We need Allies

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A/N The Petrov Brothers. Dmitri, Viktor, Alexi and Leonid


I kiss Jungkook's forehead before leaving, Tae and Ken are waiting for me by the front door. Ken hands me a cup of coffee, "let's go, Dmitri is waiting." Walking into the big Russians house is very intimidating, it makes Taehyung's mansion look like a shack, then again the Russian boss and his brothers stand almost 7 feet tall, so he needs a lot of space. Dmitri has 3 brothers, all younger, each has a certain set of skills that are very impressive, that is why Taehyung is such a smart boss, he knows who to keep in his corner.

"Comrade, Privyet", Dmitri says hugging Taehyung in a bear hug. Tae grunts, "Ya ne mogu dyshat, Droog." Dmitri laughs and releases Tae, then he makes his way toward me, and I brace myself, but hear him purr in my ear, "Krasivyy." "Privyet Dmitri", I say as my feet come off the floor and he buries his nose into my neck, I feel his huge cock against my thigh and I swallow hard, if there is one thing these Russian boys aren't lacking in its that."Let's go sit and talk, I feel we have much to discuss", Dmitri says setting me down. Nico is already in the room, and when he sees me, he stands and hugs me, "hey Nicky."

We talk for hours, and I never would have guessed that Russian food was so good, but we finally came up with a plan to neutralize Juan Alvarez and his gang of thugs. "I am glad you came to me Taehyung, little Alvarez has been a thorn in my side for far to long", Dmitri says. The door opens to the room and three huge men walk in, Dmitri's brothers, "Brat'ya." Leonidas the youngest and the handsomest brother of the four, is their IT guy, he can hack into any system and can manipulate any type of electronic device.

He once hacked into the Chinese Consulate to get his brother Alexi released from being held there under suspension of espionage. Viktor is their protector, their fighter, he's not only the world's top MMA fighter but he is a Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and Silat master. Alexi, also known as ghost, he is a weapons expert, his 8 years in the Russian military not only taught him about various weapons but it also taught him how to "disappear." For being such a big guy, he can blend into any background and get lost, and of course they are all drop dead gorgeous.

"Hey Seokjin, how are you gorgeous, you ready to give a Russian a chance to show you that we can be soft and cuddly too", Leo says winking at me. I smile and roll my eyes, "our Seokjin here is in love, stop teasing him, Leo." I glare at Taehyung who just smiles and turns back to Dmitri, "so we have a plan in place, let's meet tomorrow night, we'll get Juan and his guys there." The brothers walk us to the front door, saying our goodbyes, "Dos Vidaniya Comrades."


Lying in bed with Jungkook that night, my arms wrapped around him securely, I am about to doze off when he speaks, "I'm afraid for you, I know you have been doing this a long time, but that was before you had me, am I being selfish when I say that I want you all to myself." "Not at all, I have never had anyone tell me that I am that important to them", I say. Jungkook sits up and looks me straight in the eye, "Seokjin, you are everything to me, without you, there is no me." He leans over and kisses me, straddling me as he does, "I love you so much Jin, make love to me."


We spend the next day going over our plans, as we sit at the table I can't help but to watch Jungkook out the window. He, Yoongi, and Jimin are fishing with Dominic down on the pier and they are all laughing, he looks so innocent, I want him to always look like that. "Jin your phone is ringing", I hear Ken say. I snap out of it and answer my phone, "what's up Nicky."

"Maximo is starting to have second thoughts", he says. "Fuck, thanks I'll call you back", I say hanging up. I notice Jungkook and everybody walking back toward the house, "I need to make a phone call, tell Kook I'll be right back." I walk out the front door and down the driveway out of sight of the house, I don't want Jungkook to hear any of this.

I dial Max's number, "what's the problem old man, I thought we were on the same page." "He's my only son Seokjin, you have to understand", Max says. "The only thing I understand Max is that your son is a pain in the ass to everyone in the five Boroughs and if I dont take him out, someone else will, you can't control him anymore, he's rogue which means he will take you out so he can take over", I remind him. He sighs deeply, "he's already tried." "What, and you didn't tell us", I ask angrily.

After telling Tae and Ken everything Max and I talked about, we pack up our gear, "Seokjin, please be careful, I have a bad feeling." I wrap my arms around Jungkook, kissing his forehead, "only positive thoughts, baby."


That night we head back over to the Russians to prepare, our intel tells us that Juan and his cronies will be at the docks to collect a shipment of cocaine, and we will be there to make sure they don't receive it. Nico comes into the room and shuts the door, wrapping his arms around me, "whatever happens tonight, you keep yourself safe, not just for Jungkook, but for me too."

I can't help but smile, "Nico, next to Taehyung, you are my oldest and dearest friend, we will all keep each other safe, not matter what." He rests his forehead against mine, "if I could go back, I wouldn't be so stupid the second time around." I kiss his nose, "I am glad we are still friends Nicky, I'll always want you in my life." "Don't let Kook see that, he will have Nico strung up by the balls", Taehyung says walking into the room. "Whatever, we aren't doing anything", I say. 

"Are you all ready to go, vests on, locked and loaded", Dmitri asks. Damn, all of the brothers dressed in their gear is mouth watering, talk about badassery at its finest, "Prodolzhay smotret', i ya trakhnu tebya do bessmyslennosti, Krasivyy", Leo says walking into my space. I have never blushed before in my life until now, his scent is the manliest thing I have ever smelled, "Perestan' draznit' yego, brat." We both look over at Alexi and Leo laughs, "but it's so much fun." "Poshli, nam nuzhno ubit' lasku", Dmitri says.

A/N Russian Translations (Its googles fault in case its wrong lol):

Comrade, Privyet - Hello Mate

Ya ne mogu dyshat, Droog - I cannot breathe, Friend

Krasivyy - Beautiful

Brat'ya - Brothers

Dos Vidaniya, Comrades - Goodbye Mates

Prodolzhay smotret', i ya trakhnu tebya do bessmyslennosti, Krasivyy - Keep watching and I'll fuck you senseless, Beautiful

Perestan' draznit' yego, brat - Stop teasing him, Brother

Poshli, nam nuzhno ubit' lasku - Let's go, we need to kill a weasel

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