Keeping him Safe

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I can't believe him, is this what he does when he's away from me, "Jungkook, please." I feel his arms around my waist pulling me to him, I try to fight him but I know that I can't, "leave me alone, go back to your girlfriend." "Baby, she isn't my girlfriend", he turns me in his arms so that I am facing him. "Then who is she", I cry. 

"My boss's sister, he wanted her to have protection at the concert, so he asked me, Jungkook what happened, we have been looking for you and Yoongi everywhere", he asks. I break down again and throw my arms around him, he holds me, rubbing my hair and consoling me, "let's go, we need to talk, and I have to get you somewhere safe."


I send Jimin and Jiah back with Ken, while I call for another driver to come get Yoongi, Jungkook and I, the whole ride he has his head buried in my neck. I console them both, they were both visibly upset and it's killing me wondering what happened, "we are here, lets go inside." I take them to my bedroom, holding Jungkook's cheeks, I make him look at me, "you and Yoongi take showers, there is clothes in my closet, put on whatever you want, I'll be back." He nods, "Yoongi, you go first."

I walk into Tae's office, "there you are, what the fuck is going on." "I brought Jungkook and his brother here, I think they might be in danger, I haven't talked to them yet about what happened, but I will", I say leaning forward resting my elbows on my knees. "Why do you think they are in danger", Tae asks. "The Irish killed their father, I think they were looking for Jungkook and found the preacher instead, they must know he is mine, so yes he is in danger", I say scrubbing my face with my hand. 

Just then Tae's phone rings, he answer it putting it on speaker, "what's up." "We just saw some Kelly boys drive into your territory", Nico says. "Nicky, back off, tell your people to leave them, I want them alive so that I can question them and find out what it is Boss Kelly wants, thanks for letting us know", I say standing and walking out.

I knock on my bedroom door and when I hear a faint come in, I open it to see Jungkook and Yoongi sitting on the bed. Jungkook is off the bed in seconds and in my arms, I hold him tightly to me, "you are safe here baby, I want you to meet someone." He pulls back from me a fraction of an inch, just enough to look at Taehyung, but doesn't let me go, "hi Jungkook, I am Jin's boss and best friend Taehyung, I want you to know you and your brother are safe here." "Thank you", he says quietly. I walk back over to the bed, "you two stay put, watch TV and I will have food brought to you, Tae and I need to do something but will be back shortly."

Jungkook tries to protest but I stop him by kissing him, "I won't be long baby, I promise, I'll come get you as soon as I can." He nods sadly, but gets back up on the bed with Yoongi, "good boy." Tae and I walk out, "he's so innocent." "I know, that's one reason I like him", I say. We grab Ken and head out to find the Irish, "been awhile since you have joined us boss, feels like old times." "Feels good to get out of the office once and awhile, and when I have my two best men with me, I never have to worry", he says proudly.

"Seokjin, why is Nico all up in the Koreans business", Taehyung asks. "He would tell you it's to protect me, but I think that is bullshit, I haven't figured it out yet but I am keeping my guard up with him", I say. We spot the car we are looking for outside a famous Korean restaurant, getting out of the car, our guns drawn we walk inside. Woo the owner, is standing behind the counter, and we see him guide us with his eyes where the Irish went, I nod and we slowly make our way to where the kitchen is located.

We hear someone being beaten and questioned, "fer fuck sake ya toole, just tell us where the fuckin guns are, we know you yer hidin 'em 'ere." I look at Taehyung, wondering what guns the Irish are looking for, "I swear I don't know what guns, but I am not the cook here, I am just filling in." One of them cocked his gun and pressed it against the guys forehead, "I think this where I intervene." I walk in with my gun pointed, "let him go and put the weapons down, now." 

"Fuckin 'ell it's Boss Kim and his hired thugs, you got some bullocks on ya to come messin in our business", Aaron Kelly says. "Aaron, last time I checked you are standing in Korean territory, now set the guns down and kick them over here", I say more authoritatively. "Yer an arsehole Kim, and a dumb one at that", Aaron laughs as three try to turn and run. I fire my weapon shooting one of them in the back, Ken shoots the other in the back of the leg making him fall to the ground. 

Aaron stops and turns dropping his weapon, "why did you make me do that, I didn't want to hurt anyone, Taehyung just wants answers." "Fuck you, I ain't answering shit", Aaron says. "We'll see about that, put him the trunk, I'll have one of our guys drop these two off back in their own territory with a message", Taehyung says patting my shoulder.

We head to the warehouse where we do all our interrogations, Ken puts Aaron in the chair and zip ties him tightly, "dat's too fuckin tight ya ejit." Ken smirks and walks away standing guard at the door while Tae and I circle Aaron, "I ain't sayin shite." "That's okay, the longer you take, the longer you sit here, giving us time to gather leverage", Tae says. 

Aaron eyes him, "what does dat mean." "Boss", Ken says coming over to him and handing him a phone. "Ah look at that", Tae says showing the phone to Aaron. On the screen one of our men is holding a gun to Aaron's oldest daughter's head, "YOU FUCKIN BASTARDS, LET HER GO." "Then tell us what we want to know Aaron, what guns are you looking for and who is betraying me", Taehyung asks.

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