My Hero

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"Jin", I hear Taehyung call my name. "Almost done, give me a second", I say turning off the water. I wrap a towel around my waist and grab another for my hair, walking out of the bathroom I see him pacing my room, "what's up." "I just got a phone call, the Irish are planning to cause trouble in our territory", he says stopping to look at me.

"Why now, are they really throwing a temper tantrum because of our deal with the Russians", I ask slipping some underwear on. "I think that's exactly why", he says scrubbing his hand over his face. I finish getting dressed and follow Taehyung to his office, "who tipped you off." "One of our informants saw two of them in our territory and followed them, he overheard them making plans, by the time he was able to inform us, he lost track of them", Tae says.

"Let me go look around before we jump to conclusions, I don't need a full-out war waged over what someone thought they heard", I say. I strap on my gun holster and grab the two desert eagle pistols that Taehyung gave me as a gift when I was named his lieutenant. "Take Ken with you, and be careful, watch your back", Taehyung warns giving me a one-armed hug.

On my way out my phone rings, fuck what does he want now, "what Nico." "Oh is that anyway to greet your first love", he teases. "Fuck off, you wish you were my first love", I cut back angrily. "Ouch, you know how to wound a guy baby", he says. "What do you want Nicky", I say getting angry. "The Irish are acting like a bunch of jealous school girls, I heard there was a few in your territory looking to start trouble", he says.

"That's where I am headed now, why are being so helpful, did you forget our families are enemies", I ask. "Seokjin, you will never be my enemy, and I will do everything in my power to protect you", he says without a hint of teasing in his voice. "I don't need your protection Nicky, people need protecting from me now", I say hanging up the phone. I look over at Ken in the driver seat, "let's go down to the warehouses first and look around."


Looking in the mirror at the bruises on my face, I just shake my head, Yoongi and I really need to get the hell out of this house, my father is losing control of himself. "JUNGKOOK", he yells from the kitchen. "Yes sir", I answer. "You need to walk to the bodega, we are out of coffee and sugar and I need it for after the service tonight", he says. I apply cover up to the bruises and grab my shoes, "here is some money, I want the change." "Yes sir", I say walking out the door.

I don't mind walking to the Bodega, it's pretty far but it gets me out of the house and I don't have to worry about Yoongi since he is at school, it's a nice day today, a bit on the chilly side but the breeze feels good. I see the streets getting busier as I get closer to downtown, I love to people watch so I dont even hear the screeching tires and people yelling until I feel myself being tackled and thrown to the ground. My eyes are shut so tight that they hurt, but I open them quickly when I hear a voice, "are you okay, fuck that was close."

I look up at the man who is holding the back of my head, his other arm wrapped around my waist and my breath catches in my throat, I swallow hard as he looks at me with such intensity.  This man is gorgeous and I am struck dumb, not being able to speak, "let's get you up so I can check you for any injuries." We stand and he looks me over, "are you okay, do you feel pain anywhere." I shake my head, not being able to take my eyes off of him.

He chuckles, "can you talk." "Oh ah yea, sorry I'm just confused, what happened", I ask. "A car was coming right at you, I pushed you out of the way", he says. I flush red when I notice this gorgeous man's eyes roaming over my body and it seems he likes what he sees. "Stay here, don't move", he says running toward the wrecked car. The two men in the front seat look dead, I find myself walking closer to get a better look, I want to see them, suddenly I feel an arm around my waist and I am being dragged back, "but I wanted to see." The gorgeous man chuckles, "you don't need to see that, stay put."

I try to hide my smile because he is so cute, he doesn't even know me and he is trying to protect me, I watch him as he talks with the a huge guy dressed in an expensive suit like his, he then answers his phone and while talking he looks over at me, before hanging up he winks at me and it makes my stomach do a flip. "Let me drive you home, with everything that happened today I feel better knowing you made it home safe", he says. 

"I can't, I have to go to the bodega first or my dad will", I stopped talking and I notice him look at me. He raises his hand ever so slowly and rubs his thumb over a bruised on my face, "or he'll do this." I see anger burn in his eyes, but I am ashamed and look at the ground, "I have too pick up a couple things." "Come on, I'll go with you", he says.

He pays for the coffee and sugar, he also buys gummies for Yoongi and I, we are in his huge SUV and I can't believe how beautiful it is inside, the muscular guy in the suit is driving and Jin is in the back with me, "this is quite a far walk." "I don't mind, it gets me out of the house, I feel trapped a lot between home and church", I say. "Church", he asks. "My dad is the neighborhood pastor", I say.

 "May I know your name", he asks so politely. "Jungkook, what's yours", I ask back. "Seokjin", he says. "That's very beautiful", I say. "Thank you, so is yours, how old are you", he takes a cigarette out of his pocket and lights it. I wrinkle my nose and he laughs, "what." "Those are gross, they will wrinkle your skin and make you smell", I say. He tosses it out the window, "so how old are you." "I'll be 20 in a few weeks", I say. 

"Well I'd like to pay you back for your clothes I ruined tackling you to the ground, can I have your cell number and we can meet up so I can make good on it", he asks. I lower my head, "I don't have a cell phone", I say embarrassed. "You don't", he asks. "No phone, no computer, no video games, not even a TV", I pout. "We are here boss", the man says from the front seat. I am so embarrassed that I jump out of the car and run into my house, where my father has a lot of questions.

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