Knowing his Place

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I watch Jin's face as he reads a text, "what's wrong." He scrubs his hand over his face, "Nico is downstairs." I stand, "why is he here Seokjin." "I need his help baby, get dressed, you are going down with me", he says standing up and grabbing his clothes.

He holds my hand as we walk downstairs, and I hear voices, I cant help but wonder what this guy is like, this is a person Jin has had sex with, and I hate it. We walk into a huge office and I see Taehyung sitting at a big wooden desk, "Seokjin, Nico says he needs to talk to you." A gorgeous dark haired guy stands when he sees Jin and starts to walk toward him, but Jin stops him before he touches him. The man looks like someone killed his puppy, hurt etched on his face, "Nicky, this is my boyfriend Jungkook, babe this is my friend Nico."

"Boyfriend, since when", the gorgeous guy asks. "Don't worry about it Nicky, I need your help, that's why I texted you, are you willing to help me or not", Jin asks sternly. I notice the asshole eye me up and down like I am the enemy, but I eye him right back, because I know he's the enemy, "yea anything for you Seokjin, you know that." His smug smile appears as he sits on the couch and waits for Jin too talk, he turns to me, holding my waist, "do you want to stay or wait for me in the kitchen."

"I'll stay", I saying glaring at the man on the couch. He takes my hand and leads me to the couch on the other side of the office, then sits next to me, holding my hand. "We found out that the Irish family is using Korean territory to sell their drugs and hide their weapons", he says. "We confronted Aaron Kelly and he admitted it, needless to say he is telling daddy dearest to stop his bullshit or Aaron's daughter wont see her high school graduation", Tae says. I shudder at Tae's words, and Jin must feel it because moves hand to my thigh, squeezing slightly.

"Fucking hell, what do you want from me", asshole asks. Jin sighs, "the Kelly's threatened a man into hiding their smuggled guns, they took his daughter and are holding her until all the guns arrive." "He is willing to talk and tell us where all the other drop sights are, but not until we secure his daughter and get his family out of New York", Taehyung says. "You are the best at finding people Nicky, and you know it, can you locate her whereabouts so that we can get her to safety", Jin asks. The smile that appears on his face at Jin's words, makes me want to puke. 


"You know I will do anything for you Jinnie, lets talk about this over dinner", Nico says flirtatiously. I roll my eyes and am startled when Jungkook stands up quickly, walking over to Nico, I am up and behind him in a second, wrapping my arms around his waist. "Jin will not be having dinner with you, he will not be doing anything with you anymore, he is mine now, so back off", he says pointing his finger at Nico. I pull him to me and hug him, laughing, "you little sassy thing you." I hear Nico laughing, "you got yourself a little spitfire there Seokjin, I am impressed, if he was anyone else he'd be dead already."

"Jungkook knows who I belong too, and he isn't afraid to let everyone know it", I say holding him close to my side. Nico stares at me for a moment, I can see the conflict in his eyes, he then looks at Jungkook, "I love him, I always have, I was just to stupid to tell him, but I can see that he is in love with you, and I hate it, but just know that if you break his heart, I will break you." "Will never happen", Jungkook says without hesitation. My chest swells and I wrap my arms around him and kiss him, "Ill be back so that we can plan our next move."

I walk with Jungkook to the kitchen, "baby, I need  to talk with Nico, Tae, and Ken, are you okay hanging out with Jimin and Yoongi till I am done." "They went out, Ill be okay babe, Ill be in the media room", he says making a sandwich. I laugh and wrap my arms around his waist, "I thought it was super hot the way you stood up to Nico." He turns in my arms, "oh yea, well watching you work is super hot, I thought it would bother me knowing what you do, but it doesn't, it makes me want you more." I kiss him, "we wont be long, then I will take you out tonight."

Back in Taehyung's office, Ken has arrived and they are all waiting on me, "so tell me your plan Seokjin." "Once you find the girl, we will go in after her, neutralize whoever is with her, leaving one alive to answer to the boss, once we have all the drop sites, we ship the family back to Korea and the Irish wont know what hit them", I say. "I like it, I think it can work", Ken says. "Nicky, the Italians know the Irish territory better than any of the families, and you have some of the best hackers, Ill get you the phone the pictures and video's were sent too, maybe they can get a hit off of those", I say.

"Okay, get me the phone and I will find her", he says standing. He holds his hand out to me and I take it, he pulls me to another part of the office away from Ken and Tae, his eyes are so beautiful and they tell me everything he is feeling. "Are you happy, with him I mean", he asks playing with my fingers. "Nicky, Jungkook is a breath of fresh air for me, he isn't this", I say waving my hand at our surroundings. "He's a distraction, you know that you and I together could be unstoppable", he leans in closer. "He is my normal Nico, I don't want to do this for the rest of my life, one day I want a husband and a family, Jungkook is that for me", I tell him stepping back. 

"Will he be okay with us being friends", he asks. "I think so, if you behave yourself", I say laughing. A knock on the door pulls my attention away, Ken opens the door and one of Tae's men hands him a cell phone, "here you go Nico." He leans in and kisses my cheek, "Ill get on this asap and get back to you." I hug him and watch as he walks out the door. 

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