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I open my eyes, sitting up quickly, not remembering where I am, looking around, everything starts coming back to me, Jin bringing us here, my dad losing his mind and almost killing Jungkook, me maybe killing my dad. I wonder where Jungkook is, maybe with Jin, my stomach growls, so I get up and stick my head out the door to see if anyone is around. I figure if I search, I'll eventually find the kitchen, so that's what I do, "who are you." I jump at the voice, "oh, hi I'm Yoongi." 

The cute blonde eyes me up and down, his plump lips are mesmerizing, "why are you in my house." "Jin brought my brother and I here", I say. "That's right, you two were at the concert venue, I'm Jimin, Taehyung's brother, were you looking for something", the gorgeous guy asks. "The kitchen, I'm starving", I say blushing. "Come on, I'll take you, I'm hungry too", he says leading me away.


I wake up with arms wrapped around me securely, and I can't help but to let out a happy sigh, I have never felt anything like this before, I scoot closer to him, feeling his warmth. I'm falling in love, and I'm scared because I don't know if I am doing this right, I've never been in love before. I wince as I try to get up, my ass is on fire, but I really have to pee.

 I slide out from Jin's arms and quietly walk to the bathroom so that I don't wake him. After washing up, I go to climb back into bed with him but his phone vibrates on the nightstand, so I take a peak. Tears pool in my eyes, I grab my clothes, dress quickly, and leave, heading back to the other room.


My phone chimes with a text, waking me up, I notice the bed is empty, "Jungkook." When it stays quiet, I get up and get dressed, my phone vibrates again and when I pick it up, I see a couple missed texts from Nico and Ken, "fuck." I head back to my room and find Jungkook curled up on my bed, sobbing. Sitting on the edge of the bed, resting my hand on his back, "baby, look at me." "No", he says.

 I hold back my laugh because he is too adorable, but I don't want to make him mad, "I know you saw my texts." He sits up quickly, tear-stained cheeks and all, "who is Nicky and why is he calling you baby, you just wanted my virginity, and now you are going to leave me, aren't you."

 "Jungkook, that is not true", I say pulling him onto my lap and wrapping my arms around him. "I don't believe you", he pouts. "Jungkook, look at me, what we did was so special to me, I am honored that you gave me something so precious, I will never take you for granted, you are mine for as long as you'll have me", I say resting my forehead on his. "I want you forever" he says hugging my neck. "I hope you mean that, because I want you forever too", I say. 

He pouts again, "who's Nicky." I sigh, moving him off my lap, I kneel between his legs, holding his hands. "Nico Moretti is someone you don't need to worry about, he is insignificant, you are what matters to me now, so no more pouting", I say kissing his nose. His big eyes look at me with worry and longing, "is he someone you have slept with." "Along time ago, stop worrying, we aren't like that anymore, okay,  listen, I need to leave again, I have something to do for Taehyung, I shouldn't be gone too long, come with me and I'll take you to the kitchen and make sure you eat ", I say taking his hand. 

In the kitchen we see Jimin and Yoongi, "you being nice Jimin." He rolls his eyes, "yes, you talk like I am a monster." I scoff and ask, "you aren't." Yoongi giggles and walks over to Jungkook and hugs him, "how are you feeling." "I'm okay, have you eaten", he asks his brother. "Yes, Jimin fed me, I can make you a sandwich", Yoongi says. Jungkook nods, coming over to me and hugging me, "Jimin, can you give us a few minutes alone, then you can show them around some more for me." 

After Jimin leaves the kitchen and Yoongi hands Jungkook his sandwich, I sit across from them at the kitchen island. I reach across and lightly pinch Jungkook's cheek making him blush, "I went to the church on Sunday to see you, but you two and your dad weren't there." They look at each other confused, "dad wasn't there." I shake my head, "I started to worry, so Ken and I searched your house."

I wipe my hand over my face, "we found your father, he was dead." They both gasp and Jungkook starts to shake, I round the island and wrap him in my arms, "what's wrong baby." "We killed him", Jungkook says. "No, I killed him", Yoongi cries. I look at both of them like they are crazy, "neither of you killed him." They both look at me, "what." I kiss Jungkook on the forehead and make him sit back down, "first off, why did you think you killed him." Yoongi hangs his head, "he was beating Jungkook when he found the phone, so I hit him with a bat."

I place my hand on Yoongi's, "you didn't kill him, but I know who did." Looking at Jungkook, the innocence in his eyes is making this hard for me, "I think your father was murdered because of me." Jungkook gets up and stands between my legs, "why would you think that." "Baby, Taehyung is a mob boss, the head of the Korean family actually and I am his second in command, I think the Irish know who you are to me, so they were looking for you, but found your dad instead", I say leaning my head on his shoulder.

"They want to kill me", he asks. "No, they want to take you and hurt you, to send me a message, but you are safe here, you and Yoongi, but you need to listen to me", I say taking his hand. He looks confused, hesitant, "Jungkook, if you don't want to be with me because of who I am and what I do, I can take you and Yoongi to a safe place and never contact you again." His eyes widened, shaking his head, "no I want to be with you, I don't care what you do." 

He wraps his arms around me tighter, "what message are they trying to send to you." "I have hurt a lot of their people babe, they want revenge, and you would be their perfect choice for that", I say kissing the top of his head. "What about our dad", Yoongi asks. "He is at the morgue, he will stay there till you two decide what to do with him, we have friends in the police department, they came and cleaned up the crime scene", I say. Jungkook buries his face in my neck and whispers, "burn him, burn him and throw away the ashes. 

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