." He laughs, patting the bed for me to sit. I need advice." "And you came to me", he asks trying to sit up. I look him in the eyes, "Nicky, I love you, you know that, and what we had back in school was amazing, but I know it wasn't real for you and I am okay with that, but now I can call you my dearest friend and I really need your help." 

He takes my hand, "I am always here for you, Seokjin, what's going on." "Taehyung is my best friend, practically my brother, we grew up together, nobody knows him like I do, but I am madly in love with Jungkook, he is my present and future, I see a life with him, kids, a house, the whole perfect picture", I say dreamily. 

"You want to walk away, don't you", Nico asks. "Jungkook worries about me, way too much, I don't want him to feel that way every time I walk out the door, it's not fair and it's no way to live your life, so yes, I want to walk away, but how do I tell Tae", I ask. "As a friend, you know Tae would understand, you have been nothing but loyal to him, but as a boss, it might be a bit messier, you are his protector, his security, his right hand, my only advice, talk to him and see what he says, he loves you Jin", Nico says cupping my face. 

I hug Nico goodbye, telling him to get some sleep, and head back out to the waiting room where I hear Jungkook say he saw me cheat on him. "What are you talking about Kook", I ask, confused. "Tae said you needed me here, but all I see when I get here is Nico groping you", he says looking very angry.

"Babe, he wasn't groping me, we were just talking, I needed his advice and he helped me figure some stuff out", I say walking up to him. "Figure out that you want to be with him instead of me", he pouts. "Jungkook, that isn't even close to being the truth, let's get out of here so we can talk", I say. I wrap my arms around him and lean close to his ear, "I love only you baby."

"You two go and get some rest, Nico is fine, they gave him more pain meds and he it probably out already", I say clapping Tae on the back. "We'll ride back with Dom, you and Kook take the other car so you can talk in private", Tae says. I open the door for Jungkook to get in, but before he does he pulls me to him and kisses me. I push him against the car and kiss him passionately, "it's only you Kook, I could never be with anyone else."

He finally gets in, and we head back to the safe house, "I asked Nico for his advice about how I walk away from all of this without hurting my best friend." Jungkook looks at me wide eyed for a second, "seriously, you want to quit." "I do, I love you, and I don't like to see you scared every time I walk out the door, wondering if I am coming back dead or alive", I say grabbing his hand.

I see the tears fall down his cheeks, "I can't believe this, what will we do, where will go." "Anywhere you want", I say. "I don't want to be far from everybody, I know that my brother loves Jimin and that Tae is your best friend, so let's stay close enough", Jungkook says smiling. "I have to tell Tae, he doesn't know yet, so when we get back to the safe house, wait for me in our room", I tell him. He nods and grips my hand tighter.

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