Daddy Knows Best

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A few weeks later

I find myself in my room a lot more, so that I can text Jin, when I know my dad isn't home, I'll call him, sometimes he can't talk because he is busy with work, but he always makes sure to answer me and tell me he misses me. Yoongi has the phone right now playing games on it because Seokjin is busy and can't talk, "Kook, do you think Jin would take us away from dad." "He knows that dad hurts us, and he doesn't like it, I see the anger in eyes when he sees bruises on me, would you want to leave here", I ask him curiously.

He shrugs, "Dad's never really shown me any love, so if I left, I wouldn't be missing out on anything." "I don't think Seokjin can be burdened with taking care of us though, and I'd be to afraid to ask him, making him feel obligated", I say. "Do you love him", Yoongi asks. I nod without hesitation, "at least I think it's love."

All of a sudden the door bursts open, coming off the hinge and my father stands there looking at me with fury in his eyes, "who have you been seeing on Sundays, why have I been told you are kissing a man." He storms in and punches me square in the face, I hear a crack and try to roll off the bed away from him, he grabs Yoongi by the throat and thats when he sees the phone.

"What's this", he says pulling it out of Yoongis hand and throwing it on the floor, breaking it into pieces. "My son the gay whore, why do you disrespect me and the Lord, have I not been strict enough on you, have I not beaten the word of God into your head enough times", he let's go of Yoongi and stalks toward me. "Spoiled, that's all you two are, I have spoiled you both", he grabs my hair and thats when I hear a thud and watch as he falls to the ground.

Yoongi is behind him holding a baseball bat, "Jungkook let's go, please before he wakes up, he's going to kill us if we dont." I pick up what's left of the phone and shove it in my back pack along with some clothes and some money I have saved, Yoongi hands me a t-shirt to stop my nose from bleeding and we leave, not looking back. "Where will we go", he asks. "I don't know Jin's number by heart, and the phone is broken so I can't get it", I say. "What about Namjoon's", Yoongi asks. "No, that's the first place dad will look, I don't want Joon getting into the middle of this", I say.

We walk till we reach downtown, I wish there was a way I could get in touch with Jin, "hey look that singer we like is having a special concert tomorrow night." I see Yoongi point to the Marque on the Brooklyn Steele concert venue, "looks like it's special invitation only." "Wow, I bet that would be awesome, look there is a hotel next door, let's get a room and figure out what to do next", Yoongi says.

I mess with the phone, trying to get it to turn on, but I can't get it to work, I throw it in the trash, frustrated, "I am going to shower, then we should try to get some sleep, we have a lot to figure out."


Sunday morning I am sitting in my usual pew at church but I don't see Jungkook or Yoongi hurrying about getting stuff ready, people are still entering and finding seats, no candles are lit and there are no programs on the seats. I get up and walk outside, motioning to Ken to follow me, "something is wrong." We walk into the Jeons house and the smell of blood hits me, I start to panic, "JUNGKOOK." Ken and I split up looking around the house, "Jin over here."

I am standing in Jungkook and Yoongis room looking at the mess, when I hear Ken call me. I walk in and see Ken standing over a body and right away I panic thinking its Jungkook, but when I examine the body, I see it's Pastor Jeon, "did Jungkook and Yoongi do this." "I don't think so boss, look at this", Ken says pointing to the pennies on Pastor Jeons eyes. "The fucking Irish did this, why", I ask. Ken looks at me with a knowing stare, I grab my phone and call Jungkook but it goes straight to voicemail.

I run back into his room and look thru everything, he told me he hides it in here, but I cant find it, he must have it, "Ken make a call, we have too look for him and Yoongi." Before walking out I notice blood on his bedroom floor and a bat with blood on it, "what the fuck happened in here, Jungkook where are you and why haven't you called me." Ken orders our guys to look for Yoongi and Jungkook while we head back to the mansion.

"Seokjin, what is going on, who do have our guys out looking for", Taehyung asks as soon as we walking in. I sigh, rubbing my hand over the back of my neck, "I've been seeing someone and I think he's in trouble, I've got it covered though okay, don't worry about it." "Are you sure, I didn't know you were seeing anyone", he says coming to me and holding my shoulder. "Long story, but I'll explain soon, I need to find him first because I think the Irish are involved", I say. 

"Fucking Irish assholes", he says with a tone in his voice. "Spill it, you aren't telling me something Tae, tell me what you need me to do", I laugh. "Damn you know me to well, I didn't know that you were in the middle of something, but I told Jiah that you would take her to that concert tonight at the Brooklyn Steele, it's for charity and I know she would be safest with you", he says. 

He's my boss and my best friend, I would never say no to him even if the pissed off side of me needs to find Jungkook, I hate not knowing where he is, "of course I'll take her, just send me the info and I'll be here to get here." He hugs me, "Jimin is going too, I'll make sure they are ready, thank you Jin." "You don't have to thank me, you know I will do anything for you", I say.

When we arrive, Jiah and Jimin find their seats, I like that this is a small venue, Ken and I can stand off to the side and still keep an eye on the twins, when its over and they say goodbye to their friends we walk out, Jiah has her arms around my waist thanking me for taking her. "Seokjin", I turn to the voice and see Jungkook standing there next to Yoongi visibly upset. "Oh my god Jungkook", I pull out of Jiah's arms and run toward him but he runs the other way.

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