The Preachers Son

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"Son, did you set the programs out for today's service", my father asks. "Yes sir", I say tying my tie in the mirror. "Good boy", he says. My father is the neighborhood pastor, my brother and I help him every Sunday get ready for services, he tries hard to be a good dad but he is strict, he believes if you spare the rod, you spoil the child, and believe me he has no problem punishing us if he feels we deserve it.

My mother died in childbirth, giving birth to Yoongi was to much for her frail body and it gave out, my father doesn't hold anger toward God for taking her but toward Yoongi. "Kookie, can you tie this for me", he asks, coming into our room. I stand in front of him and wrap the tie around his neck, he is such a beauty, he looks just like our mother, from his gummy smile to his beautiful brown eyes.

We are three years apart and closer than two brothers can be, I try to protect Yoongi from my father and give him the love and attention that my father refuses to. "There you go, so handsome", I say ruffling his hair. He blushes and pushes my hand away, "stop it, you will mess my hair." "Oh, worried about your hair, whos the lucky person", I tease. He smiles and lowers his voice, "I think Sara likes me, she keeps smiling at me and sitting next to me in school."

He notices my smile drop, "I know Jungkook, he wont find out, I promise." I nod and hug him, "it wont always be like this Yoongi, I will see to that." "I trust you Jungkook, I'm okay as long as we are together", he says. I turn 20 in 2 months, Yoongi just turned 17 and will graduate high school in the spring, we want to get out from under our fathers roof, from under his rules. 

He doesn't allow dating, he doesn't allow us to go outside after dark, and he doesnt allow us to have any electronics, I just want Yoongi to have a normal childhood, to grow up knowing what dating is like and how to take a selfie. The biggest problem that either of us have is that we are both bisexual, if our over religious father found that out, we would never see the outside world again, I fell for a boy in high school and he liked me too, but we were caught behind the school kissing and when the teacher told my dad he took my punishment to the extreme.


My brother and I serve as altar boys and readers at my fathers services, he refuses to allow anyone else the chance to do it, it's his way of keeping us on a short leash. Jungkook and I dont have a life, we dont know how to have fun, calling us sheltered would be an understatement. Jungkook is almost 20 years old and has never had a boyfriend or girlfriend, he's never been on a date, and the one time he kissed somebody, he was punished for two weeks straight.

"Yoongi", I turn to see Sara walking toward me. "Hi, you look really pretty today", I say shyly. "Thank you Yoongi, you also look very handsome, I wanted to ask you if you are going to the homecoming dance", she asks. "I don't know, I didn't give it much thought", I say. I notice her look at me with a shy smile and know right away what she wants, "would you like to go with me."

I run into our bedroom and shut the door, Jungkook is getting changed after church, "Kookie, I need your help, I did something stupid", I say out of breath. "What happened", he says worriedly. "I asked a girl to homecoming without thinking, dad will never allow it, but I really want to go", I plead. "Sara", he asks. I nod excitedly, "what am I going to do." "Don't worry, we will figure it out, I'll help you", he says.

The night of the dance Jungkook helps me get ready, our father is teaching a Bible study class, I told him I had a test to study for and that Kook was going to cook us dinner. after he leaves we stuff pillows under my blanket on my bed and shut my door, Kook will tell my dad that I am not feeling well and went to bed early. He asks his friend Namjoon if he would drive me to get Sara and then to the dance, and he agreed, my brother is amazing, he made sure everything was covered.

I only stayed a couple hours, we danced and had so much fun, now I have to be quiet getting into the house, my father goes to his room right after dinner so he shouldn't hear me come home, but when I open the door I am greeted with a horrible sight. "There he is, finally decided to come home", my father says angrily. I see Jungkook on the floor and I run to him, "Kook, oh my god, I am so sorry."

My dad pulls me up by my suit jacket, "out with some whore, and this sinner helped you do it, now look at him." "Dad please, I just went to a dance at school, that's it, I swear", I cry. He throws me to the ground and hits Jungkook again with the wooden ruler, "you are turning your brother into a heathen like you." He hits him again, then turns to me and points the ruler at me, "guilt will kill you in the end, he got the beating while you were out being a sinner, live with that heathen."

He walks out of the room, and I run to Jungkook, "I'm so sorry." "Don't worry about me Yoon", he says trying to stand. His face is bloody and his knuckles are cut open where my father hits him with the Bible, "did you have fun." I nod, a sob escaping my throat, "stop Yoon, that's all that matters." I take him to our room and grab the first aid kit, "sit, let me get a washcloth." I sit next to him and clean his wounds, " tell me how it was, don't leave anything out."

I tell him everything, from what she wore and the songs we danced too and how she let me kiss her at her door. He smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes and I can see the sadness, "Jungkook, you are an amazing person, you will find your person one day, they are going to love you, and they will know they are the luckiest person on earth."

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